Vet venting and finding a new one

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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 24, 2010
He's probably going to live. The new vet has high hopes, but is also forewarning me that Meeko's progress will be slow.

Meeko has a severe tummy infection and there is serious damage done to his intestines from the tape worms. Poor guy will have to have surgery to fix it, but it looks like after he heals he will be fit as a fiddle! The only risk is in surgery itself. There's a 60/40 shot that he could die on the table. however If this isn't done he will pass within a year and he will be in immense pain.

I'm sorry that I didn't write earlier, but I'm doing a little over time to help cover his surgery. We have a specialist coming to do this and he's a bit expensive... On a cool note though, the new vet is pitching in to help from his own pocket! He knew that we can't afford it and when I talked to Josh about over time and pulling together funds he gave us a $200 check and told us that we could add that to our "funds." yea, I cried. The specialist is a friend of his and he's given us a pretty nice discount as well.

Oh, the shelter's records consisted of two pieces of paper with my cats names on them and the rest was blank. They wrote "had vaccination" on meeko's, but didn't specify what vaccination it was and when I called they couldn't tell me. The second paper was full of info except that it wasn't for Monty. They "can't find" Monty's records anywhere and are telling me that I must not have adopted him from them.... Never mind that they are the only shelter within a 50 mile radius...... I also found out that the shelter has terrible reviews all around and because of this it is changing hands. RSPCA got involved and are working with them to find new management

Monty is at home now and is happily asleep on my bed beside me. I'm glad to have him home, but I will be even happier after Friday when Meeks surgery is over.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'm glad Monty is home and doing well. This new vet sounds like a definite keeper! How wonderful that s/he's helping you with the expenses of the surgery. Many, many prayers for Meeko to come through the surgery with flying colors.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Oh my goodness Noi, what an ordeal!
I am so glad Monty is home.... I am also glad you found not only an excellent vet, but one that is not all about money, and is being an angel to help you with the expenses to help you your little one... We at home will be praying, purring and sending all good vibes your way...
Destiny put this little boy in your hands... I believe in destiny... things like this are only explained by destiny... and he could not be in better hands

When is the surgery? Please keep us posted, ok...