Why am I already thinking about the end of my cat's life?


TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
I feel guilty for even writing this post, because others are grieving over actual loss, and I am not close to that yet. My cat is 10 years old, and other than what I'm pretty sure is arthritis (vet confirmation is coming soon), he hasn't had any serious problems yet.

But I've been reading a lot of Rainbow Bridge posts, and while this forum is full of amazing supportive people, I keep thinking about the fact that the time is going to come for my cat, Willy. He might have many years left, but there's no way of knowing, and that's part of the issue for me. I've had dogs as pets while growing up, and I've been through the process where an aggressive disease (cancer, in this case) comes out of seemingly nowhere. It's not knowing what to expect.

Willy is my best friend. Although I accept the title of "cat dad" I think of him more like a buddy and roommate. He wants to do everything I do. If I watch TV or play video games, he is on my lap. If I am reading a book or playing piano, he has to be between me and the book or piano keys.

When I get home from work or anywhere else, he follows me around for a solid 10 minutes, trilling constantly. He naps a lot as he is getting older, and the first thing he does after waking up every hour or two is come over to check in with me and see what I'm doing. I hear his distinctive trilling coming from behind me, and I know he just woke up and is coming to check in.

I've been through some difficult times while having him, including alcoholism (currently in recovery, sober and stable), so I had to cut out a major chunk of my human social circle in order to stay healthy and sober. That's part of why my cat is literally my best friend. And honestly he's been supportive without realizing it. I always thought of his well-being, so even when I was at my worst with no motivation to do anything for myself, I always made sure I was taking care of him, and that got me through some tough times. Plus, he is an endless supply of love.

Anyway, I know this is an odd post, but it's just something I can't get out of my mind lately. It's not making me enjoy my time with him any less, but I don't want to be thinking about this in the years we have left. It's making me question everything already, and second-guessing many things I am doing, wondering if I am doing what's best for him.

I don't know if anyone has dealt with anything similar... and again, I apologize to those who are grieving over an actual loss and going through something much worse than what I am describing. I didn't know where else to post these thoughts.



May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
But I've been reading a lot of Rainbow Bridge posts, and while this forum is full of amazing supportive people, I keep thinking about the fact that the time is going to come for my cat, Willy. He might have many years left, but there's no way of knowing, and that's part of the issue for me.
This is the exact reason why I can not visit the Rainbow Bridge forum very often. As much as I want to lend support and extend my condolences I have such a difficult time reading the threads. They remind me of our former pets who have passed away and, as you said, it makes me think of our present cat, Carleton. I guess this is one of those mysteries of life, i.e. no one knows when their time will come but if it helps remind yourself that Willy has found his forever home with you. Without you he may not have thrived as long as he has and visa versa given you a new lease on life. 🤗

Unfortunately we lost a three year old cat to FIP that came as a complete shock. 😿 We never would have expected a cat to pass that young. My point is that age is not always a determination of how long a pet will live. When we adopted Carleton he came from such atrocious circumstances that the vet could not tell us his approximate age. She said not younger than five or older than eight so a three year window. We told her it didn't matter because as long as he was in our care we'd give him the best possible home. So we can't even begin to guess his present age but we treasure every day he is with us as I know you do with Willy.

I hope in some small way this helps you and please know that you are not alone in your thoughts. Please give Willy a hug tonight from all the members of TCS. :grouphug:
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TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
This is a touching post, and I think many people here who have gone through losing a loved pet, or are facing it in any way (be it age, illness, realization of mortality etc.) can sympathize with it. I've been looking at my cats, ranging in ages from 9-15, and thinking the same thing. I have done this for almost every single one of mine I've had over the years, and I try to remind myself that we humans are the only ones who are capable of making ourselves miserable living in the "What-If Future". It's a great way to get ourselves into a deep depression that we create for ourselves and is a struggle to get out of. "Living in the moment" or "living one day at a time" sounds so simple, but...it's not easy.
Tag was my last loss, 11 months ago today, and when he started showing signs that not all was well, I found myself going the opposite way, sort of. We treated his symptoms, and worked to get him well, and 10% of me had these tiny "this isn't right" alarm going off in my head, and the other 90% wrote it off as "aging" because this was no ordinary dog. This was Tag. MY Tag. Life without Tag couldn't even be a possibility. I feel the same way about my cats now. If those "some day, they won't be here" thoughts push into my head, I do my very best to shove them away, and tell them to shut up.
I have had cats live into their early 20's. Lots of love, good food, genetics on their side and little bit of luck seemed to do it. I hope the same for your boy, cmshap cmshap . And a most sincere congratulations on your recovery, as well. :)


Servant to the Ofurlords
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Not an odd post or odd thoughts at all, cmshap cmshap . I'm sure many people have similar thoughts about their beloved pets. I know I do, particularly about Daisy with her health condition. I often remind myself to enjoy every moment I can when she's wanting attention and pets, because I don't know how long I'll have her. But then we don't know how long we'll have any of them, do we?

