What is the naughtiest thing your cat has ever done?


TCS Member
Dec 11, 2015
My cat (Othello) is a filthy food thief, he is generally afraid, but when there is food in play, he changes faster than Superman does... So, we were having a BBQ, Black Angus stakes to be precise and it was not his first time vs that amazing meat. I remember that I was in and out of the scene, probably doing don't know what, but I walked to it RIGHT as it happened. My cousin was serving my Mom with a nice big stake and the moment the stake touched the plate, the freaking cat was TELEPORTED onto the table, took the stake in his mouth and DISSAPEARED for about 5 minutes. I guess this is how long it took him to eat it. Of course because he is a total jackass he came right back and started begging for more. :D Daaaaaaamn, I love this ******* cat :) 

laura h

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2015
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Comet is normally pretty well behaved. Until I awoke one night to the sound of him scratching at his litter. Constantly. For 10 minutes. Then he scratches the side of the litter box, the wall next to it, the floor..........I was going nuts. Of course Just yelling "Comet Stop It" is ineffective. 

So I got up. To find he had hid my slipper in his box, BEFORE he did his duties. And was trying to bury it. 



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Mingo chewed through five AC adaptor cords and one USB cable. I thought it so odd when he would stare at the CPU for long periods of time; little did I know he was chewing my camera cable.

Thank goodness for Chewsafe. He also dragged burned logs out of the fireplace; I had to tie the screens together with pipe cleaners. He chewed my hair in the morning while I was asleep until I started wearing a hat to bed. His kitten days are finally over, and I'm much more relaxed now.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Amsterdam, NL
Pythagoras managed to open and eat an entire container of treats in the night. He almost did it a second time, with a tupperware container, last night, but I was awake and heard the crunch crunch and intervened. Now the treats are in snapware. 

Gabriel is a perfect angel and has never done anything even vaguely naughty.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 3, 2015
My old cat Waffles would pounce at me whenever I moved about the house at night.  She did it just to make me scream.  She would rush at me, wrap her paws around my ankle (keeping her claws retracted) and then touch the top of my foot with her nose and then she'd dash off again, peeking around from the next corner, waiting until I passed so she could do it again.  It was like she was letting me know she could bite and claw me if she wanted.  She also loved to run along the top of the couch and leap to the top of the love seat which was at an angle to the couch.  She also loved to make the leap right in front of my face as I tried to pass through to the hall.  And she often did this in the dark.  Of course I would scream and she would do it again and again. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
Let me preface this by saying that I debated whether or not to tell this story but my friend, the "victim" laughed when it happened so I figured what the heck.  

So a very good friend of mine had breast cancer and was undergoing her last round of chemo.  She was single and alone so I moved her into our house to help her out.  At the time she was an attorney in my partner's firm and very particular about her appearance.  She was and still is quite beautiful, but her treatment had caused her hair to fall out and she had purchased several very expensive, very real looking lace front wigs made out of human hair.  When she put them on it was utterly impossible to tell that it wasn't her natural hair, but she had to actually glue the front down which was a lot of work so she didn't wear them around the house. 

By now I'm sure you know where this story is going.

She kept her wigs on Styrofoam stands in her room and one day while she was taking a bath Atticus and Thirteen, who were only about four months old at the time, struck.  My friend had failed to close the door to her room and they absolutely devoured her wigs.  Hair and lace were everywhere.   I was horrified and immediately offered to pay for them but she wouldn't have it.  She said that God had given her a sign that her vanity needing checking so after that she proudly sported her bald head and never put on a wig again.

That was a while ago and she has since moved out of our house, and I'm happy to report that her treatment was deemed successful. 

Her hair isn't completely back but she's getting there. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
My Current kitty has done way too many naughty things to count... But what sticks out the most is not with my Xena, but a former cat- Bandit.

One year after I had set up the Christmas decorations, baby Jesus went missing from one of my Nativity scenes. Needless to say, it was nowhere to be found- until I scooped litter the next morning. Sure enough, he had stolen it and buried it :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
Yikes, the first time I read this I thought you meant that Bandit ATE Baby Jesus and then, well, sorta' pooped him out. 

The moral of this tale is that Bandit made off like a bandit with Baby Jesus!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Let me preface this by saying that I debated whether or not to tell this story but my friend, the "victim" laughed when it happened so I figured what the heck.  

So a very good friend of mine had breast cancer and was undergoing her last round of chemo.  She was single and alone so I moved her into our house to help her out.  At the time she was an attorney in my partner's firm and very particular about her appearance.  She was and still is quite beautiful, but her treatment had caused her hair to fall out and she had purchased several very expensive, very real looking lace front wigs made out of human hair.  When she put them on it was utterly impossible to tell that it wasn't her natural hair, but she had to actually glue the front down which was a lot of work so she didn't wear them around the house. 

