Where did you get your feline friend?


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally Posted by Miss Mew

Reilly came as a packaged deal with my fiance 3 and a half years ago
I'm so lucky!!
I just wanted to tell you that your Reilly is my favorite cat other than my own. Reilly is gorgeous. The question is does the other part of this package deal look as gorgeous as Reilly.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Speedboat came up on my carport one day when I was out there washing windows. My husband went fishing one day and found Muffin at the boat landing. It was cold and snowing and he felt sorry for the poor little guy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 7, 2005
Illinois, USA
At work one day, someone found a very preggers kitty in the window well. He thought she was stuck in there, so he lifted her out, but she jumped back in. Then a co-worker stuck her in her car, to take her home after work. I asked if I could have her, because I was able to take her home right then, rather than waiting until the end of the day. I was honestly afraid she would pop out those kittens before the end of the work day!

She proceeded to have 4 healthy kittens, one of which was a plain jane brown tabby. We decided to keep the pretty jet black kitty, instead. And adopted out the Momma and other kittens. But no one ever chose the plain brown girl, Festus. And I had another orange tabby boy to foster by then, who we named Garfield. I never really liked orange cats. But no one chose him either.

When we lost the black kitten to FIP, we had to decide which kitten to keep. The girls all wanted Festus, and the boys wanted Garfield. I had actually already promised Festus to someone. But generously, she allowed us to keep her after losing her sister. And we kept Gar, too.

By then I was fostering, and soon we got "Red" and "Blue", two semi-feral black kittens.

Blue, the kitty in front, tamed up nicely, with lots of help from Festus. So we adopted her out. We renamed Red Jasmine, and kept her. She is almost tame now. In fact, tonight she was underfoot, and I had to wait for her to move to step down!

My last kitty, Will, just came over from the dairy farm across the street. He was the third kitten to show up. I adopted out the other two, but couldn't give him up! He is my only in and out cat!

P.S. I find brown tabbies and orange tabbies to be quite lovely now! LOL!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 21, 2005
College Station, TX
I found mine in a cardboard box in front of Petco.

I was going to take them to the shelter, but they told me they can't adopt out the black ones in the middle of kitten season. So I just took them home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2006
Podunk, Kansas
Lets see, I got Sherman from a guy that had an ad for free kittys(that was back in '01) I got Callie(well she was one of Gracies daughters), Chloe was a stray from my moms and I fell in love with her and had to have her
Abby and Lily were from a woman that worked at our local HS and she told me about them....and Abby was supposed to go to a friend of mine but her hubby told her NO she couldnt have her, so I ended up with her.


TCS Member
Dec 9, 2004
JinJin was a pregnant feral that a coworker told me about. Another woman and I went there, and saw her being bullied by a nasty skunk for the rights to a shed. We set a humane trap, and she was in it in about 5 minutes (thank God it was her and not the skunk). The poor girl was emaciated, full of fleas, and pregnant fit to burst. She was a true feral...completely terrified of humans. She gave birth to 5 kittens 5 days after I got her. She spent her first month in my bathroom until I was given the green light by the vet to treat her for fleas. All her babies got adopted out at about 4 months, and Jin got her spay & a couple of teeth pulled that were infected & broken.

She's worked hard at becoming a house kitty & is really progressing. Adult former ferals are very hard to place (I just couldn't relinquish her to a shelter, I didn't think she'd do well in that environment), so nobody was remotely interested in adopting her. Very recently I decided that she would be my baby!

August 9th is her "gotcha day"...one year!


TCS Member
Jun 11, 2006
I first heard about Bubbles the grey tabby from a co-worker whose fiancee was allergic to cats and was getting a bit upset that it was taking so long from her to find a new home for the kitty. She asked me and I hmm'd and haww'd and said I'd talk to my husband. I did and my 12yo son reminded us that we'd promised to get him a cat once we got moved into our house (we'd been moved in for over a year ..) So my husband said yes, we could try her out.

It turned out to be a match made in heaven. My dog-loving husband instantly fell in love with her and worried for weeks that my co-worker would want her back, but after 8 mo .. she was still ours .. well actually his cause she fell in love with him also!

Well you know how one cat leads to more .. I decided I wanted an orange tabby to add to our home. So I searched Animal Aid and Human society for an orange tabby and found a few but of course most were males and older and we were warned that it would be easier on Bubbles if we went with a cat under 6 months and another female. We found a lovely and LOUD, polydactal, male orange tabby who was only 3 months and were on the verge of taking him when we turned to see this tiny 2 mo old calico climbing up to eye level in her cage to see us! She didn't meow .. she just stuck out her paw and watched us.

At the time we didn't know she was female, nor did we know that 99% of calico's are female .. we just knew this had to be our new baby! So we took her home and after about 2 hours it was decided that her name was Leela.

That was only 2 weeks ago and my girls are getting along great!

Here's pictures:


TCS Member
Mar 22, 2005
Katie was found as a tiny kitten roaming in the garden of a British woman living in Belgium, with no mama cat or other kittens around. The woman couldn't keep Katie so she advertised her on the radio. I was stationed in Belgium in the Army at the time, heard the announcement and adopted Katie.

Gracie came from a colony of feral cats that a friend of mine was caring for in a local neighborhood. She was the only surviving kitten in her litter.

