Why Cat Hate?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 5, 2015
I could never understand the pure hatred for cats either, of course I have always loved cats. Once when I was in Petsmart I heard a lady telling one of the clerks how much she loved the store then she adds too bad you have to have cat products too! I was so glad the clerk was quick to respond saying we are here for all animals and we care about all of them, she shut up fast. I wanted so much to say something to this witch, but kept my cool and later thanked the clerk for not going along with her hateful remark. He said he personally meant every word of his response.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Interesting --- about horses. I had a pair for many years. I got my gelding when I was in college and while other "kids" were out partying and getting drunk I was out riding the countryside. We learned from each other. He became a very good trail horse. I learned to always watch him because his senses were far better than mine. We worked as a team. If I wasn't sure about going up an incline or down one, I would trust him to know. Just ask him to go which for us consisted of shifting my weight letting the reins loose tapping him on the neck and saying lets go. If he didn't want to then it was not safe period. We went in places that I didn't think we could go but he knew better. I trained him to side pass, we could open gates with out ever dismounting. To back up in a pattern, to do sliding stops, which are really cool. That is when the horse at a run will shift his weight to his back legs and literally slide his back feet to stop. It was all done with just shifting weight to balance with him and taping him on the side and the neck. He became so sensitive that it became difficult to get people who wanted to ride him to understand that everything they did meant something to him. To get him to go forward you never kicked him, just a shift in weight, a touch on his neck with the reins and a quite lets go. A kick to him meant to take off at full speed, which left some people who wouldn't listen, laying on the ground. I taught him to ground tie, which is to stay and not move if the rider gets off, pretty important for a trail horse because sometimes you fall off and if the horse decides to leave its a problem. Anyway, there is a huge amount of communication that goes on with a good horse and rider, only a small part of that is verbal. It is true body language.
So when I came home from college and moved back to my parents while I regrouped and looked for work my dad commented: "I don't get it, other people go to college and they come back married or something. You come back with a couple of horses, why does someone who has never lived in the country do that?" The short answer to that is that they taught me how to live with the living world instead of trying to dominate it which is what many people try to do today. And that is why they don't understand cats or any of the rest of the living things around them for that matter. The only good animal is a dead animal mentality is part of the reason for the environmental disaster that is unfolding around us. People view living things as enemies and the living world as something to be subdued rather than to be lived with. Many of them don't just hate cats, they hate all living things. They have sterile lives with nothing living around them. And a lot of the time they can't even tolerate each other either.
:wave3: :hearthrob::clap::kiss: :loveeyes::touched::clap2: :rock:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
In my opinion freedom is essential for humans. But we always thing to our freedom not to the freedom of others. Since the cats are a pure expression of freedom, they remind us the freedom we give up. The cats show us that we made an wrong decision by giving up our freedom. We don't like to be reminded about our mistakes...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
I must admit I thought I never liked cats . We never had them as children as apparently one of my sister’s was allergic and hated them . She turned out to be a pretty evil person so maybe that was a sign I was used to dogs and cats did seem offish in comparison. There is a saying if you died and stuck in With your pets a cat would eat you and however dog would lie down and die next to you . When you read up on it both would eat you if had to ! Since getting my first cat Gracie I have to say she is the funniest sometimes sweet however mostly fiesty little madam.. I love her to bits !!!


TCS Member
Oct 16, 2017
In my opinion, hate for cats from what I have experienced talking to real life people, is this so called view or perception of how cats behave. When you ask these people if they have been around cats , it's usually no. They go on other narrow minded people's view points or 1 bad experience "the cat scratched me" when I talk about my previous cat , she was a sweety pie . Never bit , never hissed . I was renovating my place and had people coming in to do quotes . Some where super apprehensive, others ended up staying over an hour playing with her , and it was their first positive experience with a cat .


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 5, 2015
There is a war on cats out there and it seems to be never ending. Australia has a bounty on feral cats right now like they have had in the past, it is terrible for cats and for the cat owners that are afraid one of there pets will be captured and killed for money. I found this blog by Peter J. Wolf very useful when dealing with all the cat hate and misinformation that cat haters put out to support their claims.
Vox Felina — Reframing the TNR debate


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 17, 2017
I just read an article about how Pope Gregory IX declared that black cats were demons in the 1400s. This lead to people killing black cats, and in some cases all cats just to be safe. People who had cats were considered witches and prosecuted as a result. Then the Black Plague happened and there weren’t enough cats to kill the rats that were harboring the fleas that caused the plague. Since people were worried about being accused of witch craft no one owned a cat. The few feral cats that managed to live migrated to areas where rats were to feed themselves. Since these areas had more rats than other places the plague was worse. People however saw the cats, saw people dying and concluded that the cats were causing the plague. I can’t help but wonder if some of the cat hate is a continuation of generational hate from all those years ago. I have noticed many people who hate cats have parents that hate cats.


