What Is The Prognosis/likely Recovery After A Stroke And Blood Clots?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
I'm going to tell the whole story here and I'm looking to learn, to be a better parent in the future. I grew up with dogs, so I had no long term cat experience, and i adopted Coco the cat when she was 7. She was a very sassy lady and showed my husband and i her very sweet side. We loved her to bits. We work from home so were always around her.

Mid September Coco stopped eating. We took her to the vet and they took bloodwork, gave her fluids and an enema (they said there was hard stool there) found out she had a UTI (only abnormal thing in bloodwork-my friend said creatinine was high, but vet said it's normal. ), gave her a broad spectrum antiobiotic, and sent her home because they thought she was too stressed there to eat. She came home, ate for about 2 days, then started sneezing (vet later said she probably developed herpes virus from vet stress) and stopped eating again. We gave her veraflox (an antibiotic they wanted us to give her) and mirataz to stimulate appetite. She continued to lick her lip (sign of nausea) and hardly ate. Vet said take her off antiobitics, maybe that's causing nausea, and here i learned maybe it was herpes virus blocking her sense of smell...that cleared up - nevertheles not eating.

*i neglected to mention to vet, I think, that months before, she had been coughing but stopped. not sure if relevant.

after she was not eating again, we took her Back to vet for an ultrasound and an enema. Ultrasound came out clear. Vet gave us Royal Canin fiber response, thinking maybe she had stopped eating bc she was constipated. We were ecstatic to see, when she came home, she was tryin gto open the bag on her own and eating like a freak. but days passed, and she didn't poop. back to vet for enema, and lactulose. vet says she's never seen a case like hers, where bloods and utrasound are clear but cat is not responding to appetite stimulants. i later was told they did an x ray too but never received a copy, but apparently it was all normal.

That enema didnt go well, there was poop in her carrier and we had to ask vet asst to clean her (they should have offered!) She also threw up in her carrier, perhaps from the smell. the Vet asst. cleaned her. She came home and refused to eat. Still licking lips.
Back to vet for cerenia anti nausea shot (which i learned her was sily, zofran would hve been better.) come home, doesnt eat. pepsid ac doesnt help.

learned tricks to try here, like fortiflora, bonito flakes, tuna, etc. nothing works. i find the only thing she will consume is whiskas cat milk & nutrical. she still grooms, doesnt hide, stil jumps around. she was always a very sedentary cat. i know living on cat milk and nutrical is not sustainable. we take her to humane society for 2nd opinion - they say same as other vet, never seen a case like hers before. they say they can do some explortory gastro something or other. someone else tells me NOT to do that, she has been to vets like 4-5 times in 2 weeks and sressed out, try to nurse her back to health.

cat obsessed friend tells me not to syringe. at a certain point i see she is getting really thin and i realize i MUST syringe, and learn a lot here. the day after we syringe for the first time, , at 6 am i hear a thud. she has collapsed, and her back legs have given out.

i pick her up and lay her down and she is having diffuculty breathing, i tell my husband she is dying. he says let's syringe her water and food - i think she will not swallow and am afraid we will hurt her, he said let's try and prop her up. we prop her up, she laps up water and food from the syringe. at this point, i imagine this collapsing has happened bc she hadnt been getting enough calories. miraculously, her legs are wobbly but immediately after quick syringing she is jumping off bed. by the way, after this episode her pupils were huge and part of her eyes turned blue.

we syringing her the next day or two, she even started eating food syringed onto the table, it was a breakthrough. i did notice her dragging her hind legs a little when she was coming out of litter box. anyway, after she ate a little food off the table, we thought she had made it through the weeds, or there was hope. and she jumps off table, she has had enough. then i look and see her paw is completely messed up. for me, straight from hope to panic. i said my god, she broke her paw. i call 2 vets and they say they cant help, they dont hvae x ray machine, it's too late at nightt, we have to take her to ER. coco is staring at me with huge pupils and flopping around the room, she canot even find a comfortable way to sit. we immediately decide to take her to ER bc she looks so uncomfortable.

coco is very vocal in the uber on way to ER, lots of meowing.

