Why do you love your S/O?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 24, 2007
New York
Oh wow, there are so many reasons I love him...

He is my best friend, I have more fun with him than anyone I've ever known... We have had some tough times and a lot of people who have put us down for being "too young" but we overcome it and it makes our relationship stronger... basically, he is my world... I don't know where I'd be without him!

I love everything about him and he shows me everyday that he loves everything about me.. I am very grateful to have found him


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 7, 2006
Maybe its because I'm a...
Originally Posted by Mirinae

Plus, he kills spiders. It's important, in every relationship, that at least one half of the couple is capable of doing this.
I am not that half.
My dad can't kill roaches! He stands on the bed when we go on holiday yelling for my mum till she comes to rescue him


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 12, 2001
This thread is AWESOME.
Some of your comments have made me tear up and it's NOT easy making me cry!

I have not had the opportunity to be in a real "love" relationship and I'm in my mid 30's!
Reading all of your comments gives ME HOPE that I can find someone out there who will love me along with my furbabies AND I love him back!

*sigh* When will it ever happen????

Would love to hear more of why you guys love your S/O!
Also, I HOPE you guys shows what you've typed to your S/O.. I'm sure it'll mean a lot to them too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 5, 2006
an ice cube in Iowa...
Well, my DH and I have been through some extremely rough times...and most of the rough times have come as a result of my DH's addiction issues. But, I've always managed to see him for who he really is, even when he was lying to us in the name of a substance, and the obsession to use was at it's pinnacle. I married a man who was far above and beyond the person he becomes when he's using, and THAT is always who he has REALLY been, and who he will always continue to be in my heart. And, he's been fighting so hard to stay clean, and is truly loving the feeling of normalcy once again...and so are we. His was not an easy battle, and he's stumbled along the way, and had to pick back up, and try to continue on the uphill road. I admire him greatly for his personal strength, and his commitment to himself, and to me.

I love my DH because the core of him is truly HONEST, despite the lies he's told in the past. He really and truly respects and admires me, as I do him. In his heart, he trusts that he and I can move mountains, and we've come close to having to do just that, throughout all we've been through together. He's a natural giver, and wears his heart on his sleeve. He's sensitive, and yet he's almost made of steel, if that makes sense. He can be very emotional, and yet he's always extremely masculine. My DH is an adventurous person...he takes joy from what most people would call trivial things, such as taking a walk at night with the dogs, thunderstorms, a nice hot bath, going for a swim, watching his son skateboard. He really loves life, and loves to experience everything that he can.

My husband is also a sensory person...which I find really cool. He loves to smell new colognes, loves the smell of fresh bread, coffee brewing, my shampoo. He loves visual beauty also...the peacefulness of a golf course, the trees as we walk in the woods, a lilac bush, a lovely lawn. He loves to cook, and he loves to eat!!! He used to be head chef at a rather upscale local restuarant when he was younger, and he can whip up something yummy like nothing you've ever seen! He has a raging sweet tooth, and loves to stash little goodies all over our bedroom, and acts like a kindergartener when he unwraps that Little Debbie, or that bar of chocolate. DH does have a really unique childlike quality about him, which I've always found charming and enduring. When he's excited, his entire face lights up, and his eyes just glow! Hubby can also be quite domestic, and is constantly trying to catch up on laundry, and picking up after me, the more slobby counterpart. He doesn't think twice about running out after midnight to satisfy one of my wierd pre-menstrual food cravings (i.e. Whopper Jr.), and he loves our animals.

I guess I love everything about my husband. We've made an excellent team, although it was less obvious during the bad times. He and I are what he refers to as "it", and we both know there's nothing beyond each other out there for us...as long as we laugh, love, and keep what really matters in the foreground, we can always pull through.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 19, 2007
Arizona (PM me if you are from AZ too)
I love my boyfriend (John) because:

**He loves me (duh, obviously)
**He's sincere
**He's honest
**He's kind
**He will do anything I ask him to do (HA! I know, it's great!)
**He loves PHX (and will occasionally change kitty litter box)
**He understands me
**I love him because he's him (he's not fake!)

The most important part is that he taught me about myself. He opened up a window in my heart. I learned things about myself, that I never knew before. Because of this, I will love him for being an individual and for who he is!

persi & alley

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 27, 2006
Farmers Branch, Texas
Originally Posted by MoochNNoodles

What is it about them that just makes you say "I just love him/her!"?

I was thinking about DH. It's been very weird to not have him home this week. I guess it's been almost 2 years since he got home from his last deployment, so I've really gotten used to having him home every day. So here's my answers (well a few anyway!):

DH always thinks about me. What I would like or think about something, how am I feeling, etc. He always puts me first. I'm not so good at that.

