What Should I Do- Feral Mother Cat And Probably Less Than Week Old Kittens Under House


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 26, 2018
I am brand new to this forum and this looked like the correct place to ask this question but if it's not, I'll remove it!

A few days ago we heard the squeekings of kittens coming from the bathroom vent, so we went under the house and sure enough coming from the hanging insulation we heard them loud and clear again. That was the first we had heard, and they sound super young so I am guessing that was a day or two after she had them. We've seen the mom, she's a super shy med-haired cat. Now the problem is we live out in the country and we have coyotes, raccoons, stray dogs, and everything else. There have been other wild strays over the years most which have not lived long do to the surrounding wildlife. The other thing is, even if they do all manage to survive, we're not keen on having a whole bunch of feral cats on the property. (We love cats, even adopted the last friendly stray who showed up here, but indoors only! We have a lot of rare birds in the area that have enough trouble with the raccoons and snakes) We did google and find out some info, we started feeding the mother cat in one spot in the morning and she's been eating. (We don't leave any food or anything around past afternoon so not to draw in the other wildlife). She will now stay in the area if she sees us, but not if we look like we're coming near her. We want to help both her and the kittens, preferably tame and rehome. We have moderate experience rehabilitating young feral kittens as we've helped a few in the past and they turned out sweeter then any other cats I know, but we've never dealt with a mom and babies situation just orphaned or abandoned ones.

Sorry this is so long! If anyone has any advice on what to do or how to handle this it would be most appreciated.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
:hellosmiley: and :welcomesign: to TCS! And bless you for looking out for this mama and her kittens. It sounds like the predators in your area are a real danger to this little family so I think the ideal place to start is to get everyone into the safety of your home. How difficult will it be to accomplish that? Hopefully, extracting the kittens from the insulation won't be that difficult but you may need a trap for their mother. She might follow them inside if you bring them in first but best to have some way to trap her, just in case. You may be able to borrow a trap from a nearby vet or rescue group if you don't have your own.

You'll need to prepare a room for them in advance because mama is almost certainly going to be upset at being inside when she thinks of home as the great outdoors. Here are a few articles that contain a lot of tips and information on bringing a new cat into your home.

The Five Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside
How To Help A New Cat Adjust To Your Home
Bringing Home A New Cat - The Complete Guide
A Feral Cat Or A Stray Cat? How To Tell The Difference (This article contains several links to more info on feral cats).

Since you've had some experience with raising young feral kittens, you may find some of this next information too basic for you but it still is worth a refresher. In the Pregnant Cats and Kittens Forum, you'll find a thread posted at the top: Pregnant Cats And Kittens Articles It gives a thorough list of articles that discuss caring for young kittens. These should prove invaluable as you care for this little family. I think that the PC&K forum may be the right place for this thread so I'll flag the Moderators and ask them to consider moving it. The advisors who cover that thread are very experienced and very generous with their time, as are several members who post there.

Before closing, I just want to mention how lucky this mama and her babies are to have found themselves at your house. It makes me so happy to know that they'll be in good hands.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
I have a couple of secure sheds behind my house and I have been able to entice feral mamas into the safety and dryness of the buildings by relocating the kittens.
She will need food, water, and a litter box and will come to trust you as you bring food and water every day.
If you can't do something like that you might need to just see to it that she has plenty of food and water nearby so that she won't wander.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 22, 2013
Hi friends and thank you for doing a great thing!
Do you have a spare bathroom you can set up as the feral room? I can give you details on best way to set it up. Let me know! Good luck!