ER vet tells me - she didn't break her foot. this is a blood clot. and the other morning when i thought she was dying, that may have been a stroke. also at the er, she was - i'm not sure if panicked or having some sort of episode, bc she was breathing so heavily. that haunts me. i shoudl have asked why she was breathing that way.

when i was laying down the timeline for the vet, i made the stupid mistake of saying 'we never put her to sleep bc she has such a strong will to live. she's not hiding, she's grooming, she's still spunky.. (although, i negelcted to mention, since the what we know think was a stroke, she was way more sedentary and her eyes were messed up - but she was still trying to jump off furntiure.) so perhaps because i said that, the vet didn't offer euthanasia as an option. THIS vet said her creatinine was on the high end. she said we can do a chest x ray, and that she thinks it might be a heart condition, fluid in the lungs, or cancer. and we were about to do the chest x ray when i realized - what is the outcome of treatment, anyway, for each of 3 conditions? and will any of those conditions helps solve the mustery of why she has been not eating? she said maybe fluid in the lungs would cause nausea. i said, "will she ever walk again?" she said it's not very likely, and she might be in pain. she also thought it was very very suprising that coco's back legs had recovered so quickly, and i had forgotten to mention that i did spot her dragging her hind legs out of liter box, but other than that she was walking fine before the paw blood clot.

now, if i had known from the beginning that this mght be a stroke/blood clot scenario (and not a foot break), which i had neevr heard of, i would have posted here or obsessively researched before going forward. but my husband and i just took the vet at her word, looked at each other and said she seems to only be getting worse, we didn't want to put coco through the suffering, we didnt even know if she'd ever eat on her own again or be able to walk, and we decided to euthanize our baby.

when they took her in the room, her eyes were wild, she was having troube breathing, and i didn tknow if it was panic or sickness. i couldnt even pet her, she was trying to escape out of the room and trying to jump off couch, i caught her bc i was afraid her catheter would fall off. this is what haunts me-- her spirit had that strong will. she wanted out of that room. my husband, who is so loving, put his hand on her pretty gently, that stilled her, and i pet her constantly as they injected the propofol, and then euthanized her.

of course now that she's gone, we miss her so much, and wonder if we did the right thing. what were the chances we could have saved her? what were the chances she could have gotten feeling back in her hind legs and paw? how much pain would she have lived with?

the other issue is money. i have a chronic autoimmune disease, and we wer very low income this year, without pet insurance (never again will i not have pet insurnace though ive heard theyre not alwaysgood at covering things.) we had spent $1900 on vet bill at least, hundreds more in transprtation, and bc we took her to the ER and not ASPCA (they are not open then), the bill for that night was almost $600. had we gotten x rays and surgeries, thousands and thousands more. but at the time, we were thinking of mostly....no mater how much we pay, if the likelihood is that she'll never walk again and be in pain, the decision was not about money, it was about her pain. the vet told me her large pupils probably meant she had been in pain.

i know it sounds like i'm looking for reassurance, but really, i want to learn so i can be a better parent in the future. i have never euthanized an animal before and when we went to the ER, we were not expecting to be faced with that decision - we thought we were going to splint her foot and try to nurse her not eating back to health... what haunts me is how much will she had, such a strong will...and the thought "could we have saved her? could her quality of life have ever returned? could she have ever eaten on her own again AND walked right and gotten the look in her eye back?"

so any thoughts/experience you have with strokes and blood clots etc. and if she had a fighting chance would be good to know for next time. i know this was a novel but i guess it is also cathartic to tell the story, but ...i'd like to know facts. in the end the vet said you made the right decision and i imediately thought 'she's saying that to make me feel better' bc she didnt suggest euthaniztion in the first place - but then i realized maybe she never suggested it bc i had said why i hadnt put her to sleep before so she assumed i wasn't willing. my husband and i had been spending a month and a half basically tending to her and not even working bc we were so worried, not sleeping, and we didnt know what was wrong. i learned a lot on this journey but want to learn more bc one day i'll probably get another cat and the more i know the better

my friend THINKS it's possible that when she had the cough months before, it was a sign of congenital heart failure, whic led to blood clots/stroke. she said heart disease is notoriously difficult to show up on tests.

total ramble - thoughts? should we have tried to keep her alive? should we have gotten the chest x ray or in the end we would have been led to euthanize anyway? sorry for total ramble. she' s only been gone a few days so we are processing a lot. xx <3 you guys have been amazing, amazing, amazing. and don't worry, if you tell me she had a fighting chance, i won't feel awful. we were going off of what the vet said in the moment, but it would be good to know for the future.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Hi reginaq.

