Very Worried

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  • #41


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2016
Today my little angel is at the Vet getting a IV fluids. Last night he didn't want to eat any of the slurry. He did start drinking again but no appetite,. I will pick him up around 630pm hope this helps. I called in today I got sick probably from the stress, I myself got diagnosed with MS about 6 month ago and be dealing with alot of fatigue. But anyway I guess we will see if this helps or not. I'm not trying to dwell yet on him passing but it sure is hard not too. I do have a friend at work that helped me but this site that I literally stumbled upon had helped me too. I know we are vast across this great land and it humbles me that I can do so. Means alot to me. Not everyone understands that you can get that attached to a animal, but I have. He is part of the family. Thank you again to everyone that has been in my corner . I will take how short or long that my little man will spend with me. I am not ready to break the thread I want to tell about the silly and loving things he has done that day. Bless you all !


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 15, 2016
Thanks for the update on Romeo.  Hopefully the fluids get him back up and going.  You are right, it is only a feeling that those who love or have ever truly loved an animal can understand.  Many of us here feel your pain.  With your MS, you need to try to keep your stress to a minimum, which I'm sure you know and is much easier said than done.  Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.  Hang in there and keep us posted.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Just checking in to see how he's doing after the IV treatment.  Hope you are both feeling better.  WhatsOneMore is so right in that YOU need to keep your stress level down or you won't be any good to Romeo.  You've got to take care of yourself first, as hard as that is.
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  • #44


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2016
Hello to my loving thread; Romeo still not doing well my husband thinks he needs more time from all the medicine and. Iv's but I've been down this sad road before and those little eyes that used to be so bright and orange is fading . The tears are rolling down my face , and it hurts so bad. He went for his 2nd round of Iv today and they want one more and then the blood work. And the Vet said if they are the same or worse there is just no hope. Those words stung me! I actually showed my cats blood work tests to a Renal doctor here at the ICU and he shook his head and asked how old is the cat and after I told him I said wait a minute look at this picture . Which was a picture of Romeo. Soon after we came home he did the same thing he did before a couple bites of food and in his house. Lastnight he did finally lye down with me=. I wish I could make my husband understand about our little guy he wants to wait a couple of weeks to see if he will rebound. I just don't want him suffering. I wished I had my Vet because she would tell me the truth. Should I give him the appetite pill even though it makes pace and he wants to gorge his self. Oh I almost forgot, one thing kinda good happen. I say kinda I ran into a cat lover like me that I used to work together showed up in my unit but bad because her Momma is in the unit and very sick. But I came across a long lost friend and got her number and and her friendship when we work together meant alot to me and we used to talk about cats all the time (two cat ladies) she has eight cats. It was good to see a old friend. My little man hasn't moved hardly since he has been home I am afraid to check him afraid he has passed, he is so still. I want someone to wake me from this horrible nightmare. Sorry if I am rambling. Please pray for my little feller for some kinda miracle . This isn't my little man used to be at my side paw in the air to get my attention to play or ask for a treat not subdued and lifeless. I'm very sad


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Cebu, Philippines
We lost the first rescue we had last year, our Gimpy also succumbed to renal failure, it was the most painful experience we've ever had, she was everything to us. We tried doing all the feeding and medications, which she refused to take quietly and it made us cry every time, knowing we were putting her in pain. So we know exactly how you feel, I wish I had seen this thread sooner. One of our cats is in the hospital still, after he had something blocking his intestines. This caused his kidneys to start failing due to all the toxins in his system that his kidneys could not cope with. Our vet gave him a few enemas after doing the x-rays, which cleared up his intestines and allowed his body to return to normal, including his kidneys. I just wonder if this isn't the case for Romeo.

When the kidneys are failing due to another problem, not related to the kidneys, they often bounce back to normal once the cause is discovered and rectified. If a check of his intestines has not been done yet, it is well worth a shot. We are so scared of renal failure because the treatment is often worse than the disease when you have to force feed food that is absolutely unappealing to any animals, especially cats. Good luck with Romeo, we will keep him in our thoughts, and I think I can speak for the group, we are all here for you in your time on need, we only wish we could do more, sincerely, the kittykeepers.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I truly feel your pain and my heart goes out to you. The feelings we have while we sit by and watch our little ones suffer is indescribable. You have done all you are able and your sweet boy asks for nothing more than to have you near right now. Sometimes all we do is still not enough and to deplete your savings and put your future in danger is something he would never want you to do. You have already given him everything he has wanted, your love and a wonderful home. he would ask for no more, just for you to comfort him now and to tell him you love him. We are never prepared to lose someone we love so much, try not to dwell on what he is going through now and try to be thankful that he accompanied you for a while on your life's journey, and shared his love with you and your family. The bond you have formed will bind you together forever, use it and the precious memories you have of happier times to bring you comfort.  Kiss that sweet little face and tell him he is loved so very much, I'll pray for you all and especially to bring good health to that sweet little soul. Take care and know we care....... 
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  • #47


