What mix is my cat?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2016
New England, NSW, Australia

Hello hoping you can help.
My male cat is about 12.5 pounds he was a shelter cat and was 14.3 pounds in February. Was told he was overweight when we got him so been helping him loose some weight. So he's 12.5 know.
He not a lap cat, but will sleep at my feet on the bed. He has fur sticking out between his toes. His coat to me is thick and kinda water proof and hard to see his skin . His fur is shorter around the shoulders and get longer towards his back. He is about 16 inches from shoulder to base of tail. Was kinda hard to measure as he was wanting to play with it lol. His tail is bushy.

He doesn't like baths much. He not vocal unless he wants food or attention but usually food. Not fussed with brushing but have gotten around it and built up his tolerance, and takes him longer to get annoyed with the brush. He doesn't mind me picking him up know. And doesn't always try and get away. He lies funny with his front shoulders sticking out like he got these big guns lol, maybe he just trying to look bigger. He has been vet checked at the shelter and since we bought him so he is healthy.
He has a quiet confidence about him. He does get scared though from time to time. With loud noises and the vacuum. He does like chin rubs and a pat from time to time. He does give warning bites and bites from time to time when he wants food or attention but not hard ones and doesn't break skin, he doesn't scratch us, only furniture lol.
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
This bi-color pattern is called for saddle.  Blue and white saddel bicolor, I think.

He is a mediumhaired domestic, but may have some Norwegian forest cat ancestry, not too recently, though.  Granddad perhaps.  I think.  :)