First, it seems to me that you deserve to have a "cool, calm and collected", reliable information package about all of this. Here's a plain-language, comprehensive coverage by a very well-respected Veterinarian: Feline Aortic Thromboembolism (FATE or Saddle Thrombus) - Veterinary Partner - VIN

A good jumping off point.
Thank you so much for this great link - it seems this addresses the rear legs (relevant) - what a great article with facts, expectations, percentages, that's the exact sort of thing I love, thank you so much. Her rear legs quickly recovered somewhat although they were still shaky at times - what went next, 2 days later, (the night we put her to sleep) was a blood clot in her front paw. we took her right to the ER for that one within 10 miutes of noticing it (i was calling vets saying she had a "broken foot", it was folded underneath her arm and she was walking on it). That is not saddle thrombus, correct?

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Now, remember, I'm not only no Vet. I'm much like you (and, my passion to learn and understand as much as I possibly can in order to ensure the best possible, healthiest life for my cats - all that began after a horrid experience fifteen years ago with a treasured cat....much like where this quest started for you)

No, the symptoms in her paw would not have been "thrombosis". That refers to the clot at the "saddle" point at the back - where the arteries split away to the legs.
Perhaps there was a smaller clot that moved into her leg. Perhaps...Perhaps. I have no idea.

One lesson I took from my experience with my cat (who's issue was not heart-related) was to never make irrevocable decisions under pressure and without adequate time for reflection and discussion. Now, that's so very easy to acknowledge as good advice, something everyone will agree with. However, "in the heat of the battle"....well, that's very easily forgotten, most especially when we are at our most vulnerable and without support - e.g. someone removed from the situation who can act as a sounding board.

There have been (at least) a couple of threads on FATE - coincidentally, someone joined up today and revived one of them, blasting the very thought of treating a cat who's experiencing a thrombosis. Anyway, these are the two of which I'm aware (same titles but different threads):
  1. Saddle Thrombus Recovery
  2. Saddle thrombus-recovery?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 22, 2018
Personally, I think you did the right thing. I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:.

With heart disease the blood doesn't pump through the heart properly and so it can pool within the Chambers where the flow is disrupted. Clots form in the heart where the pooling is. It sounds like Coco had 3 clots (rear legs, brain and front foot). She likely had more coming and things would get even worse (once they had one, let alone 3, events they are very likely to have more).

If the heavy breathing you describe was pleural effusion (fluid in lungs) she was already in congestive heart failure and all your efforts to save her (such as draining the fluid) *might* have bought a few days - but they would've been painful and scary for your sweet one so really not something you would want to put her through. If it was cancer and not heart failure that caused the fluid build up in her lungs you are still having an awful lot if clots thrown.

I have no idea how a heart condition could relate to her other symptoms if they did at all. I don't believe anorexia is a common symptom of heart failure although coughing definitely can be. Heart disease is usually diagnosed by an initial symptom (vet hears a murmur, increased resting respiratory rate etc) an X-ray is taken and if the heart is enlarged and echocardiogram is done to see the type and severity of disease - but that is only if there is an initial symptom, tragically the first symptom of this can just be instant death.