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
I, for one, have really been enjoying your posts! WHAT a character! I don’t think you should at all feel guilty for writing here. As one who is quite further along in the “what if and when” phase of my cat’s life, I completely get what you’re going through. Two things I have found lately that help me a great deal (I don’t know if it helps you) are: 1. Actually talking over w/ my vet what the end might be like and what will happen—- it actually makes me less anxious, knowing. 2. Being in the moment with him as best I can— because that’s what he does. Maybe…preparing for the worst helps you deal w/ it w/ a bit more clarity when you get there, I don’t know. For me it all comes down to quality of life…if is not there for my little buddy then I will not be doing him any favors. It really sounds as if you’re enjoying the time you have with him (and vice versa) which is so important, really, the whole ball of wax. Once you face the unknown as best you can, it becomes a lot less scary. Maybe a good idea is to get a game plan for yourself! Some backup sober friends or a support group. Meantime, post away, say I! Yay Willy!
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
I hope in some small way this helps you and please know that you are not alone in your thoughts. Please give Willy a hug tonight from all the members of TCS. :grouphug:
Thank you. It does help to know that someone else has had some of these same thoughts. Maybe I overdid it with reading too many threads on this forum at once. The ones that are really hard are the people who post something similar, about their cat being their best friend and they don't know how to deal with the grief. That is one of the points of this section of the forum, for people to post when they need help and others to help them, but it's hard to read and not think "will I be going through this same thing, and if so, when?"

Anyway, thanks for the positive thoughts. And you're right, Willy and I have both vastly improved each other's lives, and I am grateful for that. I know he will have a lasting impact on me, for the better, even after he's no longer here.

This was Tag. MY Tag. Life without Tag couldn't even be a possibility. I feel the same way about my cats now. If those "some day, they won't be here" thoughts push into my head, I do my very best to shove them away, and tell them to shut up.
I have had cats live into their early 20's. Lots of love, good food, genetics on their side and little bit of luck seemed to do it. I hope the same for your boy, cmshap cmshap . And a most sincere congratulations on your recovery, as well. :)
Thank you. Yeah, this describes the thoughts entering my head, exactly. And it's hard to just push them aside, I think ever since Willy started showing signs of aging.

Like I said, it's nothing serious yet. He's just slowed down, and I am like 90% certain he has developed noticeable arthritis symptoms within the past year, as he is playing/pouncing less, doesn't jump down from higher places anymore (he does that crawl thing where he edges down as much as he can before jumping), and sometimes looks like he is testing his steps with his front feet before stepping somewhere. As I learned from TCS, a declawed cat (he was declawed before I adopted him) is likelier to get arthritis especially in the front feet. He has his annual vet appointment soon, during which I will discuss all of this.

I think he has good genetics, though, because he was a survivor. Lost outside for god-knows how long before the age of 1, was very severely starved, had a respiratory infection, ear mites, and fleas, but made a very fast recovery and ate his weight back like a champ. And he has never had any serious health issues, besides for recurring bouts of sneezing/snottiness, which I knock out about once a year with zeniquin; and food sensitivity (always been a frequent vomiter, and has had both diarrhea and constipation if given the wrong foods). I keep trying to remind myself that he is a survivor.

I lost my human brother tragically at a young age (23), which was a loss that came out of nowhere for my family, and while this was quite some time ago and I have grieved properly (with therapy and lots of support), that's another part of why these thoughts of "anything can happen" are always popping into my head. I totally agree that "live in the moment" is so easy to say but very hard to actually do. All we can do is try, I guess.
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TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
I, for one, have really been enjoying your posts! WHAT a character!
Character, indeed. :lol:

He is my first cat ever, and made me love cats. I wouldn't ever have thought I'd be feeling this way about a cat before he accidentally showed up in my life 9 years ago. I'm definitely a cat guy now.

