Very strange behavior change - meowing for no reason.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 27, 2013
So... My spayed, 10 year old tabby cat lives in the same house she has lived her entire life in. About six months ago I switched bedrooms, and she seemed alright with the switch. No other changes have happened since then - no new people, no new animals, no new schedules on my part.

However, about a month ago, she started a very strange habit of meowing for hours on end. She doesn't want food, her litter box is clean, the door outside is open, and she looks at me like "what do you want?" half the time, so she isn't looking for attention either.

She'll sit in the backyard and meow. Very much like a dog would sit and howl. Her other favorite spot is sitting on the toilet lid in the bathroom across from my bedroom. This is the one seriously causing problems, as she has a habit if sitting there and meowing relentlessly between 3am and 5am - every night, without fail. If I disrupt her, she'll stop for a awhile, then go back and begin meowing again. I cannot tell you how many cans of food I have wasted trying to feed her, hours I have wasted trying to make her happy, just trying to get her to stop, just so I can get one, single, full nights sleep.

A friend of mine joked my cat was "just learning to sing in her old age." It does seem like she just wants to meow. Like she's simply meowing to meow. Which is strange, because she's a very discerning cat. She'll walk me to a door she wants open and paw the doorknob. When she's in this singing mode though, there's just no solution: no reason. And she can belt those stretchy high notes like, well, like a cat in heat, except she can't be in heat, and doesn't want out anyway.

Please help. How do you get the cat who doesn't want anything to stop meowing? I'm not kidding, the sleep deprivation is causing me major issues at work. Please please please help me.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2013
I had a cat who started to meow way more than usual when he got older and it mainly seemed to be at night.  Some of the things I looked into as a cause were dementia and loss of night vision (tried a night light).  Eventually, in my case, I figured out he was telling me he wanted to go to the bathroom but didn't want to go downstairs to the cat box (his joints were getting bad).  I moved the cat box upstairs and that really seemed to help with the problem.  He was also in the beginning stages of renal failure but I don't know that the illness had anything to do with the meowing.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
However, about a month ago, she started a very strange habit of meowing for hours on end. She doesn't want food, her litter box is clean, the door outside is open, and she looks at me like "what do you want?" half the time, so she isn't looking for attention either.

Please help. How do you get the cat who doesn't want anything to stop meowing? I'm not kidding, the sleep deprivation is causing me major issues at work. Please please please help me.
Is she an only cat? She may have decided she would like a feline companion.

Have other outdoor cats been visiting her?

I would probably take her to the vet to rule out any medical problems.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 27, 2013
I found a very strange solution to this!!! She was at it again and I recorded her howls to show the vet - then I played the recording back and my cat stopped dead in her tracks, sniffed my phone, and laid down on the bed to go to sleep.

I can't believe her reaction to hearing herself howling. She just instantly stopped.