It is normal to second guess your decision. I lost a kitty to heart disease and once I understood the situation I knew that once she threw her first clot we would call it a day as I never wanted to put her through the pain associated with them. But, unlike your situation I did have time to think through all possibilities with heart disease as she was diagnosed six months before we lost her. Luckily, she never did throw a clot.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Now, remember, I'm not only no Vet. I'm much like you (and, my passion to learn and understand as much as I possibly can in order to ensure the best possible, healthiest life for my cats - all that began after a horrid experience fifteen years ago with a treasured cat....much like where this quest started for you)

No, the symptoms in her paw would not have been "thrombosis". That refers to the clot at the "saddle" point at the back - where the arteries split away to the legs.
Perhaps there was a smaller clot that moved into her leg. Perhaps...Perhaps. I have no idea.

One lesson I took from my experience with my cat (who's issue was not heart-related) was to never make irrevocable decisions under pressure and without adequate time for reflection and discussion. Now, that's so very easy to acknowledge as good advice, something everyone will agree with. However, "in the heat of the battle"....well, that's very easily forgotten, most especially when we are at our most vulnerable and without support - e.g. someone removed from the situation who can act as a sounding board.

There have been (at least) a couple of threads on FATE - coincidentally, someone joined up today and revived one of them, blasting the very thought of treating a cat who's experiencing a thrombosis. Anyway, these are the two of which I'm aware (same titles but different threads):
  1. Saddle Thrombus Recovery
  2. Saddle thrombus-recovery?
thanks for these. yes it's great and smart to make decision under duress. these threads are great and show me there are other potential outcomes. unfortunately for her it wasn't just saddle thrombus, it was more blood clots, difficulty breathing, not eating for a month and half, thousands of dollars on vets, none of whom could tell us what was wrong. even at the end - temp and heartrate normal :/ but her face hadnt been right for days. but these threads were helpful for me to learn about for the future. i thank you for them. it really sucks not knowing answers but i see someone else posted, maybe they have some ideas... anyway it is cool you are always learning and sharing info too! thank you
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Personally, I think you did the right thing. I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:.

With heart disease the blood doesn't pump through the heart properly and so it can pool within the Chambers where the flow is disrupted. Clots form in the heart where the pooling is. It sounds like Coco had 3 clots (rear legs, brain and front foot). She likely had more coming and things would get even worse (once they had one, let alone 3, events they are very likely to have more).

If the heavy breathing you describe was pleural effusion (fluid in lungs) she was already in congestive heart failure and all your efforts to save her (such as draining the fluid) *might* have bought a few days - but they would've been painful and scary for your sweet one so really not something you would want to put her through. If it was cancer and not heart failure that caused the fluid build up in her lungs you are still having an awful lot if clots thrown.

I have no idea how a heart condition could relate to her other symptoms if they did at all. I don't believe anorexia is a common symptom of heart failure although coughing definitely can be. Heart disease is usually diagnosed by an initial symptom (vet hears a murmur, increased resting respiratory rate etc) an X-ray is taken and if the heart is enlarged and echocardiogram is done to see the type and severity of disease - but that is only if there is an initial symptom, tragically the first symptom of this can just be instant death.

It is normal to second guess your decision. I lost a kitty to heart disease and once I understood the situation I knew that once she threw her first clot we would call it a day as I never wanted to put her through the pain associated with them. But, unlike your situation I did have time to think through all possibilities with heart disease as she was diagnosed six months before we lost her. Luckily, she never did throw a clot.
i am sorry about your kitty, that must have beeb awful. different people are so different in the way they interpret disease and how they would handle.

there's a lot of cool info here, thank you. i wish she had gotten an EKG, her temp and heartrate were always normal and after xray, ultrasound, bloods, vets never knew what was wrong. she hadn't been eating for a month and a half (well there were a few days in between where she ate), not pooping right, etc. etc. yep she was having troube breathing at the E.R> and the day she had her stroke. i'm glad you said that it could have been pleural effusion because it is so easy to read as "panic" and that haunts the heck out of me, that she was panic,ing. she was trying to run away when she was in the room before she was put to sleep, even though she had been so sick for over a month and her pupils and that makes me think she wanted to live no matter what and that is driving my husband and me crazy. so maybe we made the right choice, i think we were running out of options and i was frantically thinking how i didnt want her to suffer anymore. and you say she would have been in a lot of pain and thrown more clots, so...prognosis was grim anyway, that's what we thought, bc she still hadnt even been eating willingly and kept getting worse.

