What would you do?


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 31, 2013
Washington state
I wanted to ask people who feed feral cats on a very tight budget. I live from pay check to pay check and even budgeting food for myself and 2 adult sons is nearly impossible. I can't afford things like toilet paper, toothpaste, laundry soap etc.

When I first began feeding the cats we were bringing in more money a month and I could afford to get everything we needed and feed the feral cats. The cats could also eat the cheaper foods and they also get canned food.

Now my feral cats all have issues with the dry foods they used to eat, they get swollen lips and chins. I have had them on Natural Balance Green Pea and Duck and the swollen chins went away. I also have one cat who now can't eat the Friskies canned food or she gets a swollen chin.

I went to Petsmart yesterday and spent the last of my money on a 5lb of Natural Balance, canned food and then my own indoor cat can only eat Wellness canned. My 10lb bag ran out before the end of the month.

I'm so hungry from not eating and I had to ask my Mom for some toilet paper. I spent all day crying because all my money is spent on bills and cat food. I have no extra for anything, not even a haircut. You know how sometimes a nice haircut can make you feel a little better.

I want to try the cheaper dry foods again but yesterday I gave the cats just a little of the Purina Cat Chow and this morning two cats have swollen lips.

I have to ask my mom today if she can buy us some milk and butter. She lives on a small amount of SS and I feel bad asking her all the time for things when my family knows that it's because my feral cats need such expensive food, they get upset with me all the time.

I know I should just get to the original question, What would you do if you could no longer afford the expensive foods but knowing the cheaper foods cause problems?




TCS Member
Aug 25, 2015
Remember that when a plane is going down, parents are told to put their own oxygen mask on first. You won't be able to help these kitties at all if you die of starvation. Of course the consequence of nor feeding them isn't that dire:If the best you can afford is low grade chow that's negatively impacting their health, they are probably better off foraging for themselves. Cat's are independent creatures, who are born with an innate instinct to hunt. How can store bought corn filled kibbles compare with fresh, freerange mice? If you can't afford to feed them, then don't. If they have bonded with you, and trust you enough to come around and be petted, you can still shower them with affection - everything needs love - But if they are the too wild to touch variety of feral, please leave them to their own devices. It sounds like you have been feeding them for a while. If you have not been able to gain their trust in that time, you are building an unhealthy relationship, reinforcing an unnecessary dependency between them and yourself.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I agree with DuelingSpectra.   If you can not, so you can not.   There are always others ways to help these small brethrens of ours, which doesnt cost anything, if your budget is that tight, but which helps them - and makes you feel good to.

But.  Something you didnt told in your post.   Are these ferales already spayed?   If  so, swell and good.  If not, its not even sure its so wise to give them food.  They just become more...

Its what we here usually say: to give the hungry food is nice and good, but it becomes excellent first when you have a plan with it, the TNR and or adoption.  That is, if they are unspayed.

If they are spayed, its just to help them as you can and want...

That said, there are food which are cheap and yet fairly decent.  Our USA living forumites can surely tell you more about this.   IF proceeding with giving them food is what you want to proceed with...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
I'm very sorry that you are in this fix. If you haven't done so already, there are SNAP and food pantries, other places that can help you with food for your family. I do think that if you contacted a local Humane Society or local pet store and see if they have any old, near date or broken bags of food, and explain these kitties, they might give you the food for very cheap or even free.  I also agree these kitties need to be fixed, I hope they already are but if not there should be someone at the Humane Society that can help you.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You can also call local rescues and ask for help not only with TNR, but with food. Many will provide free food to those on low-income budgets. It may not be the high-quality expensive brands, but it's food. You just need to call around and ask. There is no shame in asking when you are trying to help feral cats.

I also wonder if the swollen lips and chins are from some sort of infection for which they need treatment? Perhaps an organization could help with this angle as well.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I mentioned spaying and TNR.   Im not meaning YOU on your tight budget shall do it.  But there is almost surely some sort of TNR organisation or similiar around, who do works with TNR or helps with spaying.   And you could cooperate with them.

Not seldom its not money which is the real issue for such organisations, but volunteers whom are willing to help, not only sometimes now and then, but often and preferably on a regular basis...


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 24, 2015
Remember that when a plane is going down, parents are told to put their own oxygen mask on first. You won't be able to help these kitties at all if you die of starvation. Of course the consequence of nor feeding them isn't that dire:If the best you can afford is low grade chow that's negatively impacting their health, they are probably better off foraging for themselves. Cat's are independent creatures, who are born with an innate instinct to hunt. How can store bought corn filled kibbles compare with fresh, freerange mice? If you can't afford to feed them, then don't. If they have bonded with you, and trust you enough to come around and be petted, you can still shower them with affection - everything needs love - But if they are the too wild to touch variety of feral, please leave them to their own devices. It sounds like you have been feeding them for a while. If you have not been able to gain their trust in that time, you are building an unhealthy relationship, reinforcing an unnecessary dependency between them and yourself.
I support these sentiments.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Please contact any rescues or other resources for help.  Do not allow yourself to go hungry, though.  No one will benefit if you get ill.