1. Actually talking over w/ my vet what the end might be like and what will happen—- it actually makes me less anxious, knowing.
That's actually a very good point. Also, since Willy is my first cat ever, so much has been new to me, including the fact that cats hide their pain so well. I am not sure if I'd know exactly what to watch out for in terms of signs that his quality of life is declining, whenever that day comes.

Maybe a good idea is to get a game plan for yourself! Some backup sober friends or a support group. Meantime, post away, say I! Yay Willy!
All good ideas, and support groups is one of those things I've been meaning to do but just haven't looked much yet. I'm not terribly into AA, personally. But I need something like that for myself, too.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Are you wishing/hoping for your beIoved cat's death? NO! and NO! and NO! again! However, as our cats reach 10 years oId, they are considered "geriatric," and we become painfully aware that our future them is now shorter than our past. That's normaI, and I think that is true for most of us. My girI is now 15.5 years oId. I had thought that she was turning 14 back in ApriI, then I did the math, and it was Iike getting kicked in the gut! However, for now, she is with me, and I wiII not aIIow my fears of the future to taint whatever time we have Ieft.

One thing that you might Iook into as he gets oIder that wiII heIp with the "when is it time" question is one of the severaI good QuaIity of Iife" charts that are avaiIabIe onIine. They heIp you track just how your cat is doing. Each one is a bit different, so if you decide that at any point, one wouId be of heIp, take a Iook at severaI.

My best advice? ENJOY EVERY "TODAY" THAT YOU HAVE! If and when he has probIems eating/drinking/sIeeping/pIaying/using his box, have your vet asses him, and ask the aII-important question, "If he were your cat, what wouId you do?"


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
I think these are rational thoughts for anyone to have. I think the fact that we know the average life span of our furry companions, and then when we are reading about other people going through the loss it gets all thinking. I have a baby who is almost 2 and reading the Rainbow Bridge posts even get in my head..
I am glad you had the strength to share what you are feeling, because we all have to be there for one another.
I am also in recovery, clean and sober. I just had my 33rd birthday, and just celebrated my 5 years sober. Anyway this is not important. What is important is that you have a support network you can reach out to if need be. I don't go to any meetings because.. I don't know how to explain it, the people in my area are just not that great at peopleing lol I stay to myself and when I need a little encouragement I talk to my sponsor and my momma.

I've had dogs as pets while growing up, and I've been through the process where an aggressive disease (cancer, in this case) comes out of seemingly nowhere. It's not knowing what to expect.
I can relate to this.. I grew up with dogs had some kitties too but I've always had dogs. Gabby is my first actual rescue kitty. I had foster failed but my ex was a very mean person and took them away from me one day I was working and I never saw them again 😢😢 and they were only 3 and 4. I know that will never happen again but I never got over that..

but it's just something I can't get out of my mind lately. It's not making me enjoy my time with him any less, but I don't want to be thinking about this in the years we have left. It's making me question everything already, and second-guessing many things I am doing, wondering if I am doing what's best for him.
For you to ask this right here☝☝☝ to me means you are doing what is best for your beautiful little man, Willy. He knows you love him and he clearly loves you!

Maybe I overdid it with reading too many threads on this forum at once. The ones that are really hard are the people who post something similar, about their cat being their best friend and they don't know how to deal with the grief.
I can relate to this as well I don't come here often because this is when I get in my head about Gabby.

No one who will read this will take any offense to it. Rather be able to relate. So please don't feel bad about this post. It has already received a ton of love from people to you and Willy. That is amazing.

Anyway I gotta get off here please give your precious boy Willy all the hugs and kisses from everyone here at TCS.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and some of your story. It helped with my thinking as well. Knowing I'm not alone in these thoughts (although my baby is still so young) but anything can happen at any time and that is the part that scares me. Like I said I really get in my head when I'm on thus forum reading everyone's memorials and tributes. So I honestly don't read many anymore.