another commenter here shared threads about kitties recovering from saddle thrombus which is good to know about but coco had more than straddle thrombus so i think her prognosis may have been worse, maybe,

it is good to know she probably would have had more clots and pain....the not eating and us having been syringing her ....we figured even IF shegot her legs back, she wasn't eating and always looked haunted towards the end....

sorry i am rambling. i just need time to process, we are still in deep grief. but your post was super helpful, to know she would have suffered, thank you so much. the other posts were helpful too, knowing it's possible to recover from saddle thrombus, but she def. had more than that.

thanks again and sorry for the ramble and sorry about your sweet kitty.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
It is only natural to want more information, but I do not think that you could be a better cat parent - you did the absolute best for your darling cat that you could, considered her welfare in everything that you did. You are agonising about it now because you are a good person, and even if it was the best thing to do, you feel guilt and doubt about it - that is a sign of what a good and decent person you are. It is a privilege and a burden to be responsible for the well-being of a living creature, and it can be painful even when you are doing the right thing.

I am very sorry for your loss. It is never an easy decision to know when to let go.

Cecilia & Nino

TCS Member
Oct 31, 2018
My cat Nino has been at the vet for a week recovering of saddle thrombosis, I a deseperate for answers as I have ask God to give me the wisdom to know what to do when I take him home.
Nino is paralyzed from the back legs, a week ealier he had - what I know now- was a first embolism, this one, he had right after he vomited, took him to the emergency as it was passed midnight and he stayed there for 3-4 days, h seemed to recover, he was still limping the left leg but he seemed to be doing better, eating and purring.
About a week to 8 days after this episode he had another one, only this time, he vomited just like the 1st time and was instantly paralyzed on both legs.
This 2nd time, he was in pain, he was restless and panting and dilated pupils, I rushed him again to the emergency, it as passed 2am and the vet cut his nail, no bloood flow, he gave some heart medication, blood thinners and pain killers, Nino has been at the vet since. I took him to another vet for MRI and back to the initial vet and the MRI partially corroborated it was ST.

I cry every day not knowing what to do, not knowing how bad his pain is, Nino is 12 and we have lived in 3 countries, he is my buddy and I don’t want to stop fighting as long as I feel him fighting.
This week, I have gone to the vet at lunch time and when I am done with work.
At lunch time, I am very careful to carry him and take him out of the vet for some sun and wind, he loves to feel the sun in his face and the wind in his whiskers.
I try to lift spirit and tell him how much I love him and I have his back but deep down I am scared and confused.
I will go again now to see him maybe the vet will release him today.
Pray for Nino please
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
My cat Nino has been at the vet for a week recovering of saddle thrombosis, I a deseperate for answers as I have ask God to give me the wisdom to know what to do when I take him home.
Nino is paralyzed from the back legs, a week ealier he had - what I know now- was a first embolism, this one, he had right after he vomited, took him to the emergency as it was passed midnight and he stayed there for 3-4 days, h seemed to recover, he was still limping the left leg but he seemed to be doing better, eating and purring.
About a week to 8 days after this episode he had another one, only this time, he vomited just like the 1st time and was instantly paralyzed on both legs.
This 2nd time, he was in pain, he was restless and panting and dilated pupils, I rushed him again to the emergency, it as passed 2am and the vet cut his nail, no bloood flow, he gave some heart medication, blood thinners and pain killers, Nino has been at the vet since. I took him to another vet for MRI and back to the initial vet and the MRI partially corroborated it was ST.

