What is your cat's most embarrassing moment?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 18, 2012
Los Angeles
If they could talk, which ones would turn their faces red?

My mom had a tiger striped cat named Sasha.  He loved sitting on the dryer when it was on, or sat on the edge of the ironing board while my mom was ironing.  One time, he sat a little too close to the edge, and tumbled off of the board with legs up in the air as he landed on his bank -- not exactly a gymnast's perfect landing.  My mom starting laughing, and the horrified expression on Sasha's face as he fled to her bedroom and darted under her bed was priceless.  He didn't come out for three hours.   He also avoided the ironing board for several weeks.

Prior to Sasha, my mom had a black and white tuxedo cat named Sushi.  My mom is Japanese, and when I commented that the black and white fur reminded me of the rice and seaweed of sushi, well, there was the perfect name for the cat.  Sushi loved to lounge on the footstool at the foot of the bed, stretching out and batting people on the leg as they went by.  One day, he stretched too far and tumbled off the footstool.  His mortified expression as he ran down the hall and hid under a bed said it all.  When he came out a few hours later, he sauntered around the house, acting as if the tumble was an everyday thing.  He wasn't about to admit that he'd made a fool of himself!

Sasha and Sushi are in kitty heaven now, but they left us with many wonderful memories.

My cats Eric and Sarah loved to either sit on the top floor of the cat condo, or on the shelf I attached to the window will.  Both are big cats -- Sarah is 13 lbs., and Eric is five pounds heavier -- so a window sill just wasn't wide enough for them.

One sunny day (like the one we're having today in Southern California -- it's 82 degrees, and snow is visible on the mountains after the rain we had on Monday), Eric saw a tiny lizard darting across the sidewalk outside the window.  He tried to bat at it, forgetting there was a window between him and the reptile.  He got on his hind legs, tried to bat at the lizard, lost his balance, and fell on top of Sarah, who was stretched out on the floor and sunning herself.  She was startled, and started hissing at Eric.  He meowed pitifully as she smacked him in the face, unhappy to have the occupant on the window sill shelf land on her unexpectedly.  Eric was also embarrassed because I was laughing, and was trying to get my sympathy by sounding pitiful.

He hid under my bed for about an hour, and I finally coaxed him out with a can of people tuna.  I picked him up and kissed him, assuring him that everything was all right.  He was trying to get down so he could get at the food.  So much for maternal consolation.

After both cats ate, Eric went to Sarah, asking to be groomed.  Sarah never had kittens, so her maternal instinct comes out by grooming her kid "brother."  She cleans his ears out and grooms his head and face.  He reciprocates, but she doesn't like it, because Her Highness doesn't think she needs it.

Another embarrassing incident occurred when Eric decided to climb the Christmas tree at 2:00 a.m., got stuck and knocked the tree over.  I awoke to the sound of a big crash, and found an orange cat face peering out of the tree, pleading to be rescued,  Sarah watched this fiasco, and looked at him as to say, "I told you to stay away from that tree!  Now look at what you've done!"  It's not easy to extricate a large cat from the middle of a Christmas tree, but I got him out with no injuries other than a bruised ego.  After that incident, I decided not to have a Christmas tree for several years. 

What are your stories?  I'd love to read them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2010
probably only had 3 embarrassing moments in his life.

was a kitten the tv was on a little loud to begin with. The show had a war going on. It got louder when the bombs started going off. He flew into the living room, jumped on the couch to hide. After that he knew tv was fake and never looked at it again.

was sound asleep, when a dish dropped to the kitchen floor and smashed. He woke up literally jumped straight up to the ceiling and did the side ways hop into the livingroom.

got stuck on a cat tree we got him. He was trying to get down. His bottom was on the top level, his front was on the 2nd level. All he had to do was just jump down. Instead he was moving his front end and back end in opposite directions until finally he fell.

Luna's most embarrassing moments are every time she has her bottom shaved and the neighborhood cats see her in the window. 

Midnight has at least 10 embarrassing moments a day. Knowing him I doubt he's ever embarrassed. Except last May when my mother catnapped him and had a lion cut done on him.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
LOL I have a couple.

Smokie was in the bathroom one day (see previous posts about toilet water attraction) and fell in big time, I heard this splash - he just ran and hid lol.

Another time, bandit thought he was alot longer than he actually is and attempted to jump from the bed to the windowsill, landing smack into his face in the wall. He just got up and ran away........ poor little guy!!


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Monet sat on my foot while I was reading in bed. I don't think he realized he was sitting on my foot until I wiggled my toes. it scared him, causing him to leap 4 feet in the air backwards, and directly off the bed where he landed on his butt. He immediately jumped back on the bed and groomed himself as if nothing happened. It really made me laugh!

