Wet cat food to help with worms


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Adult Cat
Sep 13, 2022
If anybody has a cat/kitten that has been battling worms then I can help, I love making special things for my cats especially when it comes to food. I don’t know all the things they put in canned wet cat food, but frankly I think that making your own with what you know your cats can have is a much better solution.

I have been using a short simple recipe for my kittens that I find that are dropped off by my house. It helps take away the worms so it’s easier for them to wait until I can get them to the vet, so they can give the kittens their deworming shots.

here is a recipe that I have been using to help them to not feel so much intestinal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, etc. I hope this helps

1. Cooked chicken breast
2. Pumpkin seeds (dried and powdered)
3. Lactose intolerant (cat milk) or kitten formula (if you are nursing a young kitten)
4. And vegetable oil

What you will need:
1. Food processor
2. Measuring cups
3. Measuring spoons
4. Food grinder or baby food maker
5. Large plastic container

1. First, you cook the the chicken breast (taking off as much fat as possible), cook it at about 175 f 79.44 c to about 180 f 82.22 c, or until tender steamy and juicy.
2. Cut the chicken into tiny chunks and place it into and food grinder or baby food maker, the consistency should be like baby food
3. Second, you place 1/2 cup dried pumpkin seeds into the food processor, and process until it’s like a more fibrous flour
4. Pour 1/4 cup of cat milk or kitten formula into the pumpkin seed powder
5. Add 2 tbls vegetable oil into the milk and pumpkin mixture
6. Then add the cooked ground chicken to the rest of the mixture, mix it well, once you do that then you’re finished. Place it in the large container and feed it to your cat or kitten until you don’t see anymore signs of worms, this usually only takes about 2 weeks, I fed my kittens 1/4 cup once every 2 days and my kittens could just barely eat hard food so I would mix it with their hard food and my 2 twin kittens would share it.

fact #1. Ground pumpkin seeds are very fibrous, in fact they are so fibrous that it kills many kinds of
worms including tapeworms, and also other kinds of parasites, in humans and animals.
fact #2. Vegetable oil will help your cats with their hairballs, it makes it easier for it to go through their digestive track, and also vegetable oil is one of the many oils that is found in hairball treats and gels.
fact #3. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and kittens are always lactose intolerant after they're weened from their mothers milk, some cats/kittens will later grow out of it later in life, but it is suggested to keep all human dairy food away from cats/kittens because it could make them not feel so good in their tummy.

Know that I am not a animal specialist in any way, don’t give your cats random foods without doing your own research, I did research before I started giving this to my cats, but always do second hand research, also make sure to talk to a vet about what your cat can consume, and always get a second opinion. The food can only last a week in an air tight plastic container.
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I hope it works as described.
Just one remark: when you write lactose intolerant, you probably mean; lactose free milk (for those whom are lactose intolerant). Its easier and better to use goats milk, or kmr.
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  • #3


Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 13, 2022
I hope it works as described.
Just one remark: when you write lactose intolerant, you probably mean; lactose free milk (for those whom are lactose intolerant). Its easier and better to use goats milk, or kmr.
Yes that is what I’m referring to, when I say that, kmr, that is what I’m talking about, and they do have a special cat milk too for adult cats which is also what I mean when I say lactose free cat milk. God bless ❤


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I think I'd be a bit concerned about leaving it for a week in the fridge.
Why not just add the ground pumpkin seeds to the normal diet if that's the way you want to deal with worms?
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  • #5


Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 13, 2022
I think I'd be a bit concerned about leaving it for a week in the fridge.
Why not just add the ground pumpkin seeds to the normal diet if that's the way you want to deal with worms?
My cats/kittens hate the smell of ground pumpkin seed powder, well pumpkin seeds in general, so I just add them to this wet cat food recipe, also normally my cats/kittens finish the food before that long (a full week), and I don’t give it to them all the time because it’s only when they get worms or have them as kittens (when they get dropped off at our house), and technically I did make it clear that it can’t be left in the fridge any longer then a week, so normally people would be careful about how long it’s kept in the fridge, I should’ve made it more clear, I just thought I did sorry, and it’s totally fine if other people just put it in with the wet cat food, but I don’t buy wet cat food because it’s expensive and also unhealthy (it kind of depends on what brand you buy), and like a said my cats don’t like the smell of pumpkin seeds, and it doesn’t work very well in dry cat food either, so I just made this recipe simple, and also for the purposes that I wrote down at the beginning of this forum. God bless ❤