I cry every day not knowing what to do, not knowing how bad his pain is, Nino is 12 and we have lived in 3 countries, he is my buddy and I don’t want to stop fighting as long as I feel him fighting.
This week, I have gone to the vet at lunch time and when I am done with work.
At lunch time, I am very careful to carry him and take him out of the vet for some sun and wind, he loves to feel the sun in his face and the wind in his whiskers.
I try to lift spirit and tell him how much I love him and I have his back but deep down I am scared and confused.
I will go again now to see him maybe the vet will release him today.
Pray for Nino please
i am so sorry you are going through this, cats hide their pain from what i've read.. in the end we decided to put her to sleep bc her face had been "lost" for days, she had multiple blood clots within days, she didn't look like herself, we were told she'd probably be in pain and not walk again,and we thought her qulity of life would be bad. later reading here, apparently it is common for multiple events like that to occur within a relatily short amount of time so we wanted to spare her pain, she was only declining more and more...but no one prepared me, growing up or as an adult, to make that kind of decision. to make a decision like that is really hard, you feel like you don't know if it's the right time, etc. i know you've posted here before...i wish someone else would advise you.but i know how you feel bc i was there for the past month and a half, not eatng, not sleeping myself, not knowing what to do and trying and all of my thoughts were this her. you love your baby so much it is very evident. nino sounds like coco, you feel he wants to live (i felt that way about coco too which haunts me, but she would have had a life of pain.) i dont'know if coco had ST bc she got use of her back legs back almost immediately (we were later told it may have been a stroke), but then they were just wobbly, then her paw went with a blood clot, plus she hadn't been eating, was nausous, trouble brething at points, etc. i hug you and i hope someone else can give you words of wisdom. i am a beginner in a way when it comes to cats and there are people here with waaaay more experience than me. plus we are still not sure what was wrong with her in the end. i wish i could be of more help. please keep us updated on how nino and you are doing!!! hugs hugs hugs

Cecilia & Nino

TCS Member
Oct 31, 2018
i am so sorry you are going through this, cats hide their pain from what i've read.. in the end we decided to put her to sleep bc her face had been "lost" for days, she had multiple blood clots within days, she didn't look like herself, we were told she'd probably be in pain and not walk again,and we thought her qulity of life would be bad. later reading here, apparently it is common for multiple events like that to occur within a relatily short amount of time so we wanted to spare her pain, she was only declining more and more...but no one prepared me, growing up or as an adult, to make that kind of decision. to make a decision like that is really hard, you feel like you don't know if it's the right time, etc. i know you've posted here before...i wish someone else would advise you.but i know how you feel bc i was there for the past month and a half, not eatng, not sleeping myself, not knowing what to do and trying and all of my thoughts were this her. you love your baby so much it is very evident. nino sounds like coco, you feel he wants to live (i felt that way about coco too which haunts me, but she would have had a life of pain.) i dont'know if coco had ST bc she got use of her back legs back almost immediately (we were later told it may have been a stroke), but then they were just wobbly, then her paw went with a blood clot, plus she hadn't been eating, was nausous, trouble brething at points, etc. i hug you and i hope someone else can give you words of wisdom. i am a beginner in a way when it comes to cats and there are people here with waaaay more experience than me. plus we are still not sure what was wrong with her in the end. i wish i could be of more help. please keep us updated on how nino and you are doing!!! hugs hugs hugs
Thank you Reginaq, Nino was released from the vet yesterday, so last night was the first that we spent at home.
Nino has to make a few pills and a compound sodium lactate that is injected between his shoulder blades.
I am still learning how make Nino more comfortable, re arranged furniture and stuff, still working the pee and poo part of his new life.
I don't think he is in pain but he is grumpy, sometimes I feel he has lost a bit of the will to live but his eyes are still so expressive and he sleeps so pleasantly that when I look at him, I know he is comfortable.
I massage his legs and keep him as clean as I can with baby wipes that have no alcohol on them.
He is not very hungry, I was thinking maybe it is his teeth, maybe it his throat, maybe he just does not want to chew on anything because he drinks water just fine, so I blended his food and put in air tight container and try to feed him little by little, he licks the spoon off but doesn't eat more than one and a half at the time......
I feel like I have been on a break up or something, my heart can feel it, I work full time, I have flexibility and I guess I will keep coming and going, I though about buying a pet camera and a fabric bag to take him with the when I go anywhere, not sure if he will enjoy that but I can try!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
Thank you Reginaq, Nino was released from the vet yesterday, so last night was the first that we spent at home.
Nino has to make a few pills and a compound sodium lactate that is injected between his shoulder blades.
I am still learning how make Nino more comfortable, re arranged furniture and stuff, still working the pee and poo part of his new life.
I don't think he is in pain but he is grumpy, sometimes I feel he has lost a bit of the will to live but his eyes are still so expressive and he sleeps so pleasantly that when I look at him, I know he is comfortable.
I massage his legs and keep him as clean as I can with baby wipes that have no alcohol on them.
He is not very hungry, I was thinking maybe it is his teeth, maybe it his throat, maybe he just does not want to chew on anything because he drinks water just fine, so I blended his food and put in air tight container and try to feed him little by little, he licks the spoon off but doesn't eat more than one and a half at the time......
I feel like I have been on a break up or something, my heart can feel it, I work full time, I have flexibility and I guess I will keep coming and going, I though about buying a pet camera and a fabric bag to take him with the when I go anywhere, not sure if he will enjoy that but I can try!
that's great to heat that he's home with you. like nino, coco the cat wasn't interested in eating, but it was weeks before her stroke or straddle thrombus or whatever it was. in the end, we had to syringe feed her and were going to continue to do so before she really went downhill, but we too do not know why she stopped eating. i wish someone else here would chime in with some helpful advice or thoughts, but boy is it clear just how much you love him. i really hope he recovers xxx keeping you in my thoughts and keep us posted!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
R reginaq maybe i missed this but did the vet say it was heart disease for sure? my cat had a saddle thrombus but survived it but when i read your post, it sounds to me like kidney failure. this is what took my baby last week and lots of what you are describing sounds like his last weeks. kidney failure had caused him to have seziures which weakened and also temporarily made his hind legs go out. it also causes the cat not to eat as well as constipation. obv not a vet but just giving another possible cause. how old was coco?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
R reginaq maybe i missed this but did the vet say it was heart disease for sure? my cat had a saddle thrombus but survived it but when i read your post, it sounds to me like kidney failure. this is what took my baby last week and lots of what you are describing sounds like his last weeks. kidney failure had caused him to have seziures which weakened and also temporarily made his hind legs go out. it also causes the cat not to eat as well as constipation. obv not a vet but just giving another possible cause. how old was coco?
thank you SO much for writing this. i am sorry about your baby!!!! ughh so sad. i am so sorry.
coco was 11.5 years old. i adopter her from someone else when she was 7.

