Why have so few members joined our live TCS Skypecasts and chats?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 19, 2007
Arizona (PM me if you are from AZ too)
Ok. Well, I'm not going to write a list of excuses of why I wasn't there
But here's my input on this:

1. The chats need to change time/day sometimes so that way everyone has a chance to join in. Even though I don't see this as an issue, I know some people do! It should vary from weekends, weeknights, mornings, etc.

2. People don't want to download skypecast just to go to this chat. If it was a program everyone already has on their computer- then ya I'm sure more people would be interested.

3. The topics need to change every time. I don't know if that's what your doing now... but it should change to draw different people in. Some people are on TCS for just kitten/pregnant care. Some people are just on here for conversation. Some people are on here for help with lost pets, or strays that they have found. Everyone's on here for different reasons. For Example: And if the topic is "Kitten Care" Not everyone will be interested.

4. You need to get the word out more- tell everyone you know! Some people don't come on here every day to know what's going on.. Maybe have people sign up for a newsletter for this and then just send them a newsletter to their pm box like a week or two before the actual chat. This way they know about it and it's not like your emailing EVERYONE on here, just the people that sign up for it!

5. Maybe there should be a poll on A. the topic B. the time and day C. who's interested And then we can see what people think about it

**I really think that after more people find out about this... more people will attend It's just everyones so busy, and after they realize what this is.. maybe they will join **


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2006
I work alot of weekends but on the days that I can I plan to join in. You just gotta bare with me and I have to get me a mic.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
From listening to the broadcasts, I like having the topic take about half the time with maybe a "Meet a Member" or "Say Hello" type thing for the remainder. Like When we got to hear our Ryan.


trouts mom

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
I have no good reason
I have skype, and I do use it and it is a fabulous program (not at all a pain to install, and I am a computer dumdum)..but I am just busy on the weekend, especially when its nice out...

I have been trying to get that Neet girl to install Skype, and she won't
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Thread starter
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Originally Posted by fwan

I don't have a good excuse i haven't been home.

But if you want to add me here is my user name Fwancesca.

I just downloaded it right this second for any of you who would like to talk to me at the odd times I'm online!

I've added you, Fran.

Originally Posted by sarahp

To those running it - maybe you need a post advertising it, and make it very clear in the title that "No mic or speakers needed". Those who think you HAVE to have those to join in probably don't even bother. Obviously it's a much better experience if you can at least hear what people are saying, but it won't ruin it if you can only type.
That was actually one of the purposes of starting this thread, i.e., to let people know that there's a live chat running parallel to the Skypecast, so that those who have no headset, are hearing-impaired, or have a computer that they can't run Skypecasts on can join in anyway.

Originally Posted by mybabyphx

Ok. Well, I'm not going to write a list of excuses of why I wasn't there
But here's my input on this:

1. The chats need to change time/day sometimes so that way everyone has a chance to join in. Even though I don't see this as an issue, I know some people do! It should vary from weekends, weeknights, mornings, etc. Thus far, we've had two Skypecasts, the first on a Saturday morning, and the second at noon ESDT on a Sunday, and the topics and interviewees were different. Have you listened to the recordings? Some variation is possible, of course, but within reason, as we can't expect our hostess, Gaye, who lives on the East Coast of the U.S., to start "skypecasting" at 2 a.m..

2. People don't want to download skypecast just to go to this chat. If it was a program everyone already has on their computer- then ya I'm sure more people would be interested. It's a small program, as Anne has pointed out, and freeware, and people can also use it to talk to other TCS members, or to make free long-distance calls to friends or family members. I use it to talk to other mods/members, to my nieces and nephews in the U.S., and to a friend's son who is stationed in Afghanistan, and has better luck reaching me than his parents sometimes because of the time zone differences.

3. The topics need to change every time. I don't know if that's what your doing now... but it should change to draw different people in. Some people are on TCS for just kitten/pregnant care. Some people are just on here for conversation. Some people are on here for help with lost pets, or strays that they have found. Everyone's on here for different reasons. For Example: And if the topic is "Kitten Care" Not everyone will be interested.See my reply to point #1.

4. You need to get the word out more- tell everyone you know! Some people don't come on here every day to know what's going on.. Maybe have people sign up for a newsletter for this and then just send them a newsletter to their pm box like a week or two before the actual chat. This way they know about it and it's not like your emailing EVERYONE on here, just the people that sign up for it! That's a good idea - it could be listed in Kitty Bytes, for example, or a separate notice could be sent to recipients thereof.

