Why does my sister's cat hate me soooo much??????


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2016
I know this is kinda long but I am terrified of this cat now!!!! PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND MY SISTER'S CAT!!!!! 

I recently started staying with my sister like 3 days ago and she has two cats; Tiger and Stripes. Both males.  One is just completely awful and mean to me and the other is the sweetest thing. Never leaves my side when I'm there and sleeps with me and is just awesome. 

My sister has had tiger for probably a year or two years now. Well tiger hasn't really bothered me before up until about a couple of months ago out of nowhere. I went over to my sisters and I noticed tiger was walking around me funny watching everything i do but i didn't really pay attention until he hid under the table and i walked by and he attacked me, scratched and bit my leg. 

Then the next time I went over, again, he was creeping around me walking slow and wouldn't take his eyes off me then my sister goes to give her kids a bath and I sat on the sofa and was watching tv and tiger comes by me and meows really loud. It almost sounded like a baby cry or something i looked at him and he went under the coffee table still looking at me still creeping. I pet him and he just sits there then he meows really loud again and the BAM! he hissed at me and clawed and bit me again!!!

After that it was even worse I went over to do my laundry at her place and he didn't even wait to attack me. I was barely in the door and my sister got him right before he got me and she put him in the basement. 

Now I'm staying with her and I was thinking maybe he would warm up to me...NOPE. If I'm in my room he will sit there and meow at my door and wait for me to come out or if he's outside he'll come to my window and scratch on it and meow. But If he goes outside and I'm there he won't come back into the house if I'm there. 

My sister has picked him up and brought him over to me so I could pet him so he could warm up to me and he meowed and put his ears back and tail between his legs. I don't even know how to get him to warm up to me. Stripes loves me and always sleeps with me and always tries to get closer to me and never leaves my side when I' there. 

And he doesn't act this bad towards anyone else. Just me. He goes after other peoples feet once in awhile and doesn't like to be messed with but most people he only scratches them if they try to mess with him.  Like I said this just happened recently. There's a couple times I've babysat my nephews and her house and stayed the night and Tiger never EVER bothered me and even slept next to me. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 9, 2016
I would just ignore him, don't try to approach him. Cats can see direct eye contact as aggression so try not to look at him too much.

After a little time, he may come to you, once he has got used to you

Try not to take it personally, it's just his way of sussing you out and trusting you.

Good luck
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2016
I do ignore him. He doesn't care he comes up and attacks me anyway and he's only gotten worse with me and he's not backing off

catkind author

TCS Member
Mar 17, 2016
He does not hate you. He sees how cuddly his brother is with you, and he may be jealous of his "brother's" ability to get close to you, where he is awkward and shy. He is unsure as to how to go about being your friend.

Try these first steps to meet him on his level:

1. Do NOT wear perfume, bath oil, deodorant - Cats have highly developed sense of smell: more so than dogs! He may be sensitive to whatever cologne, etc., you are wearing. That in itself may be keeping him at a distance.

2. When the house is quiet, put on long sweatpants &  heavy socks + a long sleeved shirt - to protect your feet, skin, from accidental paw-swipes. No shoes.

3. Instead of sitting "above" him, on the couch, try putting the sofa cushions, or a big padded quilt with lots of pillows, on the floor. Hang out and read a book, or watch TV w/the volume v-e-r-y soft.

4. Do not make eye contact with him; but become aware that, very soon, he will become curious as to how you have become a "Cat Mommy" lying on the floor, at his level!

5. In time, he may approach the blanket to be near you; then he will gradually come closer, reaching out a gentle paw. He may stretch out alongside you and begin purring. Croon his name, so softly; sing him a gentle tune, "Who's a sweet boy?" Sing his name over and over, softly.

6. Be aware that his brother will ALSO get in tune with your being on the floor, and soon, both of the "boys" may vie for your attention. Be sure to share your love with both of them. Some Kitty-cookies are good to have - offer each one his own nibbles on his own side of you. Separation is important, even tho' they "share" a house.

7. 2 Males in one household - even being neutered - is still a territorial challenge.

8. But, in time, they will see that you have plenty of Love for the Both of them.