And I want you to make sure you have a plan set in motion for whenever anything in your life gets hard that you have a full support group that will be there for you. I am proud of you and your recovery. Please if you ever are struggling please please please reach out.
Ok hun have a good night.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
What a sweet face! My husband is always telling me, "stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet!". It is hard, but it is my mantra now. After all, 99% of what we worry about does not happen! Of course that does not work with death, we will all face that eventually, but in your case it should be many years from now for your precious Willy.
my cats have leukemia, so their lives will be certainly shorter, but with tremendous determination, good supplements, and keeping them strictly inside now, they have all beat the odds and are 3.5 years post-diagnosis! they are older cats, 6 when they were diagnosed, and somehow fought it off, despite losing over half their body weight, and being too weak to walk. The vet gave my Yammy 'days'. it is truly one day at a time. but I am so grateful for every moment with them and you are too, realizing there will be a parting someday. Just do whatever you can to enjoy your time with Willy and give him the best time possible. I have found with my advancing years, that time is precious, and that there will ALWAYS be guilt with each and every death. None of us are perfect. So truly live in teh present, as cats do, you cant change the past, and the future is not ours to see.
we are here as proof there IS survival after a tragic death, you will go on. Time moves on and sometimes drags us kicking and screaming with it, but there is one sure thing, the love you share is spiritual, so eternal. Willy will be a part of you for eternity. Though you will be completely devastated with his passing, you have more strength than you realize, you already know that going through the process of sobriety. (I haven't had a drink for 23 years). It's something that is repeated often, but truly enjoy every minute you can spend with your sweet boy and don't mar it with sadness and grief. there will be time enough for that afterwards. One day your grief will turn to gratitude for having him share your life journey for a while, and we are always here to help you. you are never alone.......


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
Two things to add... I believe that sometimes our babies are in our lives for a certain stage of our life - for a reason. May be silly to think that, but it sure feels that way sometimes. My babies got me theough a hard breakup, into my marriage and through the pandemic before they passed. I am so grateful for them.
Also, remember that you know grief. Have some solace in the fact that you've had grief and made it through. For me, doing it once means I can do it again. Day at a time and with support. Maybe remembering that and how strong you were in the past can help you let go of some of the thoughts now. When the time comes, you'll get through.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi cmshap cmshap

I'm sitting here crying my heart out ,missing my Cheech..... it's been nearly 7 yrs since his lil paw was touching me or his head on my lap or his body next to mind and it's no easier,seems like yesterday..... is thst what you want to think about?Absolutely not but guess what,every one of us does- you're not alone my friend and we all understand- so no it is not odd for these thoughts to enter your mind-you love Willie,ask anyone who has aging parents if they don't think about losing them one day

Anyway,I don't think I'm very comforting right about now but here's a thing,when the "thought" comes to mind you can choose to feed it or starve it!Right now as I began dwelling on the emptiness in my heart and turned to see Cheechs photo I decided not to feed the grief-instead I redirected my thoughts onto something lovely,wonderful,uplifting..... for me that's my Lord ,whats brings you Joy?

Willie helped you through some really big challenges to overcome,he can help you with this one too- focus on the Joy & Comfort he provides at this moment----- you see my friend,none of us are guaranteed any tomorrows- so why worry about them,today has enough cares of its own!

Cheech was my best friend in the world,nearly 2 decades together constantly--- he came with me to work,shopping,the bank,visiting friends.....I'm very glad I did not spoil any of those precious moments dwelling on anything but each of those times.....

When are cats are fixated on something that can bring about an undesirable behavior or reaction we simply distract them,right? You can do the same for yourself

I pray Blessings of many many Healthy ,Joyful,Wonderful years ahead for you & Willie:catrub:

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
ve been through some difficult times while having him, including alcoholism (currently in recovery, sober and stable), so I had to cut out a major chunk of my human social circle in order to stay healthy and sober. That's part of why my cat is literally my best friend. And honestly he's been supportive without realizing it. I always thought of his well-being, so even when I was at my worst with no motivation to do anything for myself, I always made sure I was taking care of him, and that got me through some tough times. Plus, he is an endless supply of love.
congrats on your recovery keep hitting the meetings try to share(if your comfortable doing so) talk with your sponsor
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
Thanks everyone for such great advice and encouragement. I had to take a few days away from this thread because I was making myself upset over it, and getting stuck in a loop of depressive thoughts (I have a history of depression). I am doing better now.

One thing that you might Iook into as he gets oIder that wiII heIp with the "when is it time" question is one of the severaI good QuaIity of Iife" charts that are avaiIabIe onIine.
Thank you very much, I had no idea such things existed! That's very useful to know.

