VERY sick kitten! Please help!!

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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Indie, Pepto Bismal is a human, over the counter, concoction, which is bright pink. It is used for diarrhea and upset stomachs. It contains simethicone.. It is NOT FOR ANIMAL USE.. I would never, ever, think of using it for an animal, let alone a very sick kitten. 

His throwing his head back, could be that he is straining, or he could be in pain...we do not know..

You are getting good advice here. 

I am glad Sparrow is doing well. 

This current little one looks so sick.. I really do hope he makes it. 

We are all cheering him, and you on.. 

I am kind of glad you found him, you have the experience, knowledge, and resourcefulness to keep him alive.. He came to you--for a reason.. 

The little one needs to be fed, constantly, if he is to have a chance...



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Indie, Pepto Bismal is a human, over the counter, concoction, which is bright pink. It is used for diarrhea and upset stomachs. It contains simethicone.. It is NOT FOR ANIMAL USE.. I would never, ever, think of using it for an animal, let alone a very sick kitten. 

His throwing his head back, could be that he is straining, or he could be in pain...we do not know..

You are getting good advice here. 

I am glad Sparrow is doing well. 

This current little one looks so sick.. I really do hope he makes it. 

We are all cheering him, and you on.. 

I am kind of glad you found him, you have the experience, knowledge, and resourcefulness to keep him alive.. He came to you--for a reason.. 

The little one needs to be fed, constantly, if he is to have a chance...

Simethicone as such  can be used with animals.  Its the same which is bought for babies, in the parent care for babies shops. A couple of drops in the bottle...

Helps nicely for bloated, air filled tummies.

Pepto Bismal I dont know anything about, their home page dont talks about the exact ingredients. (at least, I didnt find in a hurry).

Although it seems to contain the bismuth vismuth metall - which isnt proper for animals.

@Artiemom   or @Dawn R   could you please explain more re this Pepto Bismal?  You seems both know about it, although from different positions.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Simethicone as such  can be used with animals.  Its the same which is bought for babies, in the parent care for babies shops. A couple of drops in the bottle...

Helps nicely for bloated, air filled tummies.

Pepto Bismal I dont know anything about, their home page dont talks about the exact ingredients. (at least, I didnt find in a hurry).

Although it seems to contain the bismuth vismuth metall - which isnt proper for animals.

@Artiemom   or @Dawn R   could you please explain more re this Pepto Bismal?  You seems both know about it, although from different positions.
Hi StefanZ  Pepto Bismal is an old fashioned remedy in this country for stomach ailments. It does something to coat the stomach, ( the bismuth metal), I guess. It is known to help with stomach aches, diarrhea, and in high dosages -constipation. It is the 'go to' for people who travel and drink water--getting what we call here; Travelers Diarrhea. 

It is bright, bubble gum pink and tastes just as bad. It is a bubble-gum, chalky taste..

I would never suggest this for a cat.. 

If it were pure simethicone, that would be a different story. 
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TCS Member
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Nov 29, 2015
Lahore, Pakistan
Tillo had a bad turn today once we got back from the vets this morning. He kept vomiting up his antibiotics and any food we were giving him, and he was gasping for breath through his mouth while he was breathing :-(

We rushed him into the vets again, but on the way there he passed away.. it was peaceful, one minute he was breathing and the next he just wasn't. He was asleep when he left, which I'm happy about. At least he didn't appear to be in any pain.

I was kind of thinking that he might die soon, seeing as this morning his eyes were so sunken. Even the vets said that there wasn't much they could do because he was so small and so weak. Even if they operated on his intestines, he probably wouldn't have survived.

We're going to be burying him tomorrow morning, hopefully in a nearby park, so he can lay to rest with the flowers around him. I think he'd like that.

He may've only stayed with me for a few days, for hardly a week, but he sure had a little personality on him! Just before we left for the vets, my Dad picked him up and told him that he needed to get better, and despite not having a single ounce of energY in him, Tillo still let out two feeble mewls and put his paw on my Dad's nose. He's already been through so much and I'm really proud of him for fighting so long.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
He may've only stayed with me for a few days, for hardly a week, but he sure had a little personality on him! Just before we left for the vets, my Dad picked him up and told him that he needed to get better, and despite not having a single ounce of energY in him, Tillo still let out two feeble mewls and put his paw on my Dad's nose. He's already been through so much and I'm really proud of him for fighting so long.
Im not sure as yet how to interpret this.  It surely meant something. My guess for now it was a Blessing.

RIP little Tillo!

And you Indie-n-Button,  Im sending you warm hugs, and wishes for courage and endurance in your difficult moments, now and always.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Oh Indie, so sorry for the loss of Tilio.. You gave him what he needed, love, comfort, warmth, food, medicine.. in other words, you did everything you could have, in order for him to survive. 

It kind of seems the sick kitties always find you.. as if it was meant to be.. there is a reason for this. I remember you said you wanted to become a Vet.. well, my friend, you are well on your way.. and I think that taking care of all these sick babies is confirmation of that. You will be an excellent Vet..

Glad your family, finally agreed to try a Vet.. although, it was futile.. It is a start in them realizing that Vets can help..

It sounds like a beautiful resting spot for Tilio...very good planning on that. 

((hugs)) to you and beautiful Sparrow.
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