Where I've been...and where I am.


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Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
Some of you may have noticed, but, maybe not, that I've been missing for about a week. And, while I've been around since Sunday, I've not been posting. This is my first post since last week...before I was hospitalized.

I've been struggling for a while with abdominal pain and back pain. And, truth be told, I have been feeling under the weather for much of the summer. Between having my wisdom teeth removed, having a dental abscess, and being sick with a difficult-to-treat UTI, I have been on antibiotics on and off since June. It's primarily been Amoxicillin or Cipro, but there were a few others thrown in the mix as well. But, despite everything, I still developed a severe kidney infection which was the primary factor in my being taken to the ER last Wednesday and then hospitalized until late Saturday evening.

I'm not going to go through all the details, but suffice it to say that I was very ill. I was given Dilaudid for pain and Phenergan for nausea along with the broad-spectrum antibiotic Zosyn to fight the infection. I was also given Pepsid and Pyridium for stomach acid relief and bladder spasms respectively. By and large, I have recovered. However, the medication the hospital gave me (including the medication (my regular medication) that they didn't give me) have me feeling anxious and under the weather. And, that's just where I'm at right now.

I went back to the ER yesterday since my stomach has not been the same since being in the hospital. After reading Nikki's thread about her dealing with C. diff, I was concerned that I, too, could be dealing with that kind of bacterial infection. Thankfully, after taking labs and my white cell count coming back normal, the doctors do not think I have C. diff. And, in fact, even though they did not test a fecal sample, they were certain that, while I was dealing with antibiotic associated diarrhea, it was not C. diff since I was not sick enough. Thank God. And, so far, though my GI tract is not recovered, I seem to have moved in the other direction. The doctors have given me some concrete things to do in order to get back on track and I am following them, but it is still difficult. And, on top of feeling anxious due to medication withdrawl, I am also anxious about the what if's concerning my GI system.

So, I'm basically at status quo. And, given the alternatives, that's okay by me. I went to work on Sunday, not even 24 hours after being discharged from the hospital, and am working again this evening. I am still regaining my strength, but am doing and feeling better every day. I'm no longer on antibiotics or pain medication and am only taking my regular meds at this time. I have been told that I can take Immodium should my stomach act up, but I have not had to do so as of yet and am hoping that my system will regulate itself in short order. The good news is that I am getting better and not worse, but I still need to be cautious. I sleep a lot as well, but that's to be expected. I am just relieved to be getting back to routine.

I've been struggling emotionally since being hospitalized. I feel like my body has betrayed me...yet again. And, I feel shame and guilt about that. I know there is no reason for me to feel that way, but I do. Thankfully, being back on my medication is helping, but I still have a ways to go. I know, due to my OCD, that I need to just stay away from looking symptoms up on the internet (ie. about C. diff) and just focus on being healthy and recovering. The doctors are as certain as they can be that I'm just fine and recouperating from being on so much medication, but it's hard for me not to obsess and to trust that. But, slowly but surely, I'm getting there as well. And, in time, I know my emotional strength will return -- just as my physical strength is already beginning to do.

Since things have been so chaotic, please forgive me if I've missed out on responding to any PM's. I am still snooping, but if you haven't heard from me, shoot me another PM and I'll get right on it. Some messages were accidentally deleted when I was feeling rather unwell and I apologize for the inconvenience. But, now that I'm back home and getting back to routine, I look forward to being as involved as ever in this year's secret santa!

So, that's where I've been and the basics about what has been going on. I'm grateful to be on this side of my health again and am thankful to be back here on TCS and participating in my life. Being sick is difficult, but it makes being healthy all the more gratifying...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Just make them do a fecal test. If it comes back negative, then it's negative. But if it is positive and you take immodium, you could get very very sick. You'd only need to go pick up the kit and take the sample back to them.

It took me around two weeks with c. diff to get to the point where I couldn't keep any food or liquids down and even though my blood tests looked terrible and I was running to the bathroom for what seemed at the time to be every few minutes - I didn't feel that bad, just nauseous with a bit of stomach cramping (not as bad as other GI cramping I get sometimes).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Oh gosh, that's terrible! I'm so sorry you're going through this. You've had a hard few months.
I hope you heal up and recover very soon! Sending mega get well vibes from Genever and I!


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
You have had a hard few months!!!!! I'm so sorry sweetie. Sounds like things are on the right track, and many that your working on the positive attitude helps your body catch up with you.


