Weird Cat Problem


TCS Member
Oct 25, 2023
And also - thank you so much for this additional information. It really helps as I navigate this issue with her. Based on the thread you posted, I asked for her thyroid to be checked. All was normal. They did an ECHO and ultrasound and found she has a rapid heart beat (as I told them when I brought her in) but low blood pressure and low temps.

They are currently keeping her over night and are testing her for Addison's as well as a few different heart enzymes. I am trying to not obsess crazily over this as I did with my soul cat last year, but it is really, really hard. I just want her to have a happy and healthy life.

Also - a little levity-- you mentioned your sweet Bo has a sister who didn't have any issues like he did. Well, Goose's littermate sister, Duck, is like an OX. Nothing has ever been wrong with her!

Again, thank you so much for your kind words and your insight.


TCS Member
Oct 25, 2023
Also - Bo's sweet little gray nose - SO CUTE! I can tell how much you loved and cared for him, and based on what you've shared, he absolutely knows how much you did and how much you loved him.

A friend just told me today--these precious cats would live a life regardless of us caring for them. But the fact that we get to be theirs means something out there in the universe knew we would care for them the most. And so it's a true blessing they ended up with us. This gives me resolve when I feel like I'm not doing enough. I hope it gives you a little bit, too.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 29, 2011
Oh, I am so sincerely sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you. I know what this is like, as I had to put my soul cat down last year. It is something I would never wish on anyone in this world. <3

I am wishing you the best and hoping you've found some peace.
Thank you very much. Yes, I had to put my soul cat down too in the last year and we lost Bo on top of it. It's been a tough couple of years for me and my roommates with regards to our babies. So, thank you for your kindness and warmth. I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and send good thoughts your way.

and please keep us apprised about your baby - wishing you and yours the best as well.

let me know if I can share anything else to try and be helpful. Ever since I had COVID, the ole brain isn't as sharp as it used to be :)
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 29, 2011
And also - thank you so much for this additional information. It really helps as I navigate this issue with her. Based on the thread you posted, I asked for her thyroid to be checked. All was normal. They did an ECHO and ultrasound and found she has a rapid heart beat (as I told them when I brought her in) but low blood pressure and low temps.

They are currently keeping her over night and are testing her for Addison's as well as a few different heart enzymes. I am trying to not obsess crazily over this as I did with my soul cat last year, but it is really, really hard. I just want her to have a happy and healthy life.

Also - a little levity-- you mentioned your sweet Bo has a sister who didn't have any issues like he did. Well, Goose's littermate sister, Duck, is like an OX. Nothing has ever been wrong with her!

Again, thank you so much for your kind words and your insight.
Yes, we had Bo tested for this Thyroid too, but it was normal. Good plan on leaving her overnight to be checked out. The same for Bo - rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, but low temps and pressure. But, I was warned that if it was the thyroid, it can still be a problem and show negative results, that it can be normal 90% of the time and just abnormal 10% and never show up as abnormal. So, that was where we got the idea to just give him food when we wants and make sure he didn't sit anywhere cold.

I don't know anything about Addison's, so let me know how that turns out.

LOL - his Sister (also in the picture on his thread, she is mostly white) Kensai. She is like that - like an OX and the cat most likely to kill you and eat you in an apocalypse :)

I hope my thoughts and insight help.


Also - Bo's sweet little gray nose - SO CUTE! I can tell how much you loved and cared for him, and based on what you've shared, he absolutely knows how much you did and how much you loved him.

A friend just told me today--these precious cats would live a life regardless of us caring for them. But the fact that we get to be theirs means something out there in the universe knew we would care for them the most. And so it's a true blessing they ended up with us. This gives me resolve when I feel like I'm not doing enough. I hope it gives you a little bit, too.
He was so cute and SO photogenic. He was good at letting you take his picture too. He was really a ham for the camera and he was my roommate Midnight's cat, but he had started to love on me and spend so much time with me in the months prior to his passing. He was easy to get attached to and he was there for me after my cat died (Jynx)...

It does. It gives me hope that the universe sent them my way and that, even with them gone, we'll see each other again in some other place. Love is a connection that binds us together, people and people, people and animals. Like with Ashe, we had him for 6 years and that is longer than either of them would have made it without us and at least during that time they knew love, contentment, fun and comfort. That is more than some get, for sure.

thank you :)


TCS Member
Oct 25, 2023
+1 to everything you said. I'm so happy you had him after Jynx passed. :redheartpump: And I am SO happy Kensai is like my Duck. Ox girls!! Lol!

Lots has happened in the last couple of days. Goose was discharged from the ER to me on Thursday, and the vet said I needed to get to a cardiologist as he noticed supraventricular tachycardia, but she was such a unique case he wasn't sure what was really going on.

Long story short, I ended up driving 6.5 hours north to UC Davis to have her be seen at the teaching hospital there. She was there all day long yesterday, and she was diagnosed with OAVRT (orthodromic atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia).

Essentially, the electric impulses in her heart are wonky due to a congenital defect. So when she experiences a change in her heart beat, like humans and animals do, her heart can't handle it like normal hearts can, and it causes her heart to overwork, causing a fast heart rate. The fast heart rate triggers the hypothermia because her blood pressure lowers (hard for the blood to get in the heart AND out of the heart).

And when the ER docs gave her fluid, her heart couldn't handle it, causing signs of heart failure.

So the treatment is going to be staying on a diuretic for two weeks, and starting sotalol. The sotalol will be the rest of her life. It's super rare for cats to get OAVRT so there is really no information on it online. :( But I am going to do my best to keep her happy and healthy! And pray to God this medicine works to keep her heart rate lower.

Not great news, not bad news--that is what the cardiologist said. So I am thankful she doesn't have HCM or another heart disease, but I am so so so so hoping this medicine works and I'll get to enjoy her for more time.

Thank you kindly for requesting an update and caring for my experience!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
You deserve a lot of credit for getting up to Davis for an evaluation. Jumping ahead for a minute, I wonder if Davis can refer you to a cardiologist who is closer to your area if you are going to need one on a regular basis.

Are you able to easily administer medication to her?

I have a boy with HCM who was diagnosed at 2 and is now 7 (along with the fact that he had very early kidney disease) and he has done very well for the last 5 years. With diligence, I believe that these heart conditions can be managed.

Please keep us posted as to how your little girl is doing.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Weird question. Does anyone in the house use rogain for hair loss?
I am sorry for the loss of such a wonderful cat and it seemed like you did everything.