DH never hesitates to lend a hand around the house. He does the yard, cleans the kitchen and does the litter-box! I mean how awesome is that! I typically do the laundry, cooking, vacuuming, and cat grooming. He's a better house keeper than me though! I'll admit it any day! I'm a pack-rat and he's the opposite. We balance each other. He keeps me motivated with things like that.

DH does the bills! He's got a good financial sense. He doesn't seem to see it, but things of that nature just come to him and I appreciate that! Not that I can't do the bills, balance the checkbook, etc. and I don't necessarily have problems working with numbers, he's just good at it.

Last but not least, DH tries to do whats right even if it's not comfortable. I'm sooo proud of the time he spent in the military. He was not happy in, but he did it anyway. And he'll do something if he just thinks it needs to be done...he just does it...and mostly without complaint. I admire that. I really do.

So that's why I love my man; what makes him extra special to me! So what thinks make your S/O significant to you?
Always being there. In our 5 1/4 years of marriage, we have traveled to 18 countries together and have never spent a night away from each other. I always go on business trips with her, Egypt or wherever. But next week her company is sending her to Seattle (where we were just three weeks ago) and she will be sharing a dorm with students of hers. I think if you ask me this question in another week I will have a very different perspective on it. Don't be surprised if I post KatKwiz at three in the morning as I will be acting quite, well, not normal. I have a feeling I am going to have a new definition for the word lonely. But, thank God for the cats! My precious, beloved cats!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 17, 2005
He's made me a better person. I was stuck in an awful relationship before him, and he made me realize that I'm far too good of a person to be treated and abused like I was.
I owe my everything to him, he's brought my self esteem up far past where it used to be. He loves me for me, no matter what I look like or what I do.
He's my rock, my best friend & knight in shining armor... well, let me rephrase that- he's my knight in leather chaps


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 30, 2005
There are many reasons I love Travis but here are a few.....

He loves me for me(I am a VERY silly girl and can be immature sometimes

He brings me back down to earth when I need to be

He is a WONDERFUL housekeeper(although he has to be. I am the WORST housewife ever!)

He is a great cook.

He loves my cat(what's a better reason than that?!)

He gives me a reason to live everyday the best I can.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Ok I'm just catching up on a thread I started, but I have to post some comments!

Originally Posted by lookingglass

He tells me he loves me when I am sleeping and he doesn't think I can hear him.
That is just the sweetest thing! I know DH will sometimes rollover and kiss my head....I also know from him telling me that he has kissed my face and I swatted him away and grunted something!

Originally Posted by Mirinae

Plus, he kills spiders. It's important, in every relationship, that at least one half of the couple is capable of doing this.
I am not that half.
I'm not that half either! DH has a whole technique to killing the bugs in our home!
Originally Posted by Pamela

This thread is AWESOME.
Some of your comments have made me tear up and it's NOT easy making me cry!

I have not had the opportunity to be in a real "love" relationship and I'm in my mid 30's!
Reading all of your comments gives ME HOPE that I can find someone out there who will love me along with my furbabies AND I love him back!

*sigh* When will it ever happen????
I'm all teary eyed too. (Have been a lot lately. I sure don't think I'm preggo so it must be stress/nerves!
) I'm sure there is someone out there meant for everyone. And the right one is worth waiting for. IMHO!
Originally Posted by mybabyphx

The most important part is that he taught me about myself. He opened up a window in my heart. I learned things about myself, that I never knew before. Because of this, I will love him for being an individual and for who he is!
That is just beautiful! (More tears!)
Originally Posted by Persi & Alley

Always being there. In our 5 1/4 years of marriage, we have traveled to 18 countries together and have never spent a night away from each other. I always go on business trips with her, Egypt or wherever. But next week her company is sending her to Seattle (where we were just three weeks ago) and she will be sharing a dorm with students of hers. I think if you ask me this question in another week I will have a very different perspective on it. Don't be surprised if I post KatKwiz at three in the morning as I will be acting quite, well, not normal. I have a feeling I am going to have a new definition for the word lonely. But, thank God for the cats! My precious, beloved cats!
Hehe...I can relate! I grew up through my teen years with my stepfather in the military, but being a military wife is a whole different ball of wax! We started dating after 1 deployment, had one durring our engagement (one almost cancel our wedding!) and 2 in the first 2 years of our marriage. Now he's out of the military, but had to go away for an inactive reserve exercise for 5 days-just 4 nights, and I was a mess!