By now I'm sure you know where this story is going.

She kept her wigs on Styrofoam stands in her room and one day while she was taking a bath Atticus and Thirteen, who were only about four months old at the time, struck.  My friend had failed to close the door to her room and they absolutely devoured her wigs.  Hair and lace were everywhere.   I was horrified and immediately offered to pay for them but she wouldn't have it.  She said that God had given her a sign that her vanity needing checking so after that she proudly sported her bald head and never put on a wig again.

That was a while ago and she has since moved out of our house, and I'm happy to report that her treatment was deemed successful. 

Her hair isn't completely back but she's getting there. 
What a wonderful, heartwarming story. I do hope so much that your friend is recovering. Sometimes our kitties are God's messangers.

paula freeman

TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 27, 2015
I think that the worst thing that my cat Snowball has done is to pee all over my husband's computer while my husband was using it. Snowball was whining and wanting something else to eat besides his cat food. My husband did not give him anything else and Snowball got mad. Man was that a bad day. For a while there I thought Snowball was toast.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 8, 2015
Kuwait / Philippines
Let me preface this by saying that I debated whether or not to tell this story but my friend, the "victim" laughed when it happened so I figured what the heck.  

So a very good friend of mine had breast cancer and was undergoing her last round of chemo.  She was single and alone so I moved her into our house to help her out.  At the time she was an attorney in my partner's firm and very particular about her appearance.  She was and still is quite beautiful, but her treatment had caused her hair to fall out and she had purchased several very expensive, very real looking lace front wigs made out of human hair.  When she put them on it was utterly impossible to tell that it wasn't her natural hair, but she had to actually glue the front down which was a lot of work so she didn't wear them around the house. 

By now I'm sure you know where this story is going.

She kept her wigs on Styrofoam stands in her room and one day while she was taking a bath Atticus and Thirteen, who were only about four months old at the time, struck.  My friend had failed to close the door to her room and they absolutely devoured her wigs.  Hair and lace were everywhere.   I was horrified and immediately offered to pay for them but she wouldn't have it.  She said that God had given her a sign that her vanity needing checking so after that she proudly sported her bald head and never put on a wig again.

That was a while ago and she has since moved out of our house, and I'm happy to report that her treatment was deemed successful. 

Her hair isn't completely back but she's getting there. 
Having lost several family members to cancer and watching a dear friend battle it now, I can imagine what your friend has been going through. I'm glad she took this in stride and even with a positive spin. Cats do have a way of disarming us. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
*sigh*  Last night (2:30 in the morning) while I was in the process of doing an email, I 'lost' internet connection. After checking a few things and attempting to reconnect, I decided to reboot the router. Do you think I was surprised to find Keeker sauntering out from under the table without a care in the world and multiple little teeth marks in the cable? Thankfully, I was able to get the wire wiggled 'just right' and wrapped it with electrical tape, but now I have to purchase another connection cable before this one completely breaks! 

After having to purchase 3 new mice for my computer, I finally discovered that running a thin layer of Vick's Vapo Rub and dusting it with cayenne pepper deters the rascally varmint from gnawing the wires. What IS in cable wire that makes it SO inviting to cats??


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I picked DD up from school Monday night. Her BF came over to pick her up not long after. I do random head counts because I am paranoid that one of them will get out and get hurt. There is a busy street in front of the house, a VERY busy street behind it and neither are well lit. I have 3 black cats. Not long after they left, I did a head count. Lilith? check. Henry? check. Sophie?? Where's Sophie? She's a master of hiding. I looked in all her favorite hidey spots. No Sophie. I started to panic and looked everywhere again. Still no Sophie. Now I'm borderline hysterical. I was SURE she had gotten out and was alone in the dark. I ran outside and looked around under the truck in the driveway (where she went the one time she DID get out). I called her and called her. Nothing. I ran back inside and called DD. She swore up and down that they were very careful to make sure she wasn't near the door when they left. I was convinced she was outside and seconds from being run over. I put the phone down by the front door and walked into the living room almost in tears.

Guess who was sitting in the middle of the living room floor looking at me like, "What do you want? Why do you keep calling me?"

I still have NO idea where she had been. I think she knew how upset I was because when I picked her up to give her hugs and kisses she didn't protest at all.

