When will my cat go into heat?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Cats can go into heat any time from as young as 5 months, though it is usually around 6/7 months. Some Oriental breeds can be a month or two later. You cannot mistake the signs of heat - she becomes more affectionate, starts meowing loudly as she is calling for a mate, rubbing herself on things, rolling on the floor, and above all, trying to get out! If she does get out she will not come back till she has mated - she will ignore all your persuasions. You will find that if she gets this far, there are likely to be a succession of tomcats outside - they can smell and hear her from a long way off.

Are you intending to spay her - usually it is a good idea to try to do it before the first heat, to avoid all of the above. But sometimes nature takes advantage of us and it happens before you can get her spayed. Obviously, it is very bad for the cat to get pregnant so young, and it is not pleasant for her to be in heat, so talk to your vet in advance about making arrangements. More vets these days will do spays well before a first heat is likely.