Cassie's usually a very quiet meow'er. I can hardly hear her when she meows. One day she barked in attempt to speak louder to get my attention, and I think her bark startled her more than it did to me for she had that sheepish, startled look on her face. She never barked again after that

Ms. Freya

Sep 19, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Freya used to run around like a crazy thing when she was a bit younger and she used to jump into the bathtub, bank up the far side and leap back out. One day I'd started running a bath when the phone rang so  turned off the water and answered the phone. Next thing I know I hear the thunder of her running followed by a splash, scrabbling claws and a sopping wet tabby streak went shooting past me. I found her in the basement corner furthest from the stairs dripping wet and with looking completely freaked out...she looked so pathetic I couldn't stop laughing once I'd determined she hadn't hurt herself.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
When Corkie was younger she loved to sit on the side of the tub and peer around the shower curtain while anyone is taking a shower. As soon as she heard water running she would tear into the bathroom, leap onto the closed toilet seat and hop onto the tub to watch. One morning, DH got up and started the daily morning routine with the first stop being the bathroom. For some reason Corkie thought the sound was the shower. DH said she tore into the bathroom, took a running leap, and.....plop....right in the toilet. He was laughing so hard he couldn't stop what he was doing so our kitty got a...umm...shower.

Of course, I'M the one that had to give the very embarrassed (and pissed) kitty a bath at 6:00 am. BEFORE my first cup of coffee.

Other than that, all my cats embarrass themselves everyday. Harley is famous for falling off of windowsills while he's sunning himself and napping. He always just starts cleaning himself as if to say "yeah, I meant to do that", then flick his tail for emphasis while he walks away as dignified as possible. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2010
Nova Scotia
Monet sat on my foot while I was reading in bed. I don't think he realized he was sitting on my foot until I wiggled my toes. it scared him, causing him to leap 4 feet in the air backwards, and directly off the bed where he landed on his butt. He immediately jumped back on the bed and groomed himself as if nothing happened. It really made me laugh!
That's similar to my story.

My mom was laying on my bed and Parker was near her feet. She moved her foot just a little and he went up in the air and right towards my door...only he missed, went head first into the wall and did a hand stand, with his back going right up the wall. He didn't jump back on the bed though...he ran out the door and didn't come back for some time.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 11, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
Kramer's most embarrassing moment... oh boy...

When Boots was just a little thing, back in September or so, he absolutely LOVED to jump on Kramer. All the time; never needed a reason.

So one night, I brought home new mouse toys for the two of them. One of them made a strange rattling noise, and it seemed Kramer wasn't sure whether it was a toy or a scary monster. :lol3: So he was approaching it very, very slowly... not in a hunting slink, but in a tentative stance... and riiiiiiight as he touched it with just the tip of his paw, Boots dive-bombed him from behind.

Naturally, he leapt 10 feet straight up in the air, ran around at 100mph, and then took refuge under the couch. :lol3: Boots was just bewildered, with a look like, "What the heck just happened????" I absolutely fell out laughing, it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 8, 2011
Well I think Chacho's most embarrassing moment was when he had the crazies and ran directly into a wall.  He turned around it look at us like it was our fault lol. We weren't even playing with him, my boyfriend and I were just sitting on the couch watching him lol.

Chacho was a cause of an embarrassing moment for Matt and I too when one of his friends and her boyfriend came over to the apartment to see it (she was thinking about getting an apartment in the same complex as us and wanted to have an idea what they looked like.)   Well this was the first time we met her boyfriend and guess what Chacho does?! He grabs the guy's butt! lol he stood on his hind legs, reached up with his front paws and grabbed his butt. We all laughed so hard. Later I said to my boyfriend while looking at Chacho, "Awkward Cat is Awkward."

mystik spiral

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2009
Denver, CO
I always tell Holland she's not very graceful for a cat.
She has fallen off of tables several times, only to look around, and then start grooming herself as if it was what she meant to do all along.

Her best embarrassing moment, though, has to be the time she saw herself in the mirror. When I had my condo, I had a wall-length closet with sliding mirrored doors. The first and only time I ever saw Holland notice herself in the mirror was one night while I was reading in bed, and she all of a sudden noticed that there was another cat in her house! She reared up onto her back legs and went to give the "other" kitty a good swat, and when her paw came into contact with the mirrored door she ran out of the room like a shot!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2003
I miss Wisconsin
I have several stories, But dont you love the way cats DO get the embarrassed look? Its like,"I meant to do that". *walk away real casual like*   Ha Your not fooling me kitty! 
I saw you.


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
:lol3: Love the stories! It's funnier when cats embarrass themselves because they're supposed to be such dignified creatures.
I can't think of specific stories right now, but Pushy tends to embarrass himself quite often due to his ungainliness. He often attempts to jump up on the counter and misses, much to our amusement.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
Great stories
 Candy is very clumsy indeed,she is always trying to jump on things and misses and has fell in the bath a few times (only once when the water and I was in it). I think the worst was last summer the kitties always venture out in the garden with me when its nice.We have a large tree and used to have a shed next to the tree,Candy climbed the tree so that she was level with the shed roof and tried to jump on the roof.She completely missed and fell on the floor,on her feet I must add,she was fine thank goodness but I think she must know now that its time to give up with jumping.x