Vet will only give one dewormer?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 3, 2017
Newton, NJ
Hello all, I'm new to the site. I know there are many threads about worms, but I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this situation. My Gatsby (aka The Great Catsby), threw up some roundworms a week and a half ago. (I cannot express how skeeved I was, I'm amazed I didn't have nightmares...) Anyway, I brought him to the vet that night, she gave me Profender to apply to the back of the neck for both he and Layla, our other kitty. We adopted Gatsby 3 months ago and I assume he had them then, Layla doesn't go outside and we've had her for 7 years.

Gatsby had been having the most rancid smelling, loose stools also, and scooting, so it all made sense. He also seemed a bit discontent, kind of meowing in an aggravated way, being a bit aggressive. The vet didn't seem to think that this was related, but to me it makes sense that he'd be cranky. A day or two after the meds he seemed a lot better temperament-wise. But now for the past few days he has the rank stools, scooting and irritability again. I called the vet and she said the one dose should have taken care of it, and said to bring him in and have anal glands checked. I'm kind of convinced that the Profender didn't quite do the trick. Isn't it common to need another dose?? I don't want the vet to be insulted that I'm questioning her judgement...

I apologize that this is such a long post [emoji]128533[/emoji] Does anyone have any insight?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2016
I've never used this product but looking at Profenders website, they say one application should resolve the issue. If a second treatment is needed, you have to wait 30 days. I would assume that a fecal sample would be a necessary diagnostic tool before next treatment was done.

My experience with other wormers in dogs is that it takes a bit of time to kill the worms, this is not an instant within a few hours they are all dead. Then the dead pieces are passed out of their system thru their poop or vomit. It makes perfect sense that for next few weeks the stool is smelly. The butt itching may well be from still active live worms that are in the lower intestinal tract. He had a pretty bad infestation to vomit them up. I think the best course of action is to be patient, clean the litter box as soon as they go, bag & tie what you've scooped. If you still have concerns today, then definitely get back to the vets sooner rather than later as there may well be something else going on.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Sometimes more than one dose of a dewormer medicine is needed to get rid of all the worms. Don't worry about questioning your vet. All pet owners need to question their vet about their pet's treatment and medicines. DOn't rely on the vet to tell you everything you neede to know. Sometimes you have to be a little firm and insist on additional medicine or treatment or something. If your vet gets rude or just doesn't want to listen to you, seek out another vet.

Stinky poop can be from remaining worms that were't killed from the first dose of medicine or it may be from what you are feeding your cat. A poor quality diet means stinky poop. What are you feeding your cat?

Scooting the butt across the floor can be sign of anal gland issues. Sometimes the glands get full and need to be manually expressed before the glands potentially get infected. Your vet can do this (for $) or you can do it yourself after viewing YouTube videos on how to do it.
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TCS Member
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Feb 3, 2017
Newton, NJ
I've never used this product but looking at Profenders website, they say one application should resolve the issue. If a second treatment is needed, you have to wait 30 days. I would assume that a fecal sample would be a necessary diagnostic tool before next treatment was done.

My experience with other wormers in dogs is that it takes a bit of time to kill the worms, this is not an instant within a few hours they are all dead. Then the dead pieces are passed out of their system thru their poop or vomit. It makes perfect sense that for next few weeks the stool is smelly. The butt itching may well be from still active live worms that are in the lower intestinal tract. He had a pretty bad infestation to vomit them up. I think the best course of action is to be patient, clean the litter box as soon as they go, bag & tie what you've scooped. If you still have concerns today, then definitely get back to the vets sooner rather than later as there may well be something else going on.
Ahh, I didn't realize you have to wait 30 days for another dose [emoji]128532[/emoji] I was so hoping it would have worked by now. He got a clean bill of health otherwise at the vet. Thank you so much for your input, I suppose we'll wait it out another couple weeks.
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 3, 2017
Newton, NJ
Sometimes more than one dose of a dewormer medicine is needed to get rid of all the worms. Don't worry about questioning your vet. All pet owners need to question their vet about their pet's treatment and medicines. DOn't rely on the vet to tell you everything you neede to know. Sometimes you have to be a little firm and insist on additional medicine or treatment or something. If your vet gets rude or just doesn't want to listen to you, seek out another vet.