TCS Member
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Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
Awww hun, I am so sorry that you have been unwell, I hope you feel better soon.


TCS Member
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May 18, 2004
All I can say is yikes! Are you going to try any probiotic yogurt to replenish your gut bacteria?


TCS Member
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Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I'm sorry to hear that you have been sick and in the hospital. Lots and lots of good vibes coming your way that you start to have better health!!


TCS Member
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Nov 25, 2008
Bradleyville, MO
I'm sorry you are going through this.
I have a lot of chronic and a never ending list of not chronic health problems also, so I know how you feel about your body betraying you.
I hope you start to feel better soon!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
You poor love!!
I am soo sorry that you've had such a rough go at things lately
Sending lots and lots of prayers and vibes your way for a full recovery soon hon!! Also, don't forget to try and take it easy on yourself right now and try not to overdo it
(Oh, definitely stay away from googling anything medically related right now- you don't need anything else to worry over!

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Many good health vibes coming your way

So sorry to hear you've been dealing with so much lately!
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TCS Member
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Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
I just got home from work and am sitting down to eat a small dinner, but I wanted to come back to this thread and thank everyone for their kindness and support

I am doing better. I actually felt hunger and thirst for the dirst time since being hospitalized and have just made myself a nice dinner. It's nice to actually want to eat rather than forcing myself. My GI tract has been largely quiet today. In fact, if anything, I think I'm beginning to swing to the opposite direction -- instead of running to the restroom, I feel as though I am almost forcing myself to go. And, I ate lunch without a problem this afternoon. So, I think, all in all, my body is beginning to regulate itself. But, I know better than to be complacent and I am still eating the yogurt that was suggested (Activia) and keeping myself hydrated.

The hospital did give me a fecal kit, but said that since they felt confident that I wasn't dealing with C. diff, I didn't have to bring a sample in unless I was still having diarrhea and cramping a few days from now. And, I've not had to take the Immodium and so I don't have too worry myself about that just yet. I'm trying to stay positive and keep things simple. I obsess too much and struggle emotionally with the anxiety and fear to the point of panic if I try to take on too much at once. If things continue to progress and I am still dealing with diarrhea in a day or two, then I will bring a sample in. But, I'm feeling better now. Well, physically. I'm still an emotional mess, but that's a given for me.

Apparently, I'm not in the primary risk group for C. diff and, while it's important for me to remain conscious of the possibility, I don't need to focus on it. I need, instead, to focus on getting better and being the happy, healthy, and healing individual that I know I am. It's hard not to rush a sample to the doctor, but neither my primary care physician or the hospital thinks I need to go that route just yet. I'm trying to trust them. I am taking care of myself, though, and do appreciate the sage advice. Should I continue to not feel well, I will bring a sample in. But, I'm not even having the problem right now and I've been reminded time and time again that there's no need to borrow trouble until trouble borrows me. For today, I feel better. And, right now, that's what I need to go with.

Your vibes and well wishes are most appreciated. I am so thankful for all of you and for TCS. I am doing better now, but it has been difficult. However, all that means is that there's only one way to go from here: UP


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Goodness! You've certainly been through the wringer lately! I hope you're feeling better soon!! Another vote for some sort of probiotic such as acidophilus to help replenish the good bacteria in your stomach. It will also help with some of the adverse side effects of the medications (like diarrhea).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by Alison Joy

The hospital did give me a fecal kit, but said that since they felt confident that I wasn't dealing with C. diff, I didn't have to bring a sample in unless I was still having diarrhea and cramping a few days from now.
You might as well. You could have another bacteria overgrowth. That's what diarrhea from antibiotics is - too much of your good bacteria flora being killed off so that bad bacteria, like c. diff, can run rampant.

Originally Posted by Alison Joy

Apparently, I'm not in the primary risk group for C. diff
You have a GI tract, you're at risk. I've been following your various threads over the months, and in the last year you've been on a few different antibiotics. That's what made me sick, I had been on antibiotics - because I am not elderly, nor living in a nursing home.

Do the test, get it out of your mind so you won't constantly be worrying "what if?". And hopefully you'll keep getting better.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2008
Having been on dilaudid myself for longterm usage, I can say it does increase anxiety levels
Its definately not one of the better meds for those of us who need a chronic long term medication, nor for those with anxiety disorders. There are meds just as good, without the anxiety issues

Glad you are ok, and on the right track back. I will continue to hold you in my thoughts