I am also in recovery, clean and sober. I just had my 33rd birthday, and just celebrated my 5 years sober. Anyway this is not important.
Congratulations, and actually I think it is important. Not that we need to publicly talk about it more here, as it gets off-topic, but it's helpful to know that someone else is going through some of the same things that I am, and having the same sorts of thoughts.

For you to ask this right here☝☝☝ to me means you are doing what is best for your beautiful little man, Willy. He knows you love him and he clearly loves you!
Yeah, I realize this. I'm not really a true "pet parent" as in someone who stresses over every little thing. I make sure he has good vet care, good food, and good company; but otherwise I tend to default to the "he'll be fine" attitude.

But I haven't yet had to deal with anything serious, as he's been pretty healthy (and hardy, given his survival before rescue). Since he hit that 10-year-old mark and started slowing down a bit, I started to second-guess whether I should have paid more attention to the little things. I will probably struggle with that more as he continues to age.

Please if you ever are struggling please please please reach out.
Thank you!

my cats have leukemia, so their lives will be certainly shorter, but with tremendous determination, good supplements, and keeping them strictly inside now, they have all beat the odds and are 3.5 years post-diagnosis!
What a wonderful story. I experienced something similar when I was growing up. One of our dogs developed cancer later in life (we had more than one dog with cancer), and she was scheduled for euthanasia. When my dad brought her into the vet, they found she had unexpectedly improved. She went on to live for two more years!

And congratulations on the 23 years, that's tremendous.

Two things to add... I believe that sometimes our babies are in our lives for a certain stage of our life - for a reason. May be silly to think that, but it sure feels that way sometimes.
That doesn't sound silly at all. I am an atheist and a skeptic, but I believe essentially the same thing... just another version of it.

Rather than thinking Willy found his way into my life for a reason, to help me overcome alcoholism, mental health struggles, and other challenges over the last several years... I instead look back and think that the reason I was able to get through it all, and the reason I am where I am today, is because he was in my life.

It's the same thing, but I just think through it using different words. I totally believe in this concept.

Also, remember that you know grief. Have some solace in the fact that you've had grief and made it through.
I get this, and you're right, but I have a hard time seeing myself as better-prepared.

I lost my younger brother when he was just 23 years old, which was a shocking, devastating tragedy. But I had so many others to share in that grief. My whole family grieved with me.

With my cat, there's just me. No one else is going to completely understand like I do. That makes me feel like I am completely unprepared, although that is probably not actually true.

Willie helped you through some really big challenges to overcome,he can help you with this one too- focus on the Joy & Comfort he provides at this moment----- you see my friend,none of us are guaranteed any tomorrows- so why worry about them,today has enough cares of its own!
You are absolutely, undeniably correct. And I am definitely not allowing these thoughts I'm having to spoil my time with him. I'm fact, I am always making time for him. For example, regarding his "check-ins" I mentioned after he wakes up from his naps... whenever he comes over to me, I make sure to stop whatever I am doing and give him some love.

There was a time a couple of years ago where his constant need for love and attention annoyed me at times. I didn't want to look away from my TV show, or whatever, while he was climbing all over my lap blocking my view. Now I realize how precious the time is to spend with a cat who is so loving and affectionate.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
cmshap cmshap

Don't mention it,I believe you'd do the same to support and encourage every one of us as well-after all you've overcome you've certainly learned how important it is to have others to lean on..... That old saying " United we stand" is so very true,isn't it?

Congratulations on your 5yr mark- stick with positive people and continue to starve your negative thoughts,a good nutritional diet for the mind is as important as feeding your body balanced meals❤
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TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
Congratulations on your 5yr mark- stick with positive people and continue to starve your negative thoughts,a good nutritional diet for the mind is as important as feeding your body balanced meals❤
Thanks, but just to give credit where credit is due... this achievement actually belongs to heatherwillard0614 heatherwillard0614 . I was quoting her saying she just hit the 5-year mark. I don't have that much time yet.

Your advice is spot-on, however, regardless of the amount of sober time one has.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thanks, but just to give credit where credit is due... this achievement actually belongs to heatherwillard0614 heatherwillard0614 . I was quoting her saying she just hit the 5-year mark. I don't have that much time yet.