in the end when she had a blood clot in her foot (and i thought it was a broken foot, i didn't know about blood clots!) we took her to the ER and honeslty my memory is awful but the vet mentoined her creatinine was on the high side - it was 2.3 - normal range ends at 2.4 so prevoius vey had said it was fine. this vet noted it was higher than she'd like. but then she said, iirc, that it was either her heart, cancer, fluid in her lungs, i don't think she mentoined kidney failure but it could have been! she was about to do a chest x ray but then i said will coco ever walk again? she said probably not and she'd be in pain. also i didn't know if she'd ever eat on her own, and i asked what was causing the nausea? and she said fluid in lungs could cause nausea...but it sounded like she was just guessing.

so in the end i didn't get answers bc i didn't pay for the tests bc the outcome would have ben the same according to vet - a really bad quality of life. a vet asst on the phone yesterday said it sounded like classic saddle thrombus - but i'm like - she walked right away - he said maybe it was only partial - but also he is kind of a cluelss guy so i don't trust him. plus she had way mre than hind legs giving out temporarily.

so to answer your quetion, i never got an answer. apparently original vet had taken an x ray and didn't even let me know or give me a copy - eventully someone mentoined that coco had had an xray but i was never given a copy, and the ER was goin gto do another one. overall just not happy with the entire vet experiences but i lerned a lot and luckily we didn't prolong her suffering. drives me wild that we spent more than 2k and dragged my poor baby in ubers to multiple vets over and over in a month and a half, and 0 answers except for definite blood clot in her foot.