Stinky poop can be from remaining worms that were't killed from the first dose of medicine or it may be from what you are feeding your cat. A poor quality diet means stinky poop. What are you feeding your cat?

Scooting the butt across the floor can be sign of anal gland issues. Sometimes the glands get full and need to be manually expressed before the glands potentially get infected. Your vet can do this (for $) or you can do it yourself after viewing YouTube videos on how to do it.
I feed them Fancy Feast classic chicken and Iams grain free dry food, although I'll be weaning them off of dry food as Layla has become a bit chubby. I've never had the smelly stool issue with the other cats on this food. I mean it smells really, REALLY bad lol.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Feb 3, 2017
Newton, NJ
Many people have reservations against Profender. Have a look at this thread:
Huh. Thank you very much for the info. Thank God neither of my babies had a reaction. I definitely wouldn't want to give them another dose too soon though. I'll wait out the 30 days and talk to the vet then I guess. I unfortunately really don't have the money to be taking him to the vet if it's not really necessary.


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
I had one two weeks ago in to be spayed who was full of worms as well.  She had hookworms, roundworms, AND tapeworms, and it was some sort of tapeworm they had not seen in their clinic before--they were actually concerned about it appearing in their region.  When I picked her up and we were reviewing her itemized bill and they were telling me about her aftercare, I noticed she had been given worm meds on 2 of the 4 days she was there.  I asked them about it, and they told me they no longer use Profender in their practice at all and that they no longer recommended it--I didn't ask any details but thought it was odd, since the last time I had one in that had worms, they were pushing it really hard and were talking about how wonderful it was, only needed once a month, yadda yadda yadda.  They used it on the cat I had in there at the time and he had no problems or reactions.  But this kitty got 2 doses of a paste wormer, and a tab of Drontal instead.  They gave her both on a Thursday, then again on the Monday I picked her up. 

I guess I should have questioned as to why they don't do the Profender anymore, but I was in a hurry to get her home.  Now I'd like to know.  I may call up there and ask why.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2016
All medicine, even supposedly harmless OTC meds like aspirin and Tylenol have arm length possible side effects. During clinical studies or if there is a documented side effect, those have to be listed, even if only 1 person out of a million shows a symptom.

As for the Profender, everything that is mentioned in that thread is listed on their site. You don't know if your pet will have an adverse reaction until you try it. Now, all that said, my vet does more often than not use older more traditional meds rather than the next newest thing that comes out. His reasoning is he knows from years of experience how those meds work and their safety in the majority of the animals he treats. Once something has been on the market for 5 or more years with minimal complaints, then he uses it if has proved effective. My personal experience is with dogs, so feel free to take what I wrote with a grain

Getting back to the OP, so glad that your kitty hasn't shown any side effects. Hopefully in a couple of weeks this will all be a distant memory. I would personally take kitty back for a fecal check. You don't actually have to take the cat, just a few inch length of poo in a clean container. They'll check, usually takes only a few minutes and let you know if its clear of worms or not. When I've done this I"m in and out of the vets within 20 minutes. Do call your vet first and find out which day of the week and time is best for them. Paws crossed for healthy poo's.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 3, 2017
Newton, NJ
I cannot thank you all enough for your insight and recommendations. This is the first time I've actually posted anything, and I appreciate the feedback so much! I think I will bring a poo sample in and I'll let you know how we make out [emoji]128522[/emoji]


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2016
I cannot thank you all enough for your insight and recommendations. This is the first time I've actually posted anything, and I appreciate the feedback so much! I think I will bring a poo sample in and I'll let you know how we make out [emoji]128522[/emoji]
Yes, please do update on the results of the fecal in a month and/or if any side effects from the wormer show up. Hopefully you'll have a success story with a healthy kitty at the end, keeping our paws crossed