What killed my baby?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 7, 2013
This is a long post, but please bear with me, as I want to give all the detail I can.

I was given two newborn kittens, cords and all (fate of the mother unknown). I had no experience with fostering but wanted to give them a chance, so I took them in. I raised them on kmr for six weeks, with no problems except ocassional sneezing and milk bubbles in the nose a couple of times. I was also given strong id to deworm them.

After weaning onto science diet wet kitten food, one kitten would throw it up every once in a while (always looked like the food, and always in the morning several hours after eating). I tried him on baby food, a/d wet food from the vet, and friskies, all which he kept down. Ocassionaly he would sneak a few bites of the science diet from his sister's plate (big appetite). When he would throw up after that I figured it was from the stolen bites. I thought he was allergic to that brand and kept it away from him as much as possible. Other than the throwing up he was very playful, using the litterbox, good appetite.

One morning he threw up and seemed listless and no appetite. I panicked and called the woman in charge of the shelter where I got them. She said to give him sugar water. I did and he perked right up. All was good until two days later he threw up again. But he seemed fine and ate his food. I had an appointment at the shelter's vet two days later (Sat) so thought it would be okay until then. I was very anxious to talk to the vet and discuss my concerns. Turns out it was not like a regular vet appt. There were a lot of cats and kittens to get to in a short amount of time. My kittens (8 weeks) were tested for aids & leukemia (neg)
and given a distemper shot. The only thing I got to tell the vet was about his vomiting. She said some cats are just sensitive.

Later that day he was very tired and slept for a few hours while his sister was unaffected. But he perked back to his usual playful self and was fine for the rest of the night and all through the next day.

Early Monday morning he threw up his food again from the night before. He was uninterested in food and even the sugar water did not perk him up this time. He also felt very warm and his eyes looked "sick" to me. Sort of glassy or something. Took him to the vet immediately (not the shelter vet). He had a fever of 105. They managed to get it down to normal, and he was eating again, although not playful. They kept him for a few days for observation and gave him antibiotics. On Wednesday afternoon I got a call to tell me he was having trouble breathing and to come in. When I got there he was on oxygen and covered in heating blankets. The vet said his temperature had dropped too low and his gums were very pale. They advised me to put him to sleep. I was devastated and in shock and could barely think. I pet him and told him I loved him. He got very agitated and bled a bit from his nose. After a short time he laid back down and bled from the mouth, and that was it. The vet could not find a heartbeat. She took some fluid from his stomach but found nothing.

I was crushed and blame myself still (it has only been four days). One of the techs told my brother that he could've had a weak immune system and the vaccine could have pushed him over the edge, which makes me feel unbearably guilty.
To further add to my torment, he had bitten a tech and the vet said they have to send him for a rabies test by law. The thought of that... doing that to my baby makes everything ten times worse.

If anyone has any idea what could have happened to my precious baby, please let me know. I am very angry, upset and confused. I will never be able to stop beating myself up over it.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Please don't blame yourself.

You did what was right at the time.. absolutely.

I know it is so very painful, and that you need to know what happened.

I can't offer you any answers, but I can let you know that I feel for you and want to thank you for doing everything you could for your little foster boy.

He's at peace now.



TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
I would give good odds on feline distemper, but without a necropsy and a very expensive culture test, you'll never know for sure.  It sound to me like you went above and beyond the call of duty trying to help the little guy.  Kittens are fragile, even the healthiest ones.  That's why there are so many in their litters; it's natures way of trying to be sure a cat produces at least one replacement for itself before it dies. 

Just know that the little guy knew he was loved when you were near.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 7, 2013
Thank you for your replies.

You think it was distemper even though he got a distemper shot? Could distemper have caused the bleeding from the mouth? Or could the shot have given it to him?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
 Yes it could have been distemper.  If he already had it, getting the shot wouldn't stop it. 

And in any case in such a young kitten the immune system is immature and may not able to make a full response to that  first distemper vaccine .

Distemper is very contagious and easy for kittens to catch and if they do get it, it is often fatal. 

Please don't blame yourself.  You tried,  and at least thanks to you he experienced some kindness in his short life.   


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I'm very sorry about your loss. His life was too short, but he had somebody who cared and did all they could to help him. RIP, little one.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Feline distemper is panleukopenia, and there is no way in hell that only one kitten would have died from it. Kittens who are exposed to this deadly virus at that age will die.

It is highly contagious and absolutely impossible for one to have it and not the other. No way.

From what you described, my guess would be fip. Feline infectious peritonitis. It is fatal, and not much is known about it. There is no vaccine against it, and not a thing you can do to avoid it, nor treat it. It is quite an ugly thing, and so devastating.

When the fluid was drawn from his tummy, that tells me they also considered it to have been a possibilty.

There are 2 forms however, and only one will have fluid built up in his tummy.

So sorry for your loss, but remember he did have a little life, and he had your love and care, rather than die alone and without it.