What would you do?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Originally Posted by WellingtonCats

I think NZ/Australia has the right attitude when it comes to tips - people don't tip here. I've never left a tip nor have I ever known anyone has left a tip.
are you sure? because the cafe i work at gets tips, all of the other girls rely heavily on tips to get by and they work in restaurants too


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
I worked as a waitress (Pizza Hut) for 9 years. We were told originally by our district manager to only claim enough in tips to equal minimum wage at that time. We did that for 3 years. Suddenly the IRS comes after me because I wasn't claiming the "percentage" of the nightly sales...for the last 3 years. I had an IRS bill of over $3000. Now, I can't argue with the IRS and if I owed it, I owed it. BUT, at that time I was working for $2.35/hr. The cooks were getting $4.35 starting rate. It took forever for waitresses to get a decent raise because we got "tips". Not a great thing when you are working in a college town and waiting on people that want to save their money for beer.

Back to the orginal post....maybe she just miscounted the bills and meant to give you back $10. If it was a busy night, that could very well have happened. We had a "change dish" where people could put spare change in and it helped when it came to doing fast cashouts. I really don't understand why any waitress would want to hold on to $0.60 some. I DO understand why she gave you all those $1.00 bills though....that is a stragetic movement in the restaurant world!


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I usually leave a nice tip. But if the waitress kept part of my change, I would point it out to her and there would be no tip. I know waitresses work really hard, but to heck with her assumptions...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
If the person was rude to me, I'd still tip- you never know what could be causing that, maybe they're having a really bad day- it happens to everyone especially someone who works in that business...
If they were slow with bringing drinks, refills, etc- i would tip a lot less than usual. I can't not give it a tip- I feel like I am free riding if I do, like I said if I am not going to tip I'd go to a self service place. These people bring the food to me because they expect me to give a tip, and if they have to because it's their job, i'm sure that they would be not be working if they didn't receive tips- so it's in fact their salary that you rob them of when you choose not to tip. When you order pizza and the person on the phone is rude to you, you don't pay less because of that. It's the same with receiving a service at the restaurant, if it's bad it doesn't make it okay not to pay for it, and the fact that giving a tip is voluntary and not mandatory is just an unfairness that I don't agree with and is very unfortunate. I really think it should either be included in the price, and then people can choose if they want to give more, or if servers should just be on a regular salary and get rid of the tipping altogether. I would absolutely be mad if a waitress starts to flirt with my boyfriend and ignores me or is rude to me in any way. But I'd probably just stop going to the restaurant, and still tip her because I feel like if I would feel like a bitch- even though she may have done a rude thing, I'm no one to take away her salary. It's terribly unfortunate that restaurants are set up in this way to be able to exploit their wait staff, make them work practically for free, and then make it voluntary for them to get paid, if the customer thinks they did a good job.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2008
California, East Bay Area
I agotta agree with all the people that tip well. We always do, no matter what.

The best thing to do is complain to the manager about what happened, but not name names. Like said before, she might not even have know what your change was! I work with the public and money, and it sucks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
Originally Posted by fwan

