What should I do when my cat shows extreme interest in human food?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 20, 2015
Hello everyone. I am not a native English speaker so please pardon my grammar mistakes. I am here to talk about my 2-year-old male cat, Beyta. I adopted him from a local shelter one and half years ago. He was doing all right, except scratching the furniture and carpet sometimes (though I have bought several scratchers and tried scratch stop items, but he would still scratch sofa and carpet sometime. I can bear that but if you have any ideas dealing with scratch problems please tell me). 

Anyway, I never fed him any human food since I adopted him. I had no idea what he ate before, but he accepted both dry and wet cat food pretty well. He barely showed interest in human food until then. That was one day, I took a bag of scallops out of the fridge and put it on the table to thaw them. Then I walked away for other stuffs. When I came back, I found Beyta was on the table----eating the scallops! That was the first time I saw him eating human food. I don't know if that first try gave him some more interests. From then, every time when we having dinner, he would jump up to our table and trying to lick the food. Even if I drive him away he would come back again and again. Now I have to lock him in the bedroom when I eat anything. Then he would scratch the carpet to show his dissatisfaction. The part of the carpet near the bedroom door is ratty and ragged now. I really have no idea of how to deal with him. And when people cannot see, he would stand up with his hing legs and pull down the trash bin, so that he would squeeze into the trash bin and search for human food. I had to change all the trash bins to the ones that have pet lock... 

I am really concerned about him. I know cat cannot have human food because they cannot bear high salinity. But how could I cut off his interest in human food completely? He is really stubborn and would try anything for getting whatever he wants to get (e.g. he would keep meowing and follow my every step until he gets the treat). He is a cute and gorgeous cat though. I really love him. That is why I want him to stop wanting human food! I feel I have no idea with him...Please help me out. Thank you so much.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
My guess is that he was used to eating out of the trash or others fed him human food scraps.  He has a taste for it and it is very hard to control.  For now, your best bet is to keep him put away when you are eating.  Watch your counters closely.  I have a cat who will snag anything off my counters.  I have to put it up high ( like on the fridge) so he cannot get to it.  I have heard of people using double sided sticky tape on their counters.  Cats hate the way it feels.  It didn't work for me. 

Hopefully with time and you feeding him delicious wet food he will lose interest.  Maybe when you are eating, you could feed him in another room with the door closed.  After some time, he may learn and you can begin to feed him out in the open while you are eating.

As far as the scratching, lots of different scratching posts.  You might need some on a post (vertical) as well as some horizontal.  Also corrogated cardboard as well as carpeted or sisal rope.  You just have to find one he likes.  You can attract him to the scratchers with catnip.

As for tearing up the carpet when he is shut in.  I had this problem too.  I had to put a thick piece of plastic in the threshold of the door and tape it down with duct tape.  This prevented him from tearing up the carpet.  It doesn't look the greatest, but better than ruining my carpet.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 20, 2015
Thank you for replying me ShadowsRescue. Actually I am pretty desperate right now, because when I got home I found my cats teared up the package of the treats and ate 2/3 of them. There are even bite marks on the preservative bag! I can't imagine what would happen if they actually ate that. I mean, they might die! I don't know if that was done by only Beyta or by all  three cats of mine, but I am pretty sure Beyta must be the lead role since the other two don't have that enthusiasm on foods. I feed Beyta Rad Cat raw food and Ziwi Peak canned food. He loves them. Actually he loves eating anything...And I feed him enough amounts for the cat weighs like him. I don't know why he would still searching for food like he is gonna starve to death. I find your situation is pretty similar to mine. My way to protect the carpet is to put a large rug cover the place he scratches the most, then put two heavy dumbbells on it so the rug won't slip even he bites or scratches it. Anyway, I have pretty much done everything that I can do. Next step I am going to do is buying some seal boxes and to seal everything my cats may want to eat in it! Hoping one day Beyta can stop sneaking around hunting for food completely...Hope that day comes soon.  
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