Who has neighbors that are driving them nuts?


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
We're in the process of moving, and one neighbour seems nice enough, but he's already annoying me
It's an older couple, and they have 2 cars. We get one garage space and one allocated space.

The guy said to me a couple of weeks ago when we were there "oh sorry I'm parked in your space, I'll move my car". Not a problem. Except that he's STILL doing it! Almost every time we go there, he's parked there.

We're not entirely sure it's our space (can't find any info about which is our allocated outside space), but they seem to think it's ours, and they're parking both their cars outside, which is definitely against the "rules". Once we can confirm that it is definitely our space, we're going to have a talk to them!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Originally Posted by mismaris777

OMG that is too funny!!!!
Hopefully they didn't take too long to finish
At first- still half asleep I thought it was someone outside my window( first floor) groaning and the first thought I had was huh... is someone outside my window getting sick??? Then I FOCUSED my brain and.....

Uhhh... noooo.

Originally Posted by sarahp

We're in the process of moving, and one neighbour seems nice enough, but he's already annoying me
It's an older couple, and they have 2 cars. We get one garage space and one allocated space.

The guy said to me a couple of weeks ago when we were there "oh sorry I'm parked in your space, I'll move my car". Not a problem. Except that he's STILL doing it! Almost every time we go there, he's parked there.

We're not entirely sure it's our space (can't find any info about which is our allocated outside space), but they seem to think it's ours, and they're parking both their cars outside, which is definitely against the "rules". Once we can confirm that it is definitely our space, we're going to have a talk to them!
I have an attached garage at my condo. So my parking is as follows... the attached garage, the driveway leading to it and the curb space right in front. People coming to visit and one neighbor in particular are ALWAYS parking in the curb spot. I usually don't need it, but it is kind of rude.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2007
Makes me feel much better hearing everyones stories. Aren't some people just INSANE?! At least so far, they are not blaring music or having obnoxious friends over. I like my sleep!
I guess I can work around the rest of the issues for the rest of the winter. I have a feeling we won't be long here though. Unfortunately. I think summer will do us in since we like having the windows open. We are on the first floor and the neighbors smoke and let their dogs poop wherever. I won't tolerate having to smell that for too long. The guy upstairs likes to talk on his nextel while he smokes and his dog poops all over the property.
Right outside my bedroom window. We shall see what summer brings but I am not optimistic.

Some of you guys have it soooo much worse than we do! I really feel badly for you.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Originally Posted by AddieBee

I have had some lousy neighbors, too.

One funny story I will share. When I lived in Charlotte, NC I had a neighbor in an apartment complex who was a real jerk - loud music, slamming doors. I went to talk to him and he came on to me!!


The bedrooms of the units shared a wall and one morning I head all kinds of um.... noises.... coming from the other side. I mean LOUD. Knocking headboard too.

Sooooo.... I decided I would get up and make some coffee and um.. wait until they were done.
One of my friends had that problem with a neighbor. Except they chose to umm...make their noises...when she had company over.


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
Oh boy...it makes me feel better reading these stories and knowing I'm not alone! Actually, I have to say we haven't had much trouble with neighbours for a while now. The worse ever were these trashy low-life total wastes of space who lived next door for a while. They were total losers, partying all the time, toddlers running around everywhere, arguments and fights. The worse was when they had a screaming great fight, brought it over the fence and threw beer bottles at our building and in the car park. Bloody cops didn't show up till an hour later, fat lot of good they ever are. It was the happiest day when those scumbags left!They packed up their stuff and did a runner in the middle of the month, no doublt leaving the landlord in the lurch for rent. Serves him right. That's what you get for being a slumlord, a-hole.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 27, 2009
I live in a privately owned apartment building. I only have (currently) 4 neighbors with the possibility of only one more. I love it. The only issues we have with our neighbors are as follows.

The woman downstairs has been great, until some deadbeat moved in with her. One day a car parks outside...two or more months ago...and has not moved since.

A couple of weeks ago the hall way smelled so strongly of liquor that i felt like i was going to puke. it lingered for DAYS. And we also hear him hollaring at her constantly. I have never seen this guy but i wish shed get rid of him...scumb bag.