Urinary Retention, Prozac, And Crystals . . . Oh My


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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
My cat, Rumble, got sick about two weeks ago. He had previously had a urinary blockage and although we still have him on the prescription diet all his behaviour seemed to indicate he was blocked again or retaining urine - so off to the vet we went only to find out he had an anal gland infection. Phew.

Skip forward 10 days to two days before we are supposed to move homes and he is licking at his but again. It is late evening, we have a follow up appointment for early morning so it is only 8 hours away and I assume it is his anal gland again. Wake up in the morning to a very angry cat who is lying on the floor in a puddle of urine screaming at me (I should say, he is very vocal. I don't doubt that he was uncomfortable but he is a serious baby and screams about everything).

We get to the vet and she says that his bladder is quite full. He has been on Prozac for a few months and we knew urinary retention was a rare but possible side effect and we were watching for that (hence, the quick visit two weeks earlier). This time his anal glands look fine. He peed all over the floor from the table and then seemed to be a much happier cat. They sent me home to finish my packing, sedated him and were then able to express his bladder. There was a plug which we have sent off for analysis and there were a few crystals in the urine but nothing crazy (like the last time). They flushed his bladder and sent him home.

The vet believes that it is likely that we created a perfect storm - the Prozac caused urinary retention, which causes the urine to be stronger, which can cause crystals, and in a cat that was already prone to crystals - TA DA!

So Saturday we are moving, he starts yelling at me from the floor again and all I could think was "Well, the emergency vet is right around the corner from the new house!" He finally peed on the floor in a few spots and then seemed to be a much happier cat. I decided to wait it out and call the vet on Monday.

But Sunday, we are in new house, different cat pees on the dog bed. Ok, he is stressed, new house . . . let's wait. Nope, the next day he peed on my couch, it was the foulest, strongest smelling pee ever. Good golly it stunk. We called time of death on the couch, I am never going to be able to get that out. And off to the vet Razzie and I go. Because moving isn't expensive enough, right?!?

Razzie has a UTI, all is good now it seems. Rumble, however, is still having problems. He peed on my bed last night (right before bed), on the floor today. He won't use the litter box and still seems quite uncomfortable when he urinates. He is on an antispasmodic drug to help him to release the bladder sphincter and still on an antibiotic from the anal gland infection (which was extended as a prophylactic after the catheterization). I spoke to the vet about him on Monday when I was there with Razzie (same vet) and she said we need to give the Prozac time to leave his system so as long as he is urinating and nothing else seems to change we should just wait it out. (In other words, don't go rushing back with him unless he stops peeing.)

My question is, has anyone ever had a cat on Prozac that did this? Or a cat with crystals that did this for a time after they were unblocked? Vet says it could take a week or more before things get back to normal, we are on day 5. Does that seem right? How long am I looking at here?

Things aren't going well at the new home in general (lots of little problems) and I am getting frustrated with the house and with the cats. I just really need the peeing to stop! Or at least to know when it might stop.

Also, I am running out of furniture. Seriously, they couldn't have done this before so I didn't have to carry everything into the new house? LOL

Note that after Rumble pees all over something, or the floor, he is fine and back to his cuddly, purring old self. He loves being medicated . . . please send blood transfusion.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I don't have experience with this, but can you contain the kitties to one room while this gets worked out? ...you have an amazing sense of humor - you rock by the way :)


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. No experience with Prozac, other than I think he needs to be weaned off of it slowly - not an abrupt stop. And, I am not sure how long that might take, but probably longer than 5 days.

In the meantime, you might want to try a different litter box, perhaps with puppy pee pads in it, just to see if he might try using another box since he is associating his old box/litter with the pain.

As far as fabric covered furniture and carpeting, get "The Equalizer" (Amazon.com) and see if you can 'resuscitate' the couch. It does not require saturation for it to work, so drying time is much faster. If you can't bring it back to life, you can call a new time of death.
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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
The vet advised to stop the prozac immediately, he was on a low dose and wasn't on it long so it shouldn't have any great impact on him; because he is retaining urine the side effects of leaving him on the drug while we wean him off far outweigh the side effects of abruptly stopping the medication.

So far he seems ok as far as being off the prozac.

I did put Rumble in the bathroom last night, he was peeing in spurts and drips until around 2 am when I got tired of him yelling at me and locked him the bathroom. It is much easier to clean than the hardwood!

Today I gave him his antispasmodic and about 5 minutes later he is yelling and peeing on the other couch, the last one. I caught him before it went through the blankets I had covering the couch. We will be locking Rumble in the bathroom when we leave the house until this gets sorted out.

I might try the pee pads but I don't think he is associating his box with pain, he hasn't gone in the box at all since this started and all the boxes are in different places because it is a new house. But since he really seems to enjoying peeing on soft things the pee pads might be a good choice.