Your advice is spot-on, however, regardless of the amount of sober time one has.
Well I know heatherwillard0614 heatherwillard0614 is awesome and she does deserve lots of credit,she's a very special girl and I'm a big fan,lol But I did think it was your 5yrs,sorry bout that-,however -doesn't matter if you have 30 days or 30 yrs- we all have but One Day at a Time 👍❤So,Congratulations are still in order my friend


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
I've been through some difficult times while having him, including alcoholism (currently in recovery, sober and stable), so I had to cut out a major chunk of my human social circle in order to stay healthy and sober. That's part of why my cat is literally my best friend. And honestly he's been supportive without realizing it. I always thought of his well-being, so even when I was at my worst with no motivation to do anything for myself, I always made sure I was taking care of him, and that got me through some tough times. Plus, he is an endless supply of love.
This warms my heart on another level. That's the best thing about our kitties. They love us unconditionally. You are so lucky to have Willy especially in that time when you really needed support and comfort. Without even knowing it him showing you true love helped you become a better you for him as well as for yourself.

Sometimes in the beginning it can be hard to realize that the "friends" we hang out with are in fact not good friends to have. It's hard to realize in the very beginning of trying to change for better that them being out of your life is the best thing for you. The saying goes you are the company you keep. When it comes to sobriety it hardly ever works to keep those "friends" because they still continue doing the same thing which is just temptation being dangled in your face. I'm glad you were able to let go of those friends. Willy, without even knowing it, was there to help pick up the pieces.

I'm not really a true "pet parent" as in someone who stresses over every little thing. I make sure he has good vet care, good food, and good company;

This is what it means to be a pet parent. You most definitely are a great pet parent. You don't have to worry about every little thing to be considered as such. You love him, you take care of all of his needs, you give him a home full of love and happiness, and you worry about his wellbeing. That is more than enough to be considered a pet parent. Don't ever forget that. Willy is so lucky to have you as his pet parent just as you are lucky to have Willy in your life.

With my cat, there's just me. No one else is going to completely understand like I do. That makes me feel like I am completely unprepared, although that is probably not actually true.

You have a whole community here who would help you through the grieving process. We all understand how it feels to unconditionally love our fur babies. When that time does come (way later down the line) we will be here to help you cope and grieve. We will be there to help you remember all the good times. We won't let you struggle by yourself.. honestly even if it was just me I would never let you go through the grieving process alone.. this being said though there will be plenty of us here for you. All of us who understand.

it's helpful to know that someone else is going through some of the same things that I am, and having the same sorts of thoughts.

This is why I shared. I want you to know you are not alone. I really meant it too if you ever find yourself struggling I want you to promise to reach out to anyone you can trust to help you through. I'll be here if you need. The only thing I want is for you to continue with your sobriety.
I congratulate you on your sobriety. It is a huge accomplishment and your life is worth it. I'm proud of you! You are amazing and deserve a life of sobriety, happiness, love, etc.

Willy loves you unconditionally and you being sober is you also being your best self as a pet parent.
I'll end it here I know I mentioned it already but let me make sure you know. You have a friend here who will be here if you ever need to talk. I don't ever want you to relapse. Even if it were to happen reach out because I can promise you I'll be here to support you and not judge you. I'll always be here for you. Willy is such a lucky boy to have you. 😺 ❤ ❤

Kwik Kwik thank you so much. I have been lucky to you. Maybe not in person but I already have love for you. You are an amazing person and I am lucky to have you and call you a friend. Kwik Kwik is exactly right too it doesn't matter if you have 30 days or 30 yrs- we all have but One Day at a Time 👍❤So,Congratulations are still in order for cmshap cmshap .
It can be 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 10 years... it never matters the length of time. It matters that you put your life above all else and know you are worth it and any time spent sober is worth all the celebration in the world. It is an accomplishment no matter the amount of time. As long as you try and keep taking it day by day. You did it. And I am so very proud of you. You are a warrior. Always fight rhe fight. You have people in your corner along with Willy. ❤ ❤ 😺
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I'm John

TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 5, 2019
My friend, I think that through the posts that sometimes arrive in this forum, you feel that we all are going to go one day. This thought reminds you of the love you hold for your sweet Willy. So every time you remember that we all have to go one day, you go and caress your cat. It for sure helped me when I had these thoughts.

Also, I have to tell you that I used to be an alcoholic and I also cut about 99% of all friends, except one guy (who eventually stopped drinking too for the same reasons as me - health). Cats are therapy. Just make sure you don't cut yourself away from all people, that is bad bad. Try to build relationships while also taking care of your cat. You matter and you take care of yourself! Peace and love.