What breed does my cat resemble? (Extremely fluffy, two distinct colors, well-tempered)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 23, 2014
We just got back from the vet, getting the 1-year booster shots for our little Ra. We adopted him from the Silicon Valley Humane Society when he was 3 months; now he's going on 18 months old. When the vet mentioned today that he might have some mink in him, I was prompted to look around and see what that might mean. My husband and I know he's a mix--his mother was a feral rescue--and his papers just say he's grey and white. His coloration is fairly mirrored down the middle with the exception of his face.

Weight: 13.5 lb (all lean, feather-chasing machine)

Coat: Thick, extremely silky, fluffy. Does not appear to have lost his kitten fluff. Keeps himself well-groomed, but also makes it a point to let us know when he wants brushing. Take note of the extreme fluff between the toes. Tail fur is uniquely crimped, not straight like the rest of his coat.

Coat color: Primarily grey with white paws and a white underside. Grey fur appears sepia in the sunlight. Matching grey spots on both front paws with a giant grey dot on his chest. Mottled face.

Eye color: Gold

Temperament: Confident, laid back, people-oriented, comfortable traveling. Recovers quickly from surprises. Assumes he's the alpha unless you make it a point to demonstrate otherwise. Likes being within reach for petting (LOTS of petting), but will not cuddle. He is extremely playful and lets you know when he wants some feather time. Likes going on walks, though he keeps trying to renegotiate the harness requirement. Will play fetch. Loves bellyrubs. Tail appears to be anti-gravity.

He seems very intelligent. We toilet trained him early; he'll even put paper in when he's done. He can open pull door handles, will try to refill his foodbowl from the bag when it's empty, and understands a number of hand signals. He has developed a communication system where he'll reach up and tap different body areas on us--knee, elbow, shoulder--based on the urgency of his request. Putting off his request for food, water, or playtime results in a swift bite to the calf (he gets aggressive, but only over basic needs).
3-month toilet training​
6-month cuddly stage​

8-month budding bellyrub-a-holic
12-month tree dweller​
15-month serious bellyrub-a-holism​
Any hints as to Ra's apparent genetic background would be fantastic!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I think he is what is called for a domestic.  What mink is, I dont know either (the word is used as color in colorpoints, but it is not so here).

He seems to be fabulous, and very intelligent!   Its apparently not only his intelligence being intelligent, but also you who does recognizes his signs and ways, and enouraging them.

Both him and you were lucky who got each other.

Good luck!