Urinating & Defecating outside litter box (and inside littler box too!)


TCS Member
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Jul 29, 2014

First thing, we DO have a Vet appointment tomorrow - we actually had taken him to our vet's office this past weekend for a check-up, but luck of the draw we got a Vet who didn't 'know' cats well and we don't feel she did a thorough exam.  (felt she didn't really care...but that's neither here nor there....) So we are bringing him back to the office and a familiar cat friendly vet tomorrow.

But in the meantime I am going crazy googling cat symptoms for this and am hoping for any thoughts because we are really worried.

Our boy (Ballsy) is 10-12 years old - we got him as an adult stray 8 years ago so we aren't sure of his exact age.   He is our only cat, neutered and indoor.  

Several years ago he had Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease so he underwent the PU (perineal urethrostomy) surgery.

Twice over the last 5 days he has pooped on one of our rugs (the second time he just attempted but we stopped him in time) - but he is still pooping in the litter as well.  All very normal looking - not diarrhea.

Then this morning, we found he had peed on a pile of towels.   He also had peed in the litter.   We've seen him in the litter and there doesn't seem to be any discomfort.   His litter is always clean, I work from home so I clean it every time he uses it.

He is still eating normally & playing (he is a kitten at heart).   His sleeping patterns have changed a little, he normally sleeps with us every night. Goes to bed when we do, and wakes us up at 6am.   The last two nights he hasn't.   That is the only change we've seen.

The only other 'unusual' thing is that a stray cat has been hanging around in our back yard - Ballsy was hanging out on the porch Friday (the day of the first poop on the rug incident) and probably saw him (or smelled him). Could the presence of another cat in HIS territory instigate this kind of thing?

I can't find any instances (yet, still going crazy looking) where a cat will go both outside and inside the litter... it seems like it might be behavioral...?

Any thoughts?

Thank you!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I DO think this could be related to that stray in your yard, but best to have him checked for a UTI just in case.  Just the fact that he isn't sleeping with you makes me think he's staying up watching for that "intruder".

I'm guessing you know to clean up the areas he used outside of the box with a really good enzyme cleaner.
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TCS Member
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Jul 29, 2014
thanks mrsgreenjeens!

the more I read about behavioral marking the more I think that has to be it. and it really does make sense that he would want to stay on watch all night. he's a tough guy. :) it all adds up.

we have an appointment first thing tomorrow morning to rule out anything medical - but this gives us hope that it may not be something horrible.

and yes! I just got an enzyme cleaner! :)