What do you do in your sleep? ;o)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Cheylink's post got me thinking.  I've done some funny things in my sleep over the years.  Some I have no recollection of; DH will tell me later on.  I have had crazy dreams for as long as I can remember.  Most are fun dreams though.  An old friend of mine talks in her sleep big time.

Some of my funnies: 

This one I vaguely remember.  In my dream I was standing in front of some old type equipment with dials and knobs and things.  I was pushing buttons and turning the knobs.  To do what I do not know.  Suddenly my DH asks me what I'm doing and I realize I'm standing at the wall between DH's dresser and this stand we had in our bedroom.  I mumbled something and got back in bed. 

DH says I will sit up in bed and rattle off something loudly and lay back down.  Just enough to wake him up from a good sleep of course.

I think 3 times now I have woken up to find I've taken my shirt either all the way off or nearly... 
  The first 2 times I was still living at home.  The last DH was deployed. 

Many times DH has tried to wake me up for some reason I've said not nice things to him.  Like "be quiet" or "go away!" 
  This is what I was thinking of in Cheylink's post.  DH had rolled over one night and smacked his head on his night stand.  It gave him a headache enough that he got out of bed.  He tried to wake me up to tell me what happened and he says I told him to be quiet and go to sleep!  I ended up taking him to the ER to be sure he didn't have a conclusion.  We eventually got a bigger bed. 

In addition to these I've also fallen back to sleep shortly after getting up in some odd places.  Our current bed is much taller than our old one.  Knowing I can be hard to wake up in the morning my alarm clock was across the bedroom.  DH found me "standing" at the foot of the bed; my top half laid across the bed, my feet on the floor...asleep.  He's also found me asleep in the shower and asleep on the "throne." 

So those are my personal stories!  Share your own!  I can't be the only one to do things like this!

A friend of mine, when we were in our early teens, kicked right through his bedroom wall into the bathroom during a crazy dream!  Of course the hole in the wall was right next to the toilet.  For a while he had to leave his bedroom whenever someone needed to use the bathroom! LOL
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 17, 2005
Somewhere in the US
One time when I was in high school, I was asleep with about 20-30 other girl scouts. We were all spread out over the floor of this cabin. One of the girls had to get up and go the the restroom. As she was threading her way through, she accidentally stepped on me. She told me later she had told me sorry and I had said "That's OK, you can step on my head anytime!"

Another time is when I was around 12 years old. Mom and I had been babysitting the little boy down the street. Later that night, after he had gone home, I actually went to my parents bed. I apparently was sleep walking. I was very upset telling my mom that we had to find Tommy! My mom said "Who?" I told her "My little sister, Tommy! His mom is going to be worried about him!" Mom finally got me calmed down and led me back to bed. I barely remember this. Thing is, I do not have a sister! I am the youngest and had 2 older brothers.

DH will talk in his sleep sometimes. I can have a conversation with him sometimes. A couple of nights ago, he said "That is a really big peanut!" I have no idea what that meant since he doesn't eat whole peanuts!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
Oh you're not the only one. I've done some crazy things in my sleep. Mom mom always got a kick out of the time I stumbled into her room, picked up the phone, had a 10 minute conversation with no one, hung it up and stumbled back into bed. I don't remember any of it. According to my husband, he know knows how to fill out a beneficiary form for our company because I explained it in detail in my sleep (I work in a call center so most of the advice I COULD, and apparently DO recite in my sleep). At one time I also told my husband I was a moggie and proceeded to purr and meow at him.

I also have a problem of remembering where I am when I wake up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Some nights I'm just awake enough to know I need to go, but not awake enough to remember where I am so I go to where I think the door should be and try to find the door knob. Yep, not there. So I do the half asleep staggering around pounding on the walls thing panicking because my bladder is ready to explode and waking DH up in the process. You would think after living here for almost 2 years I would remember where the door is.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 3, 2011
In paradise, under a cat pile
When I was a child I use to sit up in bed and scream at the top of my lungs. Then lay back down. Still don't what that meant to tell my Brother, why.

Now a days stepping in something squishy while going in the kitchen for some water is about my worse nightmare. Yeah, I have done that.

Back when I was new to kitties, I would fling off kitties when I rolled over. Since then I retrained myself how to roll over in my sleep without flinging cats into the wall.

trouts mom

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
One time I got up in the middle of the night and started cutting my blinds with scissors while crying...weird and creepy right?


