What Could This Be?

dayna rita

TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 23, 2014
So the back story is I've always had a 4 cat home. My older cats passed away a week apart from one another in the beginning of the yr they weren't siblings, they did not die of the same thing. My sweet baby Lily was a very sick kitten and nearly died though she was happy, she was sick frequently, she died at 8 years old. We got Pepper when he was 3 from the SPCA - he was on sale for a dollar, he was the best dollar I ever spent... he passed away 12 years old. Like any cat owner would I took my two black cats to the vet. These are not my people social cats. Church is a very friendly big boy but only to us - hides from everyone else. He's nearly 20lbs of pure muscle. He's just a huge cat. We got Abbey, who i knew would never love me, but she was timestamped and because she wasn't people friendly. The recuse who had her, had to catch her with brooms and when she was put in a carrier she make it shake and she growled and hissed. When I got her home, where dogs weren't crying and people weren't in and out, she opened up a bit. She won't let me touch her - but she would sit on the other side of the couch and she knows her name, she also will eat food I put down for her, she didn't before. It turns out at she had Crystals in her urine, but it wasn't enough to be a problem. The problem is after the two cats died everyone was in a daze an I don't think i saw them come out of hiding for nearly 3 days... They def saw Lily seize and die. I don't know much about what cats and remember and register or not, but I really think they were upset. So they were dehydrated and in full panic mode. Abbey only eats fancy feast salmon - she's just fancy like that. I pay for the wet food that the vet suggested but she refused to eat it. But after the vet, everyone calmed down I saw her drinking and eating again. So I hoped if I just had a million water bowls around they would be ok. Everything seemed to be fine we just all so lonely. Even the dog was depressed. I should add both of these cats are fixed.

In march I recused a 7month old kitten we named Pixel. We got her fixed before her first heat and we did the proper introductions but she bonded more with the dog and less with the black cats. They slept in the dog crate, they played together, Pixel wanted to go on walks with the dog (but I never brought her because none of my cats go outside). things were good, but I felt bad for Pixel. Church for some reason didn't love her, he just stared at her. Abbey was indifferent and played with her.

we decided to add our 4th kitten when my friend found a box of kittens all very sick w an URI and fleas. We bathed her with dawn, that took care of the fleas but we were very clean about her area and didn't let the other cats meet her right away because she needed to be treated for her URI. She cried a lot unless u went in the room with her. She bonded with Pixel and the dog. Church was very curious about her... he follows her a bit and when she gets all hyped up he also plays along with the new kitten. Abbey kinda started retreated, I got a new cat tree and she likes sitting up in the tallest perch and son bathing.

Last week, I started smelling this musky odor and thought it was cat pee but not the same smell that you get when the liter pans need to be clean (we have 4 and I clean them every other day). I figured out the smell was on the dog's bed in her crate. I threw the entire bed away and a put blanket in the crate for her - and someone peed on it the next night. I should mention that all the kittens and the dog sleep in my bed. Neither black cat has ever had any interest in this so it wasn't like they took their territory.

So now the dog's crate is always locked and it's causing anxiety for the dog. In the last week, someone has peed or marked on a cat bed, two blankets for the couch, a cat toy, a laundry bag on top of my laundry basket the basket was white & I saw the yellow pee, my wife's laptop bag. I'm running out of things in my house. I put the kittens in my room together, they don't seem to mind. Nobody is peeing up there outside of the pans, they're only downstairs for the couple hours I'm home and awake.

Today I came home from work and found the two couch blankets. Its def one of the two black cats. I made them an appointment for the vet Tuesday but the first available was next Saturday. I got defusers, I'm keeping the liter pan clean. I just don't know what to do... If they pee on my couch I'm going to have threw the whole sectional away. My mom suggested putting them separate rooms to pin point which cat is doing it, but I'm afraid that might make things worse and they cry for one another if they're separated. I don't know if the best idea. I hate to say it, but I hope someone is just a little sick and we can back to normal soon, because I really cannot have my house smell like cat pee.

Other than the new kitten, nothing has changed, the liter is the same, the food is the same, I did get new bowls, but they're eating out of those.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US

Other than the new kitten, nothing has changed,
It sounds as though this kitten is considered a huge change by your other felines.

Can you set up a video camera in some way so that you can determine who is so upset? Can you contain everyone, together in a room if that works better (except the dog) so that the cleanup isn't so extensive? This way the dog can have the crate back as well :)

Also, try some music to help them relax - there is MusicForCats . com, there's an app called Relax My Cat, and even low volume classical harp music is known to help cats.

I don't know which cleaner you're using but there's nature's miracle, the Equalizer, fizzion and scoex10.

How To Get Cat Urine Smell Out Of Carpet: Effective, Non-toxic Solutions

How To Remove Cat Urine Odor From Your Home

How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Clothes And Linens


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
First you can open the dog crate and just put a towel in it. Easy to wash soap then a white vinegar rinse, same with the blankets.

Can you lock them away from the sofa until you see if one or both of them has a UTI? I would also ask the vet to do the culture. I don't know the details but I know it shows up UTIs or the beginnings of them that don't show up in the usual exam and test.

I bought a cover for a dog bed that was advertised as water proof - it wasn't, and indestructible -- again it wasn't. Don't waste your money. Buy sail cloth or a plastic tarp and cover your sofa with that.

From your description it sounds as though your guys are doing well together. They've worked things out the way they want them. The dog is happy, except for the crate problem, and the young cats play with each other, with the older cats interacting if and when they want to.

I may have missed the point of your post, but you have Furballsmom Furballsmom 's response so that's good.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I would think your culprit would be Abbey, just because she seems to be most affected by the new kitten, and stress can bring on crystals. Cyrstals can cause a UTI, and either or both can cause inappropriate peeing. It still wouldn't hurt to take both of them in to the vet if neither have been i n recently anyway. If stress is part of the issue, separating Abbey from Church, since that's who she gets along with the most, isn't going to help anything.