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2016
Hello to my friends on this thread. I am so sorry that I haven't been on here to keep everyone posted about mine and Romeo's journey. If I repeat myself (sorry). Can't remember all what I've told or posted. It's not been good but it could have been worse. I had a bad flair up with my (MS) and my husband had back surgery, so poor Romeo he has got 2 humans caretakers that are broke down. But that enough about about the humans back on Romeo's journey. About two weeks ago Romeo had four rounds of sub q fluids and then four days of 10 hrs of IV fluids and then after this a blood test(Bun & Creatinine test) which should a little improvement not alot like we hoped. But I will take it. I know it's a day by day illness. This has been $1000.00 eye opener and has put us in a pickle but we have and will survive and would do it again. Anyway trying to keep him out of the ditch so to speak is a challenge. Got the items to start sub q fluids at home so hopefully tomorrow I will start this. My husband won't help me in this . For the first time me doing this I would like someone to make sure he don't move. At the Vet he is so good but at home I'm afraid he won't stay still,but I've got it ready to go just need a steady hand, a little of bravery and a prayer. If our neighbor is home tomorrow I think I will ask her if she will help me hold him for the first time. Everyone please cross your fingers I'm very nervous about doing this.But I know this will help prolong his life and make him feel better. I love this little man so much. He is still eating his slurry and eating his Royal Canine renal kibble, so he is trying. But he is so skinny and see and feel his bones. He plays a little and then sleeps. He slept with me and that morning after feeding he showered me with kisses it's like he knows that I'm trying to save his life. The 13th was his birthday he actually had a good day. I baked a piece of chicken and it seemed he enjoyed it and I got him a battery operated mouse(when he is up to it) and lots of kisses and love. Does anybody have any suggestions on food for renal that you have had luck with plus when he does have a bad day like being sick throwing up what should I do? Just like the other day he got sick not much but he felt bad. I gave him a Serena and waited and feed him a little but he sure didn't want it you could tell he was nauseated. I took him the Vet the next day for fluids. I sure have missed speaking to everyone your input and wishes has helped me so much. It humbles me that even some from Arizona,North Dakota to the Philippines and across this great world has touched my heart about our journey . I just hope I can do the sub q fluids because I can tell this helps him feel so much better. I don't know what the future holds or how long I have to have this little angel but all I know is the unconditional love there is nothing better. I pray the all our furry friends with long life and good health along with the human owners. Thank you for all your help and kind words... I hope the journey is a long one[emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji]


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 7, 2016
if you have to, i've read you can wrap the cat or put him in something to hold him still while administering the fluids.  is your husband refusing to help because he's needle phobic?  if so, he doesn't have to watch - the first time we did the fluids, my husband manned the needle and i held HK in place and closed my eyes. 

is romeo on a steroid like prednisolone for vomiting?  it helped HK a lot with his - he was throwing up daily and now at most it's once a week.

best of luck to you and romeo...


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 15, 2016
I was just thinking about you guys the other day and hoping that no news was good news with Romeo.  I've heard wrapping a cat in a towel makes handling them when they don't want to be handled easier, but I've never personally needed anything that drastic to do whatever I've needed to do to mine, thank goodness.  I do wish your husband would be more supportive of you during this time.  Maybe the next time he needs your help, you could tell him to ask the neighbor.  ;)    Maybe Romeo will be ok for you since he knows what you are doing will make him feel better.  In any case, good luck and hang in there.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I always put a bath towel in the dryer to get it nice and warm right before we did Callie's fluids.  Then after we had the fluids hung up and ready to administer, after the fluids were warmed, after everything was ready except setting the cat down and poking her, we'd get that warm towel out and wrap her up in it, just leaving her scruff exposed for the needle.  Being wrapped in a towel helps calm them, plus the warmth helps, because no matter what, it seems the fluids chill them from the insides, even if they are warmed. 

Now, about the throwing up...when is that happening?  Is it mainly first thing in the morning, or at various times?  Is it clearish froth, or bile, or what?  If early morning clearish froth, your best bet for may be Pepcid A/C, or small meals in the night.  (even just a treat or two...just a little something in his tummy)  Also, the sub-q's on a consistent basis should help with the nausea as the toxins will be flushed out. 

I'm afraid that on bad days, no food is going to be appetizing.  That's just the way it is.   When you feel nauseated, you just don't want eat, plain and simple.  One food Callie really enjoyed when she was feeling food was Iams Purrfect Delights TunaTopia.  Phos was around .8, so I felt good about giving it to her, not to mention she really chowed down on it, so that was a plus. 