are you sure? because the cafe i work at gets tips, all of the other girls rely heavily on tips to get by and they work in restaurants too
I have never left a tip, nor seen anyone else do so. I've always thought that we didn't do that here, and even been told that they are not allowed to keep the change even when offered.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 14, 2009
I can see where a lot of people are coming from in that kind of situation. My job is far worse than waitress jobs! I work at a bowling alley and do B-day parties. I have to be with the party for the whole 2 hours they are there. You get an hour bowling and an hour in the room to eat/open presents. (which FYI they usually take an extra 30-40min to get out of the room...) SO i set up the room: table cloths, plates, cups, napkins, chairs, tables, balloons etc... Then I greet them, round up the kids to get their shoe sizes, set up the lanes: put names in, put bumpers up, get kids right sized balls, explain rules. Then I take the food oders of the people and often times i am making their pizzas (which often times they order like 5 pizzas). I have to stay with the party and make sure they have no issues on the lanes and offer help if have questions. Then i put the food and drinks in the room, get the kids in the room. I serve the kids their food like i actually ask who wants cheese or who wants pepperoni and i set it on their plates and same with soda, i serve each kid their drink. I get anything the people need.I get the cake, prepare for singing happy b-day and then i cut and serve the cake. I then pass the bowling pin around for all the kids to sign it. I then get the bill prepared give it to the parents. Take the money/bill to the person at the front desk who GIVES me the money ( we arent allowed to ring up the bill only front desk people) Then I clean up the room and clean the dishes. I do all of that and sometimes i get nothing..... no tip. I get paid min. wage and like others said tips are part of my wages. I am always very nice to the people, offer any ways that would be cheaper for them to go about the party like with extra bowlers etc... and i ask if they need anything at least every 10-15 minutes. I work my butt off for these people, enough to where when i get off i am so tired and sore, i just want to die! lol Now on the upside i have gotten some good tips, but like you say you get bad/rude servers............well i get rude customers who act like they are some Holy King or w/e and that i am the scum of the earth and i should bow down to them and lick their shoes....ewww!
Saddly I still will work my butt off for those rude people, because its my work ethic, but i will talk crap about them to my co-workers

All I have to say is next time you go someplace where its a min. wage job please think before you react. I have had some really bad days and I had three hindu women getting in my face when they wanted me to do everything for their 50 people party when the other party hostess was talking to our co-workers and I guess I cant be in 2 places at once and cant cut 2 cakes at one time, i mean my God i have two hands! Anywho i was stressed because it was a monday night and i had a huge test the next day and i wasnt supposed to work that nite, but i choose to help my "co-worker" out and i get them screaming in my face. I broke into tears and then OH evil people are trying to be nice...sorry it doesnt work both ways..... They ended up explaining that they knew it wasnt my fault and they didnt mean to yell at me directly and i did get a $25 tip which is ok not as good as a $60 tip
but my co-worker got nothing..

Sorry this is sooo long its just well i am a min. wage worker and i know how it feels! It has taught me to always say please and thank you to teh server/person helping me and leave a good tip.

But I would never assume a tip and keep any money even if it was a penny, i always give it back.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 6, 2002
The Spacecoast
Originally Posted by strange_wings

I'm going to take minor offense to that.
I, and I'm sure others here, always count back change.
You're taking offense? I certianly had no clue that my statement would offend anyone. By saying "no one" knew how to do that anymore, I didn't really mean "no one." Sorry.
I just meant it was rare! I cannot remember how many years ago it was when someone counted change back to me. Really. (I mean really counting the change back, not just telling you how much the change is and counting that back to you.)

When I began waitressing/bartending (in the 70's), it was automatic. The registers didn't calculate how much change to give back.
Originally Posted by strange_wings

It's too easy to make mistakes when in a hurry and that helps prevent it.
That was actually my point. The waitress the OP was talking about would have realized her mistake or realized that her customer was on to her.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 5, 2008
Port Elgin Ontario
I'm a chronic over tipper.
I worked as a cook in a restaurant for almost 5 years and I relied on those tips that the servers had to share 15% of. Sometimes those tips got me to the end of the month.
My biggest pet peeve about servers is they make so much more than the kitchen staff solely on the fact that they get tips. In the summer months, I would get tip outs of $75-$80, now if thats 15% split between 20 employees, think about how much those servers are getting in tips eh.

I over tip not for the server but for the back of the house and I usually ask how their tips get split up. If it all goes to the server, they get less. If the back of the house gets a cut: I throw in a bit extra because I know that if someone hadn't overtipped when I was in the kitchen, I might not have been able to buy bread that month.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
Originally Posted by fwan

are you sure? because the cafe i work at gets tips, all of the other girls rely heavily on tips to get by and they work in restaurants too
Well I'll speak for NZ then but I've been to NSW twice (and up near the border of Brissy) and Vic once and no one tipped. My boyfriend's sister lives there and they don't tip nor are expected to?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 1, 2006
Carlisle Pennsylvania
As a former pizza delivery guy, I never gave coin change. No one really expected it either. Perhaps this watress forgot the coins( it CAN happen).