Peter and Claire are also former feral kittens trapped with their mama and five littermates in another neighborhood. They were about 3 1/2 months old at the time. I was involved in helping to socialize them. I adopted Peter, the most timid in the litter, at six months, and took Claire in last fall after her owner died unexpectedly.


TCS Member
Nov 28, 2005
All my current kitties have come from rescue groups looking for someone to take in a FeLV+ kitty, Pandora and Antigone were actually from the rescue group the Eilcon volunteers with
Simon came from The Rainbow Connection after being found in the woods and Sapphire from The Animal Rescue Center after being transported down from a pound in Michigan, these cats are an absolute joy! I have had positives from Cali, NY, a construction site, and a trailer park (not the one I live in
) in the past


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2006
in a pile of open toed shoes!
LuckyGirl found us on our vacation to Disney. She was living at our hotel, eating bugs to survive, and extremely skinny. She had a tail like a bunny rabbit, and eyes as big as quarters. There was no way we could leave her there, and hubby, formerly known as the cat hater, decided we should at least bring her home with us and feed her, then give her away to a no kill shelter. She toughed it through the 16 hour drive home to PA. And we were both totally in love, hook, line & sinker!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2005
Chicago suburbs
My DH rescued Tailer from, quite literally, impending doom. One of Pat's customers was a local village, and where he went to call on them there were cages where the shelter animals who's time was up would be put until the county truck came to pick them up and put them down. Pat found Tailer in one of those cages one day. Tailer was a 10-week-old kitten ant the time, and Pat was a goner. He sprung him from his cage, loaded him into a box in his car, and took off with him. On his way out he saw the county truck pulling in. We found out later that he was part of a litter that someone had been dumped in the local forest preserves. He was the only one still alive when they found him.

Harvey belonged to Pat's ex-wife. When she got divorced and remarried and moved out of state, she couldn't take him with her. So we took him in.

I fell in love with Forest at first sight when I saw him in my vet's office. He and his brother had been dumped in a dumpster at a local pet store. The store owner took them to our vet, but couldn't sell them due to their CH affliction. So the vet kept them there until she could find them homes. After I saw him, I was able to talk Pat into adopting him as my first anniversary present. (I told him that fur was the traditional first anniversary gift
...and he knows I only like fur when it's still breathing.) The same day we adopted Forest another family adopted his brother.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 8, 2005
Dancing thru the Universe
It's hard to find Siamese cats in our area so I put the word out to my sister who knows everyone & everything from her job
that I was looking for a kitten-She found a breeder not far from her who had 1 kitten available-it was a blue point -I had wanted a seal-had to make my mind up by end of that day because there was another interested party-needless to say my blue boy-Lukas has been with me for 14 yrs.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 9, 2001
Central New Jersey
Loki came thru the Bengal Rescue Network - he was too shy to adopt according to the breeder - is he shy (NOT!!!!) Best day of my life!!!!!!!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2005
Jersey Shore
Luna came from a county fair. B's sister picked her up and brought her back to the farm. The story she came with was that she was abandon at the fair and his nephew's friend was going to take her home, but as they were leaving the mother dropped Luna into a garbage can on the way out. So between pathetic little Luna following me everywhere and B's puppy eyes at me (saying that she'll be eaten by coyotes before the end of the week) I took her home. She's my first cat. Plus it turns out that the other kittens on the farm did get eaten by coyotes.

We got Whitey through a friend of a friend of a friend. He was being given up because the previous owner couldn't keep him at her apartment anymore (no pets allowed and she got caught). So instead of moving to a new apartment (from what i heard money was no object for her) she asked her mother to find a home for her. I heard about Whitey through a coworker. The mother was giving one week to find a home before taking him to the shelter. By the end of that week we took him in.

B got Patches and Beauty 10-12 years ago from the Human Society. He saved Beauty from being put down, and Patches kept wanting his attention...so he figured out that you don't pick out the cat, the cat picks out you as its owner


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 30, 2005
New England
Delilah and Pierre are a mother/son combination that I took care of for just over a year, starting Memorial Day 2004. My brother and his wife (they were her cats before they married) had to move in with my parents and my brother's Jack Russell Terrier (a real cat hater) already lived with my parents. I still had Delilah and Pierre when my father told me that someone he worked with feeds a feral colony and found a friendly cat that seemed to be more of a stray, one that was being picked on by the ferals (he was limping and had huge cuts). I was hesitant but my father said that I'd take the cat anyway. Bob came home on Easter Sunday 2005. Until he got the cat we didn't know the color, breed or sex! A few months later my co-worker was preparing to move and her boyfriend told her she could only take 2 of her 3 cats! I tried to get a friend of mine to take Freckles but she kept delaying a decision. Over the 4th of July weekend, my SIL came to take Pierre and Delilah (she had split with my brother a few months before.) I went back to work depressed and my co-worker was equally upset because she had until the end of the week to find Freckles a home. So I took him and haven't regretted it since.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
My husband swears we have an invisible sign outside our house that says stray/feral/lost cats are welcome here, as cats tend to find us, meaning they turn up and demand entry. I've lost count of how many kitties have owned me. Jamie was the first young kitten we ever had, and the only cat that was "formally" adopted right from the start. A student at our school came in late, because the cat her mother was fostering had just had 5 kittens. I rather spontaneously said I'd take one or two (we had an older former feral at the time). Jamie was all of about 3 hours old at the time. It turned out that her mom and I both belonged to the same cat rescue organization, and my spontaneous reaction landed us with "Super Kitty", who's the light of my life.