Now my words of wisdom about tomorrow and giving fluids are  YOU ARE NOT HURTING HIM, YOU ARE HELPING HIM
 .   It really is true.  He will barely feel the poke, if at all.  His only issue will be being restrained.  If he's a lap cat, then you can hold him in your lap while you do it.  We used to put Sven on the tabletop because that's how he was comfy (on a towel), but we used to hold Callie on our lap in that warm  towel.  The first time is the hardest.  You'll do fine though. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Cebu, Philippines
I haven't been on this site in a while, we had another death in our cat family, and it's just been too hard. But, I read the post on Romeo, and the already wonderful advice given, the bath towel in the drying first, sounds dreamy. I also know the feelings of having a cat that is nothing but skin and bones as well, I wish I had some nugget of advice that was magical and could return Romeo to better days, but say I don't. However, I am confident that he is in the best hands he could possibly find, and that he is rewarding you for your efforts by doing his part and eating the bland renal food that you give him. When our Gimpy went into accute renal failure, we gave her boiled chicken breast (never with bones), and she seemed to enjoy that, free range is best since it has no chemicals/steroids etc, but that is difficult to find here and more expensive. If you can afford it, it is probably better and certainly has more taste.

Just continue what you are doing, and love him everyday, which I know you are already doing. I am crossing my fingers and toes that the sub-q goes well, I am sure he will enjoy the effects. Give him lots of love from the Philippines once again, and I am sure that there is more coming from all over the globe, sincerely, the kittykeepers.
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  • #52


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2016
Hello to my thread, Well Romeo got a little sick today ate some of his slurry but not much as he had. It was foamy and watery and of course I go in panic mode. I warmed his fluids via warm water soak in a loafpan took him in the bathroom hung the IVs on a shower rod then tried to do the sub q fluids. Romeo of course kept on moving . Tried to wrap him up in towel but that didn't work. For a skinny cat he sure does have fight in him. I think my needle is to small I had a 23. Anyway I got I think 50ml in him maybe less because he kept moving and I loose my stick or place. Plus I never got a fluid filled pocket like at the Vet. What did I do wrong . Did he absorb it that fast? I will need someone to help me just to make sure he is still. I will try again tomorrow. Got flak from my husband he thinks I should let him be. He is no ignorant about the whole matter. How often should I do this? And if he does get a little sick should I give him the Cerrena or wait to see if he throws up again or pre medicate daily so he won't get sick? The Cerrena sometimes makes him sleep and act groggy. Just wished he could tell me how he feels. I just hate sticking him. Payday I am going to get the Terremo needles so do I get 20 size? I know I got some into him today just worried why I didn't get a bubble or a pocket of fluid under the skin. Can I do harm. I raised up his skin around the back of his head below his head kinda in the middle and made like a tent and then introduced the needle. Like I said I had a 23 and it was a short needle so it took forever for the fluid to go in plus he kept moving. What a day. I just hope he got some. Any suggestions because I sure do need it.....Can you tell I'm a nervous wreck because the way I've posted[emoji]128575[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji]


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Size 23 is very small.  Where did you get that needle?  And you said it's short.  How short?  It should be at least 1 inch, if not it's hard to keep in if they wiggle at all.  I used to use 19 gauge until they stopped making them in the Ultra thin Walls, so then I switched to the 20 gauge.  I was afraid they wouldn't flow as fast but the really seemed to.  I can't imagine how slow a 23 gauge would go, though. 

With 50 ml, you might not get much of a "water balloon" on him, but I would think you'd get a little bit.  It probably wouldn't absorb as fast as you were giving it, but I suppose it's possible, depending on how long it actually took you. 

As far as how much you should be giving him, and how often, that is something  your Vet should tell you.  Every cat is different, and it depends on what other conditions they have.  If there are ANY heart issues, you dare not give too much, for instance. 

I, personally, would not give Cerenia unless he is absolutely nauseated, and that means he is licking his lips when he sees food, but will not eat, or he is actually vomiting more than the frothy clear liquid.  That frothy liquid is usually from too much acid on their tummies, which can be alleviated by using Pepcid A/C and/or feeding just a little bit every few hours, even if it's just a few treats. 

Can you try to educate your husband about giving fluids and how thousands of cats all over the world get them from their owners and this can help them live a pretty good quality of life for sometimes years with kidney disease?   Without them in the end their numbers will continue to creep up and up and the toxins will build up and they will get worse and worse.  Sub-q fluids cannot cure them, but can slow it down.  Can you not convince him to at least HOLD Romeo while you give the fluids.  Is that asking too much.  Shame him into it

Remember, Romeo probably barely feels the little prick of the needle, so don't feel bad about doing it.  Again, you are helping him, not hurting him