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Not much :lol3:. I guess when I am "really" asleep - I sleep as quiet as a mouse. I just wish I could get more of it :lol2: :wavey:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
Wow, I don't think anything I do in my sleep can beat some of your stories 

I am a pretty sound sleeper these days. The only thing I tend to do is move around...a lot. When I go to bed at night, I make sure that my sheets and blankets are smooth and tucked in. But, when I wake up in the morning, it looks like there had been a tornado that roared through -- everything is a mess! My blankets are every which way and my sheets are often pulled off of my bed to some extent. It makes for a not-so-fun time making the bed the next morning.

Embarrassingly, there are a couple of things that I've done in my sleep that I prefer not to talk about. For one, I've fallen out of bed on numerous occasions. I've done it since I was a little girl -- I just keep rolling over and rolling over and rolling over...until I've rolled myself over the edge of the bed! I've also had dreams where I had to go to the bathroom and, well, did. Those have had to be the worst! (And, I can't believe I've just shared that!)

When I was young, I would have night terrors and wake up screaming. These night terrors were far worse than any nightmare I've had. I'm still prone to nightmares and can have difficulty either going to sleep or staying asleep due to them, but nothing is as bad as the terrors I had when I was little.

Aside from thrashing around and the occasional fall off of my bed, I'm not too interesting when it comes to sleep. To my knowledge, I've never sleepwalked and I don't hold lengthy conversations while sleeping. No one has even said that I snore! All of my family members have quirky sleep habits, but it appears that I've been spared. So, nothing to exciting on my part -- just regular sleep. Now, if I don't get enough sleep, well, that's when it begins to get a bit funny...
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Alison, my step-sister used to do that all the time.  If she still does; she's not sharing!

One of my friends I've known since we were 9.  She used to get up in the middle of the night, EVERY night, and go brush her teeth!  Bet she's never had a cavity...

Hope; I remember we were talking about sleep walking once at work. My co-worker said when her son was about 8 or so she and her husband were still up when he came walking by and went into the kitchen.  She caught him about to pee in the trash can!  She said she just guided him back to the bathroom and he never remembered it. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
Alison I'm right there with you hun.

I have a tendency to eat in my sleep and if its steak I elbow df in the head. If I keep candy on my bed side table I will for real eat in my sleep. I don't keep chocolate there anymore because of horrible morning butt mouth lol. I also do kitty tossing because if I get warm I fling covers kitties and.shove df away cuz im hot and get super witchy if things touch me. I also sleep in the buff because I got sick of sleep stripping lol.

I do be coversations with df while he sleeps.cuz he talks in his sleep.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 2, 2010
I'll tell you what I don't do at all in my sleep: move. One of my cats lays up against my shins when I sleep, the other lays nestled up to my calves. They also throw an arm over each other, locking my legs into place. Luckily, I have always slept without moving much. I never minded making my bed in the morning when I was a child because all my blankets stayed perfectly tucked in.

This thread is actually pretty serendipitous. I happened to get my first decent picture of it when I woke up this morning. They woke up before I could snap a picture, but you get the point.

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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 8, 2011
lol whoo, when I was real little and still lived back in Iowa, I always seemed to sleep in my sister's room instead of my own. She had a bed with a trindle bed underneath so I would always sleep on that. I guess, both my sister and I would have fights in our sleep. Apparently our parents would run to my sister's room because they would hear us yelling at each other but when they would come in, we'd both be sitting up in our beds, still asleep, yelling and throwing pillows and such at each other.  When I got a little older, especially after moving to Kansas, I would always sleep walk downstairs and end up waking up on the couch.

When my boyfriend still lived at home, I would constantly fall asleep while we were watching movies and apparantly, I alway seemed to make squeaky noises in my sleep and if he was sitting on the floor by the bed, playing his xbox or something, I guess my hands and feet would always find the back of his head and I would...I guess knead the back of his head like a cat haha.   Also another little story, once again, I fell asleep while we were watching a movie, and I was having this dream while I was surrounded by shadow people and they kept on trying to touch my face and pushing me so I was slapping them away. When he finally got me to wake up, apparently I was trying to slap him away, saying "leave me alone"     Despite how creepy the dream sounds, I didn't find it scary or creepy at all...it was just really iratating because I was just trying to sleep in  my dream and the shadow people wouldn't leave me alone lol


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Sounds like my sleep!  I usually have a minimum of 3 heavy cats pinning me down--on my ankles, and my belly.  I call them my "Feline foot-warmers"!

I'll tell you what I don't do at all in my sleep: move. One of my cats lays up against my shins when I sleep, the other lays nestled up to my calves. They also throw an arm over each other, locking my legs into place. Luckily, I have always slept without moving much. I never minded making my bed in the morning when I was a child because all my blankets stayed perfectly tucked in.

This thread is actually pretty serendipitous. I happened to get my first decent picture of it when I woke up this morning. They woke up before I could snap a picture, but you get the point.
