We were decieved!!!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2007
Houston, Tx
Originally Posted by tweetykiss

Rosiemac, I didn't know there were rules here to spay and neuter our kitties to join this site. If it is safer for the kitty, I don't mind doing it, but I have people already who want the pick of the litter already. I also see threads on here about others whose cats have had kittens.
I don't believe it is against the site rules to breed your cat but it is strongly discouraged. There are many people on this site who work in animal rescue and have to deal with the heartbreak of cat overpopulation every day. They see hundreds, even thousands, of adorable cats and kittens put to sleep every year because homes can't be found for them. Some are even the ones who have to do the dirty deed.

There is no need to bring more kittens into the world. You can tell the people you have promised kittens to that you have decided not to breed her and that they should adopt from a shelter if they still want a kitten.


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Spaying/neutering your cat is not a requirement for TCS membership. However, you do need to be aware that the official TCS policy is that all pets should be spayed/neutered. If you choose to ignore this and allow your cat to breed, you must also be prepared to take total responsibility for the cat and ALL of her kittens for the rest of their lives---which could be as much as 20 years.

I joined TCS last summer when I took in a pregnant stray and needed advice on taking care of her. I had two people lined up ahead of time to take two of the kittens. After the kittens were born, I called those people to let them know, and both of them them said, "Oh, I already got a kitten." It's nine months later and I still have the mother cat and two of the kittens because nobody wants to adopt them. They've all had their shots and been spayed/neutered and are microchipped. Fortunately, my vet is not horrendously expensive, but by the time you add in food and litter (and toys) I've spent several hundred dollars on each of the kitties over the last year. This is in addition to what I spend on the two cats I already had.

The shelter where I volunteer has a lot of absolutely adorable kittens (and adult cats) who are not being adopted simply because there are so many "free" kittens out there.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Originally Posted by tweetykiss

I also see threads on here about others whose cats have had kittens.
I feel the need to address this. Below is a quote from our Pregnant Cats & Kittens Forum:

About This Forum and Guidelines

As a general rule, TCS is primarily concerned with cat welfare. Because of our strong commitment to responsible cat care and treatment, we do promote and strongly encourage a pro-spay/neuter policy here. Unless you are an experienced, responsible, ethical breeder of pedigreed cats, we do not advocate breeding.

If you find yourself caring for a pregnant cat, please know that the option of spaying while still early in the term is available to you. Many people might be uncomfortable with this, however, know that cats do not share our human values when it comes to these things. Abortion is not against their personal belief systems as it may be to some of us. Please consider consulting with your vet to see if he/she will spay in the early term of the pregnancy.

In the interest of reality and to promote our primary mission of cat welfare, the focus of this forum is to assist those who may find themselves having to care for a pregnant cat NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE UNDER WHICH THE CAT CAME TO BE PREGNANT or to hand-raise kittens.

Keeping this focus in mind, the rule is that NO ONE should be judgmental of anyone posting a request for assistance - please do not automatically cite all the good reasons why a cat should be spayed or neutered. This only serves to alienate those who might otherwise be helped here and perhaps forever turn them off from seeking our help - how can we reach people who won't come to our Forums for fear of being jumped on? Again, the FOCUS of this Forum is to assist those who, for WHATEVER reason, may find themselves the primary caregiver to a pregnant cat or orphaned kittens. It is NOT to focus of this Forum to judge anyone requesting assistance. In order to reach as many people as we can with the message of responsible cat care, we must always always always remember to treat everyone here with kindness, consideration and respect. We want to make this a safe, comfortable place for everyone, regardless of their circumstances, to ask questions and seek assistance.
As stated above, we are concerned about a cat's welfare. If someone posts here after their cat becomes pregnant, we will do everything we can to assist that person in a healthy delivery or through a spay/abort. We will also advocate spaying the mother as soon as possible after the kittens are weaned and then will advocate spay/neuter of the kittens when appropriate. If you read through the threads in the Pregnant Cats & Kittens forum the majority of pregnant cats here are either people fostering a pregnant cat, people who found or adopted a pregnant cat or people whose cat become pregnant before they could spay her. There are not very many planned pregnancies in that forum.

If someone that is not a reputable breeder posts that they are planning on breeding their cat, as is your case, we will do everything we can to dissuade the person. As stated above in the forum rules, which you were required to read when you signed up for this site, we advocate spay or neuter to enhance a cat's quality of life and improve their longterm health. It will also minimize the problem of cat overpopulation.

You will have an extremely hard time to find anyone on this site that will support your desire to breed your cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2009
Mulvane, Kansas
Okay, the fact that you have people who already want the kittens is not a good reason. They can get a kitten from the humane society, and save that kittens life. You don't need to bring MORE kittens in the world.


