Whats the best practical joke


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
This one didn't happen to me, but I was there. It's long, so grab that cup of coffee and go potty

When I was a kid in the 1960's we lived just on the edge of the City in an area that didn't have running water piped in. We had to get our water from a pumping station about 1 mile down the road from where we lived. We also had out houses.

The neighbour directly to our right was a married couple. Her name was "Rose". I don't know his name as everyone called him "Bull Moose". I remember he was a big burly looking man, and very MEAN! He hated kids and made sure everyone knew.

I was about 5 or 6 at the time and remember him running out of his house with a shot gun everytime a kid ran across his yard (there were no fences and you know kids will take the shortest route as the crow flies,

He was always having arguments and fights with the neighbours and my family was no exception. My Mom liked Rose, but everyone hated Bull Moose.

One year my Dad and his brother, who lived next door, wanted to cut down an old dead tree in the front of our yard. Bull Moose refused to let anyone on his property and refused to let my Dad onto his property in order to cut down the tree. He ended up cutting the tree down on an evening when Bull Moose was at work, LOL

We also had tornado-like winds that knocked down our chimney and blew over our outhouse on more than one occasion, and whenever Bull Moose caught my Dad on his property retrieving our out house building or gathering up the bricks for the chimney, Bull Moose had a total fit, and out came the shot gun. To my knowledge he never shot anyone though

A few times my Dad and cousins would go and knock over his out house so that it was partially on our property and then my Dad would sit there with his 30-30 Winchester and watch while Bull Moose tried to lift up his out house without stepping on our property,
It was like the Hatfields and McCoys!

Anyway, my Dad's brother lived on the other side of us and he didn't like Bull Moose anymore than anyone else did. Plus Bull Moose pulled a gun on my cousin more than once and that didn't sit well with my Uncle!. So my Uncle and my Dad, my brother, and cousin got together and concocted a scheme to get back at Bull Moose; they enlisted the help of my Mom and my Aunt.

Because we lived just outside the City it was pretty dark even though there was the occasional street light on the street, but the back yards, and especially the out houses were totally pitch dark and you had to use a flashlight to see. Bull Moose had a routine. When he got home after midnight he went into his house and got his flashlight, grabbed a magazine and then made his way to his out house.

The plan was to have my Mom and Aunt make a life size dummy/manikin and the rest would position it in old Bull Moose's out house late at night when it was dark.

That night after they put the dummy in his out house we all hid in bushes and behind trees. I climbed up into our Apple tree and watched from high up there.

Like clockwork Bull Moose arrived home, went into his house, grabbed his flashlight and magazine and went out to his outhouse. He opened the door and went in, and I guess by the light of his flashlight saw a "dead man" sitting in his out house!

He burst back out through the door nearly knocking the building over in the process and ran screaming and yelling into his house. OMG! I nearly fell out of the tree from laughing, and my Mom literally piddled herself from laughing so hard, due to stress incontinence. We all scrambled to get inside our house before Bull Moose came back out and realized what was going on.

Not long after that we heard a police siren and saw a black and white police car show up at Bull Moose's house. We were all sitting in the dark running from window to window to see what was going on. The police went and looked at the "body" and realized it was a dummy. We saw them drive off with it sitting in the backseat of the car. One officer was sitting in the back seat with the "apprehended suspect",

OMG! We had some fun times back then.
I did a bit of cleanup on this post and some editing to reduce the word count, and have submitted it to a writing contest!  The prize is $1,000.00!!!!!

Won't know anything until December sometime.

bluebird gal

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2013
On The Road
Well it was the best in 'our' little minds, but probably not for most.

With my two best friends & childhood partners in crime:  we took a styrofoam wig head, along with one of my Mom's best wigs, to create a human looking head.  We all pilfered some of our Moms makeup to color the styrofoam to look more human.  Then we stuffed the head into a shirt that one friend contributed, then the other contributed the pants and shoes, which we sewed all together & stuffed with newspapers & toilet paper.

Turned out to be about the size of a 6-7yr old child.  We took one friends little brother's bicycle, took a sledge hammer to it to beat it up some, then layed it just at the edge of where the street light shown down and splattered ketchup all around.

Then we hid in the hedges in front of my house and waited. We had no idea that 45min after we laid our joke in the road that my house would be surrounded by EMS, Firefighters and police.  Because the old lady who's curb we laid it on just about lost her mind (screaming) thinking someone ran over a kid.  And of course we were all three pretty much hyperventilating in the hedges!

"Pranksters" was the leading, front page story in our local hometown paper  ..  Funniest thing of all is that we were not caught that night.   One of my friends Mom actually went looking for Beth's pair of shoes like were on the dummy.  Beth hated those damn shoes & had gladly contributed them to our scheme.  And the phones started ringing off the hook.

I don't remember how long it was before we were all un-grounded.  LMAO

I lovingly blame it on my Dad who was a huge prankster that my Mom was generally on the receiving end of.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Good luck!!!  I hope you win!

We used to pull practical jokes when we were college age and some in high school too.  I did the desktop icon one when DH and I were newlyweds...he didn't appreciate it. ;)  Most of the stuff I did was just silly and in good fun.  


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I don't usually do or appreciate practical jokes, either--they can be mean!  But occasionally....  
  Any of you remember "clippy", the annoying 'helper' that popped up on Windows progams?  Once I installed this on a co-worker's computer:  http://rjlpranks.com/pranks/clippy/  It popped up random messages that were just innocuous enough that a person wouldn't get it was a gag right away.  I laughed my butt off as I watched him get more and more confused about Clippy's 'helpful' messages.
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Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm not big on practical jokes either, but I do remember one April Fool's Day one of our well known radio announcers (well-respected and credible) told everyone that the Derwent River (that runs through Hobart) was terribly short of water, and that the ferries were in danger of grounding. 

He asked everyone to go to their toilets, and, on the count of three, to flush.  Many, many people did it...

Another well-respected announcer, way back when we converted to metric, mused on how we'd manage metric time, which had the station's phones running hot.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
My Brother is thrilled that I sent in that story! It's one of his favourites too.  He was about 10 or 11 at the time so he was old enough to participate in the prank. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 20, 2012
OMG !   I just remember something. Long ago when I had a slumber party we used to put a girls bra in the freezer. She woke up looking for it and couldn't find it. Those were the days.  