Mooch and Noodles were adopted a week before he left on his second deployment of our marriage. DH is allergic so we'd gone without cats till then. But he knew I was miserable without them. And I'd not fared mentally very well during the last deployment, so we did some talking and decided to get me a kitten to keep me company. But then Mooch and Noodles were the last 2 there of their litter, so we just had to get them both! I love him for doing that for me. It means the world!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
There are too many reasons to count as to why i love Colin!
The biggest reason is that I know without a shadow of a doubt that I can trust him with my whole heart in anything. He is ALWAYS there for me and well....he means more than anything else in the world to me. My life would be incomplete without him in it. Also- he shows me in sooo many ways every single day just how much he loves me and appreciates me by the little things he does- a kiss on my forehead, hanging the mirror in the bathroom, cooking dinner when i'm exhausted, the list goes on and on- i couldn't ask for a better man. God has truely blessed me.

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
I love my SO because he is a sweet, gentle soul, even though he looks like he would eat small children for breakfast.
He respects women, particularly elderly women, and will hold doors, carry packages, and will watch to make sure a lone woman will get safely to her car, even if it is someone we don't know. He does not allow bad language around most women outside the tattoo shop.
When he rescued Fluffy, he sat outside with her tucked inside his jacket for several hours until I could come get her and take her home. It was Christmas Eve and freezing cold. He loves all the kitties, but she is his baby.
He loves me unconditionally, even though he knows everything about me. We were friends for years before we were a couple, and went into this relationship woth our eyes open. 22 years later, we are still very much in love, even though we have been through some rough times, or maybe because we have made it through some rough times. I cannot imagine life without him.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 11, 2007
There are so many things I like about DH, I'm not sure where to begin!

For starters, he is understanding, he listens to me, he is very honest (almost to the point of annoyingly so!), he can cook, he can make a bed, he can do laundry, he always thinks of me...

He looks intimidating, but is very gentle. He tries really hard to bond with Princess who is pretty much a 1 person cat.. but he tries anyway and loves her. He thrives off of me being happy.. if I'm not, he's not. He tries to give me everything I ever ask for. He kills the spiders and bugs when Princess won't. Whenever he makes friends he always wants me involved when they do things, it's usually me that says "you can go out without me you know.." lol.

He is respectful of others, opens doors, helps carry things (he's a fairly muscular guy still from his wrestling days). He helps me understand things. We balance each other out.. he is very good with numbers and math and I am very good at writing/typing/spelling. He is good at fixing things, and I am good at fixing things that are electronic (he has no clue lol).

A little story: He had never been able to meet my family when my grandmother passed away. He took off work, drove me from Wisconsin to Missouri for the funeral. Everyone was clearly upset, and when I checked on him, he was sitting quietly, watching and offering assistance to everyone. I had to comfort and seek comfort with my family so I couldn't be with him the whole time, but he met people on his own and let people talk about their grief if need be. He sat and talked with my Aunt who's had a brain tumor removed and doesn't speak very well, but he was patient and let her figure out the words (which is a very slow process and can be frustrating for her and whoever is listening). He was just absolutely amazing! Talking and comforting and helping these people he's never met just because they are my family.

I think he's great! I am his biggest fan and he is my best friend


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 31, 2002
"Southside of Cincinnati"
Let me count the ways:

He accepts me for who I am, thinks I am perfect. Inside AND out. Even when I'm Little Miss Nasty during certain hormonal rollercoasters.

He cooks! He cleans! He does his OWN LAUNDRY! He has cats! (2 of 'em which are now mine too!)! He loves our dog just as much as our dog loves him!

He doesn't mind defurring the sofa, chairs, the bed, etc. I've known men who thought the idea of cat hair on furniture was the equivalent of a dead rat in your coffee.

He is oh-so-funny. Everything is comical but he can be very serious & professional and all that stuff when it counts. His sense of humor is mirror-image to mine. So we basically laugh a lot.

He's an excellent father! The first and foremost thing that attracted me to him... we were both single parents when we met, and I was sick of 'bad dads'... he's wonderful with both the kids (and the kitties & dog).

He is totally unabashedly unafraid of just about anything. He stands up for me, my daughter, his son... very outspoken and extremely protective.

He's hot! One of the first physical things I noticed was around the back... mmm hmm, lookie-nice in jeans, he does...

Along with the above-mentioned stuff, he's hardworking, imaginative, creative, and very youthful.

We get along so well, and I believe our love is genuinely the best I've ever known simply because, if you can belch in front of a man and he laughs about it instead of scolding you... hey, it's gotta be love. He actually encourages me being 'me', which in the past... 'me' was always 'bad' or 'not good enough'.

(it's that whole 'he accepts me' thing)