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
I've just come from a meeting at my local Cats Protection this evening, and their foster pens are filled with kittens all because people won't be responsible to spay or neuter their cats.

Honestly, it was heartbreaking to hear this, but we were all so angry at the same time that people allow this to happen.

I have to ask this question?. Why, when theres already shelters bursting at the seams right now with kittens are people wanting kittens from your cat when they can go and rescue one at a shelter???.

As i've said, this is an educational site, and were really trying our best to make you see how wrong this is.


TCS Member
Mar 22, 2005
As another example, I learned from a reliable source that our local county shelter euthanized 200 kittens a couple of weekends ago. Keep in mind this happened on one weekend, in one shelter, in just one large U.S. city. The numbers are staggering and should be enough to convince anybody that it would be completely irresponsible for anyone other than a reputable breeder to allow their cat to have kittens.


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 22, 2009
Originally Posted by eilcon

As another example, I learned from a reliable source that our local county shelter euthanized 200 kittens a couple of weekends ago.
OMG!! That...that is just...

I mean, I knew that must be happening, but...all those sweet little bobbleheaded bouncy fluffballs that should have had a lifetime of cuddling and being cuddled ahead of them, going to waste...this is why I will NEVER breed Squirrel or Panther. I know I'll want more cats someday but there's no need to make them from scratch when there are already more kittens than homes for them.

Play on at Rainbow Bridge, kitty babies.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
EVERY euthanizing animal shelter in the country is killing kittens right now. This is the peak kitten season, and there are far more kittens out there than will ever find homes. Sad but true. Call your local animal shelter and ask how many kittens they've put down this week. Ask how many adult cats they've had to kill to make room for more kittens. And more and more. Please spay your kitty ASAP.

If one of your friends wants a kitten, they should go to the animal shelter and they'll have dozens of adorable kitties to choose from.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
This goes for all those breeding cats:

1. Adults should be tested for known genetic problems before breeding - with mixed breed cats this is impossible (so they shouldn't be bred on purpose).

2. You have a waiting list for kittens.

3. You keep the kittens for 3-4 months and give all shots and spay and neuter them before they leave your home.

4. Unless the cat is purebred and shown to championship or better (or has produced championship) - they should be spayed and neutered.

5. Have a written contract with the buyer of the kitten.

6. Be willing to take back any kitten the owner cannot keep.

If you can't do the above, then you don't need to be breeding any cat!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
Originally Posted by DragulescuGirl

You know, I can empathize with wanting an offspring of your beloved pet. Often I wish that my Chloe - who is a an adorable mix, but definitely not a purebred - could have a kitten just like her so that when she passes I wouldn't be lonely for her.
I have to laugh at this - I'm sitting here with my female cat Flutterby and her two offspring (both from different fathers) and they couldn't be more different. IMO that is got to the lamest excuse for wanting to breed.

Please leave the breeding to the professionals and get your baby girl fixed

white cat lover

TCS Member
Nov 17, 2005
Take a look at the responses you are getting (some not so nice ones, some more polite ones). Take a look at the number of views this thread has had. Start looking on petfinder at the sheer number of cats & kittens in shelters - "just one litter" can become hundreds of cats so fast.

Please, spay Avalon, don't breed her. Sure, babies are cute - but is it worth risking Avalon's health, worth risking a personality change/behavioral issues?

We're not trying to be mean to you, but it feels like no matter what we say you've made your mind up, that you aren't truly understanding the full impact to you - the world - to Avalon - that breeding her has.

You may think we're just being mean - we're just trying to anger you, drive you away, be rude. I have sat here at my computer, coming back to this thread over & over - bawling my eyes out - I keep thinking of all those lives I've taken - you have the chance to prevent a life of the unknown - to save some of those kitties who sit in cages, awaiting their death if a home doesn't come along. You have the chance to prevent my heart from breaking over again, you have the chance to make a true difference in the world, by not breeding Avalon.

You may think me a rude, cold, heartless
.....oh but only if you could see the tears streaming down my face right now, as my mind is flooded with memories of horrific births, deaths, and all that I have seen in between.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2009
Mulvane, Kansas
We really don't want you to go. No one is trying to drive you off. You should stay, and learn, and be another person in the world being an advocate for all the innocent animals out there.


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
Everyone here at TCS has been educated at some point or another, even me. No one is ganging up on you, but you have to look at how many are agreeing with what your wanting to do to how many are disagreeing?.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 29, 2005
Las Vegas Nevada
Originally Posted by tweetykiss

Rosiemac, I didn't know there were rules here to spay and neuter our kitties to join this site. If it is safer for the kitty, I don't mind doing it, but I have people already who want the pick of the litter already. I also see threads on here about others whose cats have had kittens.
The people that want a kitty can go to your local animal shelter or rescue or Humane Society and find one any day of the week. There are thousands being killed every day in shelters across this country. Please don't contribute to this problem and add more.