but now you've given me a possible answer and i am grateful. no one said explicitly - hey kidney disese can cause nausea and contipation and inappetance. you are the first to say that and it' amazing to learn, thank you so much. vets just wnted to throw appaetite stimulants at her (which didnt work anywy) withuot being able to figure out source of problem. my friend says coco must have just presented in a really atypical way. thanks for another clue and having been there, i am so sorry about your baby and really gad our cats were so well loved.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
R reginaq sorry you had this awful experience :( it could be also she had both, my cat did have all these conditions at once as well. my cat didnt respond to appetite stimulants either, possibly because there was too much damage to the kidneys by then. 2.3 isnt massively high but cats react to kidney levels in all different ways.

i too, keep replaying everything in my head wondering if i had done this or that would it have been different. but its so hard to know and especially when a cat has multiple things going on, it limits your options. i'm not sure i'll ever feel at peace with it completely but i think we'd feel way worse if the suffering was prolonged. hugs to you...
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
R reginaq sorry you had this awful experience :( it could be also she had both, my cat did have all these conditions at once as well. my cat didnt respond to appetite stimulants either, possibly because there was too much damage to the kidneys by then. 2.3 isnt massively high but cats react to kidney levels in all different ways.

i too, keep replaying everything in my head wondering if i had done this or that would it have been different. but its so hard to know and especially when a cat has multiple things going on, it limits your options. i'm not sure i'll ever feel at peace with it completely but i think we'd feel way worse if the suffering was prolonged. hugs to you...
i am not a religious person but i thank god, if there is one, for your response bc i have been so wanting some answers. i do think she had more than one thing going on...in the end my husband was pointing out she is only getting worse and worse and that is why we made the decision but it did haunt me. you and me both, replaying the last days. now when i replay it i see how much she 'wasn't there' in a way, and i am now at peace that we chose to put her to sleep. but before that i was torturing myself for days.

i was never ever prepared for how awful it is to be given that responsibility to make that kind of decision. i think it is nerly impossible to know when the right moment is unless it's blatantly obvious. one thing that helped was reading here that a lot of people regret waiting as long as they did....with my personality, i'm sure i'd regret either way - did i do it too soon? oh no, i did it too late! ah the joys of being human.

i can think - being with you was far far better than being on the street and suffering with no one to care for him. our cats were so loved. it is because we love them so much that we question ourselves, we want to do the best by them, and we have to guess how they feel bc they can't speak and cats hide their pain so expertly. that puts us in such a difficult position. i am rambling. i can picture her if she didnt have me, on the street, with very prolonged suffering, so comparing to that i have found peace with our situation. i am telling this in case it helps you.

i hapenned to have dr. oz on today and there was a segment on life after death, and people who had NDEs said you can talk to people (and id imagine animals too, after all humans are animals/mammals!) after they die, we are still connected. i believe that, perhaps that will give you some comfort.

Cecilia & Nino

TCS Member
Oct 31, 2018
Hello, there is no right of wrong answer the decision to put your cat to sleep either if sooner your will ask yourself why didn't you wait longer, if longer, why didn't you do earlier.
In the case of Nino for example, he is still with me but he looks tired and yes he does not want to eat, he is getting vitamin B and some appetite boosters, what I have realized is that his stomach capacity is not much, so I feed him little by little and wait long periods of time, his eyes have sucked because of the trauma or weight loss.
I asked for a second opinion and the vet has now changed his blood thinners from aspirin to clopidogrel which is a superior medication, also metacam in case he is in a pain, I don't think Nino is but maybe certain movements will cause him pain.

The fever he had is gone and I am hoping he makes progress with the change of prescriptions.
Regarding kidney he had blood work done before the saddle thrombosis, it came negative for kidney but then he had another test called SDMA which is a predictor of kidney failure in the long run, that came back as high possibility in a few months time, so I am not inclined to believe a kidney has much to do with his struggle.

Hope this helps someone.
I am keeping the faith!
Cecilia & Nino
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2018
i was wondering how you are nino are! i am glad you wrote, thank you. hugs to both of you, i hope nino improves and gets his joie de vivre back :-) i agree about feeling like it is impossible to know how to do the right thing. at least any decision we make, is made with love. x