We moved will my cat come back? Very worried

pouya t

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2015
Hi everyone,

I felt Behavior would be a good place to ask this question since it is a question of behavior of my male cat Simba.

We just recently moved and we brought him to our new place and within the first 30 minutes he escaped and I am extremely worried because he is over 14 human years old.

He has always been an outdoor cat at our previous home he would come home for an hour but be out the entire day and night. He just came to eat mostly but he did hang around and is very affectionate. My parents do not want to put food out to attract different animals so I am wondering how he will remember or know that is our place and such? 

I just really hope someone can reassure me he is smart enough that 30 minutes was enough for him to come back or give me any hints on where he would even go? Our new place is 1 block away so I am sure he doesn't know his way back there. He also doesn't have a collar on him so that makes it worse. 

If you want anymore information just feel free to ask me and I will tell you.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 29, 2014
Methuen, MA
Your cat most likely does not associate this place with "home."  Simba may be in the area, and may attempt to return to the prior home.

I moved on May 6th, and had 2 cats escape the first night, so I have recently been through a similar situation.

You need to get a have a heart trap, and set that up.  Also get some used cat litter and place that around the perimeter of the new property, perhaps every 10 feet.  Simba needs something to help him recognize scent.

Make up a poster with a color photo, and post that. 

I borrowed a trap from the MSPCA (they ask for a $40 deposit which is returned when you give in the trap).  It took 3 days to get Tommy.  Bobby was a whole 'nother concern, took 3 weeks.  He'd traveled 1/2 mile away and a neighbor started feeding him to keep him in the area until she figured out who owned him.  She saw my poster and called me.  She allowed me to set the trap in her back yard.  I also set one of the pet beds next to the trap.  Even then it took 48 hours to get Bobby. The first night, Bobby settled on the bed for almost an hour.

In my case, the cats went in the trap some time after midnight, and I found them in the morning (one at 5 AM). 


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Our new place is 1 block away so I am sure he doesn't know his way back there. He also doesn't have a collar on him so that makes it worse. 
Sorry to hear your kitty is missing.  When did he escape?

Not sure how big the blocks in your area are, but 1 block away probably isn't all that far for a cat.  I've seen cats cross through my yard, go across the street and keep going through the next back yard. 

Since your cat is already an outdoor cat, he probably covers a lot of ground in his daily travels.  So there is a very good chance that he would venture back to your old neighbourhood. 

Have you been back there to look for him?  Perhaps check with neighbours or put up "missing cat" signs, as he very well may be back at your old home wondering where everyone is.

Good luck.
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I agree you should take all the preemptive steps like checking back at your old place and asking neighbors and putting up signs. Also check with animal control in case Simba was picked up. However he might come home on his own so do not give up hope. When we moved, my Jeol disappeared for three days before showing up as though he'd never been gone. I think he was stressed about the move but also exploring his new territory. I later read this is not uncommon so I hope your baby comes home soon.