The viking and the princess
Adult Cat
Nov 6, 2017
I've noticed most of the reasons why people hate or dislike cats is because they don't know anything about them or they know just a little. Some have a scar from a cat attack and see grouchy cats and assume all cats are the same. Some see other people and some media hate on cats and decide to do the same. Another reason is they assume there messy and filled with disease. I have a lot of examples and I will state a few. One example is where I live a lot of people love cats here and they are so nice to them. However in some places here they are scared of them and it's quite hilarious. Me and the hubby went to go see some famous old place and there were a couple of cats around and I said "Awwww! Hi there little guys. Here kittty,kitty,kitty!" I called the 2 over then next thing you know there were like 7 more coming to me. I was flabbergasted and adorablefied by all the kitties. There was a couple two feet across from us sitting down on a bench and as soon as the cats came the girl got up and ran for the hills lol. I looked at my husband saying "What's wrong with her?" he said some girls here are scared of cats lol. I was curious about this so I asked a group of girls about it . A couple girls said they loved cats and most said they were scared of them. Some said because of disease and others said they were afraid of being scratched or bit by them. To my surprise the girl who said she got bit a couple of times was one of the ones who said she loved cats. All the ones who said they were scared or didn't like cats never owned a cat or knew anything about them. The one thing I love about this place is even though there scared of them they never say I hate or try to be mean to them or anything. They just say I don't like them and they run away not beat them with a broom or something. I noticed the girls who were scared of cats the most lived where completely feral cats were. There's a small city me and my hubby go to all the time it's actually where we found Opi. It has completely feral cats there not mean but they run away from you and don't try to associate with humans. They have diseases like mange, and they fight over food a lot so they look a bit scary if your not use to cats. In the city where I live the feral cats are sweet and associate with the humans a lot. They also don't show a lot of signs of disease either. They look pretty nice for wild cats. People always feed them and the cats hunt the vermin in the city so they don't fight over food as much. My hubby actually use to hate cats until he met me and my cat Armon. You see he had a cousin who loved cats and had like I think it was 7 of them lol and he said they weren't nice to her but she would still love them. He said he didn't like how they were so mean and scratched her when his cousin was so sweet and kind to them. When he met my cat though his opinion changed dramatically and he loved cats. It was cute whenever he came over and I brought out Armon this big black kitty with golden eyes would hide his face in my hair like a shy little kid XD. My Armon was really sweet and cuddly too. He loved to be held and would give you a lot of affection. My hubby is still not completely use to Opi because it's his first cat ever but he loves him and understands cats more now so he can't hate them. Another example is buzzfeed where they show people who say they hate cats or dislike them in a big way. There is also one where they have people who are scared of cats. They expose all them to cats and at the end they all say they don't hate cats, don't not like cats. or not scared of them anymore. In the video where they had to stay with a cat for a week they all ending up keeping the cat in the end saying they loved the cat which surprised me a lot. In this one video where two women had to work at a cat cafe for awhile that rescued cats from kill shelters and had them get adopted both ladies bonded with a cat. One was very attached to a cat and shed a lot of tears when her favorite cat was almost adopted. She said at the end of the video in tears that she was seriously considering to fill out an application to adopt her favorite cat because she loved her a lot. The other lady to my surprised bonded with a sassy cat and that cat got adopted by somebody and the lady said she missed her but she was glad that she got a good home. she said at the end of the video that she didn't hate cats anymore and didn't think they were evil but she wasn't going to turn into a cat lady just yet. Cats that are called angry,mean,and evil aren't that at all there just very misunderstood. People who say they hate cats,don't like cats, or scared of cats just don't know cats. If they took the time to get to know them they wouldn't hate them they would either love them or just acknowledged them and turn neutral. A lot of people compare cats to another animal or humans which is very wrong because cats are neither of those. To love and understand a cat you have to learn about them and socialize with them. Some people see cats as demons so in there sick mind they think there doing a favor by killing cats like someone would a poisonous animal or killer animal that could take many lives. Others are just plain evil psychotic people and just like to kill things. Judging cats is just like judging people. You can't judge either cause you'll never know the truth about them. Many people judge each other by race,family heritage,country they live in,money, religion, or some other bias reason. We all know you can't do that. In order to know a person you have to get to know them and really try to understand them before you come to a conclusion of what they are really like. Unfortunately a lot of people on this Earth don't do that so that's why people cat hate and why people hate certain types of people. I just wish people would stop judging everything and assuming everything and just get to know what ever it is they hate or are afraid of. If they did this world would be so much better.