5. Maybe there should be a poll on A. the topic B. the time and day C. who's interested And then we can see what people think about it
Again, another purpose of this thread - to get some suggestions.

**I really think that after more people find out about this... more people will attend It's just everyones so busy, and after they realize what this is.. maybe they will join **
I really hope so. It makes a big difference when you can hear somebody's voice, their inflections, etc..

Just a little note to those who are afraid they won't be able to deal with the "technology": I'm a computer dummy. PCs were just becoming available to the select few when I graduated from college, and to date, I've had one "computer science" course: a BASIC programming course at a community college over 20 years ago. If I can manage to use Skype, anybody can!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 26, 2006
I am online more during the week than weekend. I spend my weekends with DH or running to/from the computer. I have listened to the recordings and it is a nice idea, althought I get confused with people are introduced with their real names without mention of their username here.
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Thread starter
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Originally Posted by Crazyforinfo

I am online more during the week than weekend. I spend my weekends with DH or running to/from the computer. I have listened to the recordings and it is a nice idea, although I get confused with people are introduced with their real names without mention of their username here.
That's a problem with the recordings. During the first Skypecast/live chat, participants like icklemiss/Eithne and AbbysMom/Karen altered their Skype profiles to show their usernames and actual first names, and most participants followed suit, which makes it much easier to know who's talking/posting. Gaye(F) did introduce most of those talking by their first and usernames, but it's difficult to keep track. Ryan is Hydroaxe, Tania is Kumbulu, Fran is rapunzel47, and I'm Tricia/jcat (the one with the German cat who only understands English, beats up on neighbors' cats, and destroys headsets when he's in a snit.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2006
The North Pole!
I've joined in on both - although just in the chat room. Have bought a headset and done the Skype voice test, so am set for the next one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 26, 2006
Originally Posted by jcat

That's a problem with the recordings. During the first Skypecast/live chat, participants like icklemiss/Eithne and AbbysMom/Karen altered their Skype profiles to show their usernames and actual first names, and most participants followed suit, which makes it much easier to know who's talking/posting. Gaye(F) did introduce most of those talking by their first and usernames, but it's difficult to keep track. Ryan is Hydroaxe, Tania is Kumbulu, Fran is rapunzel47, and I'm Tricia/jcat (the one with the German cat who only understands English, beats up on neighbors' cats, and destroys headsets when he's in a snit.)
That really helps! Thanks. I couldn't figure out who Tania and Fran were


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
Originally Posted by fwan

How do i see if someone has added me??
When they click accept do you not get a reply back?.

Have you sent me yours Fran so it's there for when i get home to accept?
Hang on i've just thought?. You havent got my skype address?, or have you?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Originally Posted by Rosiemac

When they click accept do you not get a reply back?.

Have you sent me yours Fran so it's there for when i get home to accept?
Hang on i've just thought?. You havent got my skype address?, or have you?
I looked you up and i found you then i added you! So.. yes you should have something waiting for you when you get home!

but the thing is, tricia told me she added me but i got no msg, so i added her and now ive had no reply eh... how odd!
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Thread starter
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Originally Posted by LokisMum

I've joined in on both - although just in the chat room. Have bought a headset and done the Skype voice test, so am set for the next one.
Great, Colleen!

Originally Posted by theimp98

lol i am easy to find if you want, theimp98
But not everybody knows your first name is Bruce, so you might want to add that to your Skype profile, unless you prefer whatshisname, "the guy who lived in Indonesia", etc..

Originally Posted by arie85

I'm so sorry I didn't make it but just a suggestion you could send an email with invitation so everybody would know.
I'm not sure of the "logistics" involved, so you might have to keep an eye on the Cat Lounge for dates and times.

Originally Posted by fwan

I looked you up and i found you then i added you! So.. yes you should have something waiting for you when you get home!

but the thing is, tricia told me she added me but i got no msg, so i added her and now ive had no reply eh... how odd!
I haven't gotten any message, Fran, but you're now in my contact list as "Francesca B", so it worked.
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Thread starter
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I got some Skype messages from TCS members following both Skypecasts, asking to be added to my list. I clicked "yes", and they were added, but I received no further messages from Skype, so confirmations apparently aren't a big item.