As someone else said, if you let Avalon have a litter, those kittens, however many they are, will cause that many to be killed in a shelter.

The biggest part of being a responsible pet owner is neutering your pet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2006
I don't have a whole lot of advice for you but I did want to mention a few things. In an earlier thread you talked about breeding your can Avalon and there was already people that said they would take a kitten if she is ever mated. Well there are a lot of people who really don't mean that and won't want a kitten once they are born. Things suddenly come up whatever and they don't want one.

And I am sure many here would agree that having a pregnant pet is a lot of work. They need special diets, doctor visits to make sure all is well. Labor is not fun especially when the young new momma does not have a clue what to do. I just went through that with a neighbors dog, first time mom that did not know what she was doing. I had to help deliver, get pups out of the amniotic sac, cut cords, suction out mucus and fluids, etc. It was a big ol' dirty affair. And we lost one pup and I almost had to bottle feed the remaining pups because it took mom 24 hrs before she understood she had to feed them. Even now she does not lie with them, she is there long enough to feed and groom them a little. Then she is gone. She does not sleep with them or anything.

Having animal babies is a lot of work. Momma may not doing anything with them once born. If that happens it falls on the owners to do everything for the babies from feeding, to loving, to making them go potty. Then you add on vaccines, spay/neutering, worming etc.

After what I went through the other day makes me so glad mine are spayed and neutered.

zane's pal

TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 10, 2007
Charleston, WV
Unneutered females suffer when in heat if they don't get mated, and if they do they produce kittens. Even aside from that, intact females are prone to female reproductive cancers; spaying prevents this.

Neutered males tend to be aggressive and distructive. They also have a drive to roam and to 'mark' their terretory. Neutered males do not have those problems.

For the males, there is also the matter of prostatis, infection of the prostate. Most of the posters here are women, so they haven't experienced that particular joy. When the prostate becomes infected, it swells up, pressing on key nerves in the pelvic region, and also closing up the bladder, making it intensely painful or sometimes impossible to urinate. (Once, during a bout with it, I passed out on the bathroom floor and woke up in a pool of my own urine.) There are only two ways for a male mammal to avoid prostatis--regular sexual activity or castration.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2005
I just heard a story from my local TSN group where I get my feral cats and kittens from. It's horrible, so I'll try not to be too graphic. This is what happens to cats that are outside. The group found a pregnant female cat that had been killed by (probably ) kids. We don't know the order of progression but the female was dead, her belly opened, the kittens removed, the muscles in the back legs of the kittens were sliced so they couldn't get around, (one kitten made it, and is abt 1 lb.) The remaining kittens had other things done to them. It breaks my heart to hear what happened. This could have been avoided if she had been spayed, kept inside, some many ways to stop this. You can use your imagination as to what else was cut/done to the kittens. Poor mom, we don't know if she was alive when she was cut open or not. It doesn't matter, there is no reason for it. It makes me sorry to be a part of the human race is this is what we do for fun. I'm sure at one time this mom might have been someones pet and now look what happened.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 26, 2006
Chatsworth, CA
Originally Posted by lostmary

I just heard a story from my local TSN group where I get my feral cats and kittens from. It's horrible, so I'll try not to be too graphic. This is what happens to cats that are outside. The group found a pregnant female cat that had been killed by (probably ) kids. We don't know the order of progression but the female was dead, her belly opened, the kittens removed, the muscles in the back legs of the kittens were sliced so they couldn't get around, (one kitten made it, and is abt 1 lb.) The remaining kittens had other things done to them. It breaks my heart to hear what happened. This could have been avoided if she had been spayed, kept inside, some many ways to stop this. You can use your imagination as to what else was cut/done to the kittens. Poor mom, we don't know if she was alive when she was cut open or not. It doesn't matter, there is no reason for it. It makes me sorry to be a part of the human race is this is what we do for fun. I'm sure at one time this mom might have been someones pet and now look what happened.

That's vile. Just disgusting and vile. People who harm defenseless animals are sick. And many of you may know - there is a correlation between people who hurt animals as children and criminals (especially serial killers) as adults.

It just makes me wish I could somehow rescue them all...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
^ That is horrible.

Might I suggest everyone just let this thread end? tweetykiss has been given a lot of advice, likely overwhelmed by it, and now it's just time for her to live and learn. Everyone starts somewhere.

tweetykiss - please do stick around. For the most part everyone on this forum is very supporting and eventually you'll probably need a little of that (cats get themselves into the craziest situations!). Good luck with Avalon, your family situation, and even getting your bird rehomed.

If your friends want kittens so badly, take them to a local shelter and show them all the kitties that need homes now. If they want calicos, there'll surely be some to be found.
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