I will say that Tractor Supply has a fairly inexpensive food that is pretty good.  I feed our ferals that.  Check that out, too.

Thank you for helping them all but really, think if yourself as well.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 31, 2013
Washington state
Sorry, I should have explained better about this. I have been feeding Mama cat since 2008 when she was a tiny little kitten, she had a littler of 5 girls in 2009  and another litter of 6 all girls 3 months later. I got the second litter and found homes. I also found a lady to help me spay all of them in November of 2009.

They used to eat Purina Cat Chow and canned Friskies cat food with no problems. I did notice that they itched all the time and made sores from the itching and pulling fur out. I was bringing in more money at the time of me switching to a grain free food so it was no problem. I tried several brands before I found Natural Balance Duck that seemed to agree with everyone.

I then lost over $700.00 a month in June of 2014. We were still doing okay until the place I live in was sold and my NEW landlord raised rent to $1000.00 a month, I was only paying $695.00. Really not even that because I'm on housing but my share went up over $240.00 a month with this rent increase.

I can't afford $30.00 a month for dry and then buy and  feed 4 cans a day of Friskies. My own cat is allergic to everything so she can only eat Wellness canned food which is not cheap.

My question was should I just feed the cheap food and let them live with the swollen and maybe painful lip sores. I know it's an allergy to the food because that's what my cat goes through when she breaks out from a food. Swollen lower lip and chin.

My guess on the cheap food is Brewers yeast, Brewers rice, soy and the worst is anything with beet pulp in it. All the cheaper foods have one or more of these ingredients.

My own cat has IBD and allergies to everything. She is on medication and has to have anal glands expressed once a month. That is not cheap either.

Anyway it's all this cat food I can no longer afford but can't just stop feeding them. They live in my yard and hang out with us in my back yard, we just can't touch them.

If they could just eat a bag of cheaper food like others in my neighborhood buy.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
But they can't, and eventually get awful sores they pick at, which must be terrible for them.

I feel badly for your situation. Can you call around and see if any of the rescues can help with proper food for the cats?

Are you eligible for the federal food stamp program to help feed your family?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Jul 31, 2013
Washington state
The funny thing about trying to get food stamps is we make $50.00 more for a family of 3 then what they allow.

I have called a few rescues around my area but they can't help us. They will gladly take any donations I can bring into them.

I had a feeling this is what I would be told about the cat food issue but I'm just so desperate right now.

I have gone to a few food banks and they do hand out cat food but not the kind my cats can have.

Thanks for all your help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
Let me think, have you tried food pantries for you, and possibly speaking to the local butcher shops, grocery shops and tell them that when they mark the meat down can they call you and sell it either cheaply or maybe even let you have it for free? I know some places do that with the spare meat or fish that is either marked down before it is due. Also if you are in an area where fishing/hunting is popular you might be able to get in contact with some hunter and they might give the scraps for them to have and you freeze it.  About the Cat Chow, was it the kind in the blue bag? I ask because recently they changed the formula and added dyes, the dyes may very well be causing issues. When I was feeding dry, I fed the naturals kind and had no issues with it. It is sold in a 13 pound bag for the same as the sixteen pound one. No dyes in that one yet. I am glad that they are fixed, that in and of itself is helpful. One last question, you say it is lip sores. Do you feed them out of a plastic plate or dishes? if you could possibly post a picture of the sore it would help. I ask because a condition called rodent ulcers, causes a cat to have an inflamed chin, much like cat acne when they are fed out of plastic dishes. An allergy to the plastic.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
This is a tough situation for sure.

I would maybe try cutting back on their food.

I used to feed all of my cat colonies in town who I have tnr'd, every single night.

I did this for 3 1/2 years, and finally realized it was killing my finances and my life was nothing but cats! (like it's not now........!)

But you see what I mean.

I decided to change it to every other night.

It hurt my heart for them at first, I knew they were waiting for me to come, I am the only 'good' thing they have in their lives.

But you know what? They adapted just fine. They hunt mice when they are hungry in between, and they couldn't possibly be any healthier. In fact I've commented on how crazy healthy they all are, I have some who I have cared for since they were 4 month old kittens, who are now nearly 14, the healthiest feral cats around!

Because the fact is, a balance of mice and cat food is ideal, mice are exactly what cats need nutritionally, and add cat food for calories, etc and it keeps them in incredible condition.

So I mean, in half is one answer for cutting back.

Oh! I also do this. When I do my cat route, I pop my trunk, and have garbage bags I dump dry food in to, and add the canned right in to it, mix that all up so it uses ALOT less canned too!