What sickness is going around in your area?


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Here in Eastern PA. we are dropping like flies from a "non Covid virus" and also from tons of mold from the unusually wet weather that we had in the past few weeks. I started to notice a little irritation about 10 days ago where the sinuses and throat meet, but it went away, only to be replaced by a slight "forced" tickle cough but that went away. But last weekend I went for a few walks as the sun finally came out, but the ground is just so soggy and damp and moldy, each time I came home I felt worse. But Wednesday I finally got hammered full force with this nasty thing, tons of sinus congestion and burning nose and fever and just feeling lousy, did several days of at home Covid tests that were negative, went to the doctor and she said it is going around like crazy, it's not Covid or the flu, some other annoying thing. Stayed home from work the last few days, they covered for me, and am feeling better than I was, but these things just drain you, takes time to get the wind back in your sails and others that had it said so too. But I haven't missed work in 15 months, and that was thanks to Covid back then, so that's pretty good I think, considering all of the stress that I've been through dealing with my elderly parents and nursing homes and banks and lawyers I'm shocked I didn't get sick sooner! But I think it was the crazy over the top wet weather that pushed me over the edge, and the temperature change from cold to warm, they say today might break the record of 57 degrees then they want it cold again mid next week, crazy!!

Is this thing going around where you are too?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
My allergies have been terrible with the melting snow and warm wet weather! TMI but, the amount of snot I'm producing could fill a friggin' swimming pool!!! My cough has been bad as well due to post nasal drip. 2 weeks ago I had such a big coughing fit that I injured my ribs on my right side. They still haven't healed up yet.
As for transmissible stuff...a pretty serious strain of Strep is going around and has killed several people. There's a moderate (symptom wise) cold going around that it seems to linger quite a while for everybody. Like you, this cold seems to start and stop for a bit before actually "hitting", then lingers. A few weeks back a gastro bug was hitting people pretty hard...but it seems that has tapered off.
I think that's it...
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
My allergies have been terrible with the melting snow and warm wet weather! TMI but, the amount of snot I'm producing could fill a friggin' swimming pool!!! My cough has been bad as well due to post nasal drip. 2 weeks ago I had such a big coughing fit that I injured my ribs on my right side. They still haven't healed up yet.
As for transmissible stuff...a pretty serious strain of Strep is going around and has killed several people. There's a moderate (symptom wise) cold going around that it seems to linger quite a while for everybody. Like you, this cold seems to start and stop for a bit before actually "hitting", then lingers. A few weeks back a gastro bug was hitting people pretty hard...but it seems that has tapered off.
I think that's it...
Wow, I am sorry you are dealing with this stuff too, I hope you feel better soon!

That's pretty serious if Strep actually killed people, yikes!!

The first few days of this thing I went through tissues like no one's business, so I know what you are saying about the excess mucus! And I had sneezing too but that has gone away, very strange stuff.

I just went outside to feed the birds and clean some bird poop :mad: off my old 1987 Bronco in our driveway, just to get out of the house albeit for a few minutes, first time out since Wednesday. It's not nearly as warm as they say it is going to be, wrong as usual...but it was good to get out for a bit. Temp is 99.1 so still up a little bit, but it's only been since Wednesday, so I am steadily improving albeit slowly, but improving just the same!

Feel better soon!!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I just had some kind of virus but I don't go to a doctor with a virus unless it gets into my lungs. It was like a bad head cold but I did run a little bit of fever with it. I was really tired and did the thing where I wanted to be awake at night and sleep during the day for a few days. I also had some swollen lymph glands from it. I don't know what it was but it was different from the garden variety sniffly cold.
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I just had some kind of virus but I don't go to a doctor with a virus unless it gets into my lungs. It was like a bad head cold but I did run a little bit of fever with it. I was really tired and did the thing where I wanted to be awake at night and sleep during the day for a few days. I also had some swollen lymph glands from it. I don't know what it was but it was different from the garden variety sniffly cold.
Yes that sort of sounds like this wacky thing too. I only went to the doctor to rule out Covid or flu for my job, I didn't think it was either of them especially since I did the at home Covid tests, but I needed to make sure. Whatever it is it is rough, knocks you for a loop once it gets ahold of you!

Here in PA. I think they said it was the wettest December that we ever had, and I'm sure that played a huge part in it. Did you have tons of rain in Ohio too?
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I checked and this was THE wettest December on record here, so that I'm sure helped spawn a lot of these wacky viruses along the the ever changing weather!

4 days into this thing, last night I felt so tired from it, I do feel better in general, not where I need to be yet, but I do feel like I am gaining on this, but I slept a lot last night and this morning, this is my last day to rest before returning to work tomorrow, and now it is at the stage where there is multi colored mucus coming out along with light blood which tells me I am getting dry up there, still a small fever but not bad, but just wiped out, if the house was on fire I think I'd seriously have to push myself to get out lol!! I had more energy the last few days, but I know this is how these things go, you can get feeling a bit worse even though you are fighting it off, so I'll make sure to drink and eat and rest, and go from there. I am not big on meds, use a lot of vitamins and herbs and things instead, I know antibiotics aren't needed and would make things worse, I use Neil Med nasal rinse each day and I'll just have to keep doing what I'm doing. But others told me that they were just so tired with this thing, I see what they mean!!


Alpha Cat
Jun 11, 2019
Yeah, I caught whatever this bug is twice now from my niece who has a perpetual cold (she's little). First round I had a fever, this time no fever but my cough has been rougher. I've been taking a lot of days and just working from home, which luckily I am able to do, and hopefully it will clear soon. It's an interesting one because it's like I start feeling poorly, then feel a lot better, then the cough hit and I felt worse. I'm starting to feel better again, but am going to rest a few days and take my meds and hopefully will continue to improve.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
One of the women I'm friendly with at my gym had been gone for 6 weeks. I thought she was on vacation or something but it turned out she had some type of nasty virus. She tested negative for Covid, pneumonia, ear infection and strep. They never figured out exactly what she had but thankfully she's better now. Stay safe and well everyone. :crossfingers:
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Went back to work today and found out that others have it there too, and I asked at a doctor's office about 50 minutes north of where we are if they are seeing this virus up there and she said "3 different ways", I told her what my symptoms were and she nodded her head but then my work phone rang lol! But I am told it takes several weeks to get rid of it, great....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Have no idea. I don't get out much and it's very very rare if I get sick. There are days when I just feel out of it, but I bounce back quick.
Even when I had Covid (3x's - confirmed) I barely noticed. I have a great immune system.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I almost never leave my house so I haven't gotten sick since I got Covid for the first time in October. My nieces just got over the flu though and one of my friends and her family had a really bad stomach bug last month. She had to go to the ER for fluids because it was so bad.
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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Yesterday a client that is into vitamins and homeopathic remedies and other things like I am gave me some packets of something called Samahan tea, Indian stuff. She said her friend got it from a doctor who had her drink a cup of it in his office awhile ago and she said that she felt "great" after it, so I took the samples, looked it up online before I decided to try it, it has good reviews and is specifically made for immune health and things like colds and flus and this junk that we have that is going around. I saw nothing that seemed like it would make me nuts or kill me, so I took half a packet in hot water this morning, and man this stuff had me feeling really much improved!! I even was out dealing with the 8" of snow we got dumped on this morning, sweated a lot but just kept going, came in and showered and ate and took the other half of this packet and seem pretty good, very tired as I'm still not over it but I seem pretty good.

Anyone else ever hear of this stuff or take it?