I can only imagine what the neighbors thought of the lunatic running around outside at 11:30 PM with a flashlight and a giant bag of Pure Bites.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
*sigh*  Last night (2:30 in the morning) while I was in the process of doing an email, I 'lost' internet connection. After checking a few things and attempting to reconnect, I decided to reboot the router. Do you think I was surprised to find Keeker sauntering out from under the table without a care in the world and multiple little teeth marks in the cable? Thankfully, I was able to get the wire wiggled 'just right' and wrapped it with electrical tape, but now I have to purchase another connection cable before this one completely breaks! 

After having to purchase 3 new mice for my computer, I finally discovered that running a thin layer of Vick's Vapo Rub and dusting it with cayenne pepper deters the rascally varmint from gnawing the wires. What IS in cable wire that makes it SO inviting to cats??
I did some research on this after I lost 5 AC adaptor cords and a USB cable. They seem to like small, thin cords most of all, but your cable is probably thicker. I strongly recommend Chewsafe, which is a clear plastic tube slit down the side so you can fit the cord inside. I bought 30 feet of it and have used most of it. It's not expensive and is available on the Internet. The kitties could electrocute themselves one day chewing on the wrong cord.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2014
I picked DD up from school Monday night. Her BF came over to pick her up not long after. I do random head counts because I am paranoid that one of them will get out and get hurt. There is a busy street in front of the house, a VERY busy street behind it and neither are well lit. I have 3 black cats. Not long after they left, I did a head count. Lilith? check. Henry? check. Sophie?? Where's Sophie? She's a master of hiding. I looked in all her favorite hidey spots. No Sophie. I started to panic and looked everywhere again. Still no Sophie. Now I'm borderline hysterical. I was SURE she had gotten out and was alone in the dark. I ran outside and looked around under the truck in the driveway (where she went the one time she DID get out). I called her and called her. Nothing. I ran back inside and called DD. She swore up and down that they were very careful to make sure she wasn't near the door when they left. I was convinced she was outside and seconds from being run over. I put the phone down by the front door and walked into the living room almost in tears.

Guess who was sitting in the middle of the living room floor looking at me like, "What do you want? Why do you keep calling me?"

I still have NO idea where she had been. I think she knew how upset I was because when I picked her up to give her hugs and kisses she didn't protest at all.

I can only imagine what the neighbors thought of the lunatic running around outside at 11:30 PM with a flashlight and a giant bag of Pure Bites.
Did you make sure to shake their treats bag?  Usually works for my crew.  Oh, Sophie.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
The naughtiest thing that my rainbow kitties did happened when my mom was making brownies for a special school event. She set the warm brownies on the counter to cool. Both kittens jumped from the fridge into the brownie pan, leaving paw prints in the brownies as they went. 

Another rainbow kitty peed on two of my friends when they were sleeping in a sleeping bag in our living room. 

Of my current cats, Carrot's naughtiest act was to pee on my pillow when I had guests over and was ignoring him for part of the evening making his dinner ten minutes late. Angua's naughtiest act was to walk across the keyboard of my laptop hitting precisely the right buttons to alter the display so that it was upside down. I have no idea how she even managed it.

This month they are obsessed with the Christmas tree of course. We put up the tree with gold shatterproof Christmas ball ornaments  since we hadn't previously experienced  this season with either cat. Angua keeps grabbing the gold ornaments (especially the sparkly ones) off of the tree with her little poydactyl paws so that both cats can roll the ornaments across the floor. A few days ago she carried one of them to our room by its string. They think that it is great fun that we have a tree decorated with these golden cat toys.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2014
Last summer, my bf and I biked to the local thrift store to pick up some small, cute plates for the cats.  Since I have to feed Sasha small frequent meals (because otherwise she throws up) I wanted a lot of plates to use.  So I bought like 30 of them and it was really heavy and difficult to bike home.  I get home, wash all the plates, and was able to use them for one day.  The next day I have them stacked up by the sink on the counter to be washed.  Kyubi is walking around in the kitchen, excited because he always think I'm going to feed him when I'm doing something in the kitchen.  Anyways, he stands on two feet and leans his front paws on the counter trying to see what was up there, and somehow manages to knock over the entire stack of plates!  All but 6 broke.  And to top it off, he was so scared that he ran into his safe room.  

Another Kyubi story, my bf is pretty clumsy and often knocks over cups of water.  We don't have anything to put our cups on in the living room, so we put them on the ground.  Anyways, water has been spilled so much that my bf decides to buy a coffee table (we're poor college students who move every year, so we don't usually invest in furniture).  One day, I get home from work and there's a giant water stain on couch.  Immediately I turned to the bf but he automatically pointed at Kyubi.  Apparently, Kyubi had taken up the charming cat hobby of knocking things over.  