What do I do for this injured kitten?

serge kannon

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 19, 2015
Last Sunday, my wife and I were walking down the street when we heard a kitten's cry. We saw one kitten under a bush and nobody knew of any family of cars nearby. We noticed that the kitty wasn't using his front paw. We took him to an Emergency vet and $400 later were told that we need another $3,000 to amputate the arm because of nerve damage. 
So, I understand that having surgery at the emergency vet is going to cost significantly more that just a good vet. After shopping around through speaking with friends, I'll probably be able to find a vet who'll do it for about $1,500. 
I have a gofundme campaign, but I don't think it's polite to just throw it out here because quite frankly, I haven't read the user agreement. Can anyone help me get some attention or traffic to my campaign? Can anyone tell me a safe place to post a link to my campaign? 



Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
@Serge Kannon we allow one request for funds in our SOS forum so please feel free to post there.   We will post a disclaimer about donating money.. please know that it is a generic disclaimer and not personal.

Also, probably not a good idea to teach this little one to attack your hands.. you'll regret it when he's all better..

Good luck!
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serge kannon

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 19, 2015
Yeah, I know they grow up thinking your hand dis a chew toy. This would be my fifth kitten rescue. I let them all play with my hands. I wear my scratches with pride. Seems the cats I have outgrew hand-attacking at about 2 years of age. There's Tabby, Copernicus, Friday and Mr. Buttons. 

My Rottweiler was actually the one who rescued Mr. Buttons. She pulled toward a wet cardboard box and grabbed the wet box and wouldn't let go and wouldn't allow me to leave it alone. This was in March of this year. I couldn't understand her fascination with this piece of trash until I pulled her away and she started to howl and pull to the box. I looked in the box and there was tiny Mr. Buttons. tiny and soaking wet from the melting snow. I pulled him out of the box, brought him home, fed him, watered him, and loved him. He's such a sweet cat.

Now we find this guy. I'm just glad we found him before someone else did.