Why do some people hate cats so much?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 3, 2001
Trenton, MO
I happen to know a little bit about wild animals and as soon as that leopard gets a year old(puberty) It will be completaly unmanageable. Even expert animal trainers have problems with big cats especially Leopards and cougers. Most likely it will end up in a pen pacing its life away. Not to mention how many pounds of raw meat a day the animal must be feed(around 20lb's). Leopards grow to be very big cats. The sad thing is I don't know what could be done to help. These animals shouldn't be taken out of nature in the first place. They are being robbed of their birthright.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2001
Salt Lake City
I met a man who owned a tame wolf. It was in March when I went to the Petsmart vet hospital. He was getting vaccines. I actually got to pet it. The man said he rescued him. But the wolf lives right here in the city.

Cat: I think you can find a wildlife refuge or rescue organization that takes in wild animals that were pets. Since they won't be able to survive in the wild or taken into any zoos, there is such places. I've seen it on Wild Rescues.

Cats can be trainable. You just have to have alot of patience. I've seen people train them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2001

Buttercup :angel2:

I totally agree with you. I'd like to see what this person's doing with this poor leopard. I hate to be the heavy and although it may be none of my business, I'm an animal advocate, I take that very seriously and won't close my eyes to it...thanks for the reminder!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2001
Originally posted by nena10
Cat: I think you can find a wildlife refuge or rescue organization that takes in wild animals that were pets. Since they won't be able to survive in the wild or taken into any zoos, there is such places. I've seen it on Wild Rescues.

Cats can be trainable. You just have to have alot of patience. I've seen people train them.

Hi Nena

Well, as you probably read my post to Buttercup, I am going to find out what this girl is doing with the leopard...I'll keep ya posted.

I know that cats are trainable, but I think that Buttercup was referring to the difficulty of training leopards and cougars specifically. I have a friend that used to train tigers and lions. He owned them. He also mentioned that the leopards were difficult to train. Unfortunately this man was taking care of someone else's lioness; she turned on him.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2001
Arlington, TX
I don't quite understand why people keep big cats as household pets. Yes, they're beautiful, but they are just physically too big. And what happens when you come home from work one day and your playful pet decides to ambush you and there is an injury? Or your other smaller pets go missing? Or what about scratching? (You should see what my kitties have done to my sofa, imagine a leopard . . .) It doesn't seem like a good situation for either of them, if someone had thought it through.

How on earth did your neighbor even get such a pet?

There used to be group, somewhere in the US, that specifically rescued big cats. I can't remember their name or location, maybe someone else can. I'm thinking that if you contact them, they might be able to recommend someone in your area who could help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 20, 2001
Portland Oregon
Although I appreciate the beauty of a wild cat, I would never dream of keeping one as a pet. Just as I adore otters (my second fave after cats) I wouldn't keep one in my bathtub!

Besides the risk factor involved, it is just cruel towards the animal!

These cats, and wolves too, need to be free to roam and live their lives in harmony with their instincts.
Wolves seem to adapt better, but I still feel they should not be kept as pets, no matter how tame they may be/seem.

There are so many beautiful, loving, homeless animals out there, just dying (literally) for a loving home...why try to domesticate an animal who is perfectly content and happy where its at? I've known people who have wolf mixes, and most are still rather "wild" and restless, it's in their blood.

OK, (stepping off the soapbox and grabbing the "flame" retardant) I'm done, I just dont like to see people try to force nature to be something it's not.

Big cats have instincts and urges...to hunt for instance...that cant be satisfied when captive, so I think its cruel and maybe even dangerous to keep them as "pets".

My 2 cents.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 28, 2001
There is a big cat sanctuary I heard about a while ago called Tiger Haven. I tried to access their web page, but its down. Maybe it will be up again soon. I think they are in tennessee, but they may be able to give you some names of local tiger/lion/leopard rescues.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2001
Salt Lake City
I was refering to a post that said that cats are not as trainable as dogs. Sure, they won't sit or fetch a ball for you, but cats are smart.

What I don't understand is why people keep any time of wild animal as a pet. In Mexico and South America, people keep ocelots as pets. Sure, they are cute and small. Why can't people be satisfied with just domesticated dogs and cats. There are many breeds and mixed breeds to choose from. When the big cats get big, they are not going to survive on cat food. No, they need raw red meat. Wolves too. There is nothing I like better than to see a wolf running with free with his pack, hunting to survive, and I love to hear a wolf howl. It is music to my ears. Cats too. I like to see them in the wild. Not at home.


TCS Member
Jun 30, 2014
The reason why I think some people hate cats is because cats are independent and a lot of people want to feel needed.

I read a couple of psychological findings about cat people and dog people and it turns out a lot of dog people like to have control and have dominating personalities. So when they can't control or dominate a cat it makes them dislike or even hate them. They think cats are unaffectionate because they "ignore" you but that isn't so.

Cats are lone hunters, dogs are pack animals.

Dogs look for a leader which their owner usual is whereas a cat is it's own person and doesn't need to rely on anyone.

One thing I personally love about cats is when a cat actually likes you, it likes you for who you really are, how you treat it and not because it needs you. A cat will never come to you because it "needs" you. It will come to you because it wants to. I have found with every dog (except the vicious protective ones) that they will strive for your attention and approval every second of every day. Some people love this in an animal because it makes them feel loved and needed. They know their dog actually needs them because dogs need to impress people, need you to love them or else they have nothing. A cat does not need your love and will only love you if you treat it right. A dog will stay with you because it is just dying for love all the time and is not it's own person.

If I knew someone like that, who was so codependent on me that they couldn't survive even one day without me... well that would just drive me nuts. To me, a dog only loves me because it has insecurities and doesn't actually love me as a person. When a cat loves me I know they have actually decided to love me because of how I treated them. If I didn't treat them right, they would leave. If you didn't treat a dog right, if you were the worse owner in the world a dog would still love you because it needs you... not because it wants to be with you.

That's my two cents and I know this post is very old but that's why I think people like dogs. They want to feel needed and loved for all their flaws, not face them with a cat that will decide if it likes you or not based on how you treat it.


Cat Munster
Super Cat
Oct 20, 2014
Most people I know say they don't like cats because they scratch and shed. As if dogs don't bite, shed, and urinate all over your furniture and brand new tires. I definitely agree with the top comment, people who hate cats don't understand them nor have ever owned one. I love all animals as well, but I prefer to have a cat as a companion than a dog. Cats are the cleanest creatures and easy to take care of. Although my cat is my baby and I am overly protective of her, I know she would be fine if water, food, and litter box is within her reach and I leave for a day or 2. Where as a dog, I'd have to worry about him/her digging under the fence and running away. I have owned both, and I've cleaned more pee of the floor than scooping up my cats droppings from the litter box per day lol I really loved that dog though. Unfortunately our new landlord did not allow dogs so my grandma offered to take him. I cried for weeks because I missed him. Few years later was when I got my cat but we had already moved. At this time shaggy had already adapted to my grandmas house and he was happier with her because he had a new playmate. :)
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
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