I will check out the Equalizer for future use but that other couch can't be saved. It was so strong I could smell it from the other room, even after completely saturating it with enzyme spray. The only solution for that couch is to burn it! At least Razzie seems to have stopped peeing.

As for my sense of humour, if I don't keep laughing I will be crying so I don't have much choice! We have had a really rough four months at Casa PissyCats and I tend to make the most inappropriate jokes to get through it. :D

I know that urinary retention to this degree is a rather rare side effect of prozac, I was hoping at least one other person here had been through it. Oh these rare cats I have.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Did you try doing a search on this site to see if you find any previous posts about it? Just a thought. I found one (I'll look for more):
Prozac & urine retention

Also, you will likely hear from other members on this site soon. Some of them are just not available until later in the day, or even at night.
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  • #6


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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
I did do a search, but the posts I can find are about peeing less on prozac, but not stopping like Rumble.

Since he has blocked before, surgery may be our next option but the vet is really hoping it was just the Prozac because he was fine for two years on the prescription food.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Shower curtains and plastic tarps work better than blankets for protecting furniture. You can put them on your bed while you're in it. Since it's winter, you'll be warmer with them, particularly if your blankets are on the line drying.
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  • #9


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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
We actually have the blankets on the couch to protect it from the dog hair. I asked hubby to pick up a shower curtain yesterday and he forgot.

We are currently using boxes to block off the couch so no one can get up there.

I locked kitty in my bathroom when I went out this evening, he was less than impressed. He pooped in my shower and peed everywhere. There were at least 6 spots of pee.

I am pretty sure the poop was his way of punishing me. Next time I will put a litter box in - I didn't bother because he hasn't been using it.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! Definitely put in a box, and maybe try some Cat Attract litter, or even just a puppy pee padd in the box. He may decide that's what he wants...:vibes::crossfingers:


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I am pretty sure the poop was his way of punishing me. Next time I will put a litter box in - I didn't bother because he hasn't been using it.
I really am not a believer of the idea that cats do things like poop outside their litter boxes as a punishment to humans. But, I guess anything is possible. However, definitely put a litter box in the bathroom next time you are going to put him in there. And, maybe add a pee pad or two, perhaps one in the shower. I do hope the peeing he did while in there is actually a positive sign.

I don't know how long the vet wanted you to wait to see if the retention issue slowed down or stopped, but if he didn't specify that to you, you might want to call him and ask just how long you need to wait before having him checked again. I sure hope he tells you not to wait too much longer.

Keep us posted, will you??
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
I really am not a believer of the idea that cats do things like poop outside their litter boxes as a punishment to humans.
I dunno, if you locked me in the bathroom I might poop on your floor too ;) I don't really believe he was punishing me, it was tongue in cheek. Although I am starting to wonder if they just hated my living room furniture.

The vet called this morning to check up on him, she says it isn't unusual for a cat to have trouble peeing like this after they have blocked. She says they have to work the crystals out and again said that as long as he is peeing, I should try not to worry. I feel better about that. The last time he blocked he was in for three days and came home stoned but otherwise fine.

She doesn't want to do surgery even though it is his second time blocking, she feels that he was well managed before the prozac and wants to make sure this wasn't just set off by the prozac before we get super invasive. I am fully prepared to do the surgery if that is what we have to do, I will just feel horrible if he suffers like this for a week or two and then we have to do surgery anyway. (He was a free cat, adopted from animal services during an event so there was no adoption fee. If we have to do surgery he will have cost me over $7000 in the four years we have had him. Coincidentally, Razzie who had the UTI was a a stray I took in, also free. And another cat we have is FIV+ and has cost me close to $5000 in the three years we have had him. Also a stray plucked from the streets, also "free". Free cats! Hmmmmm)

I am going to get some puppy pads today, but the problem is he lays on his side yelling and peeing so putting them in a box probably won't help but if I can get one under him maybe I can make my clean up easier.

He seems to be eating the wet urinary food (he wouldn't before) so we are giving him that exclusively with a little water added to it. No kibble at all.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
Oh and vet is prescribing a general anti-inflammatory to see if that helps. He was on buponepherine but I am not sure that actually helped enough with the pain to justify him walking around completely stoned all the time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I've been told that kidney and bladder stones and crystals are painful as they make the passage out of the body. That's why he's yelling. Since it won't be forever, you might consider just letting him be stoned. Most vet prescribe less pain medicine than a doctor would for a human, on the animals like to keep it to themselves, principle. But the pain is the same for them as for us. (One actually told me not to give my dog pain meds after knee surgery because the pain would keep her still. Yeah, that always works. I got some pain medicine from her regular vet. Because..._
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
I just don't think the pain meds were helping. If I could time them so he got a dose shortly before he was going to urinate it would probably help but I give it to him twice a day, so if he doesn't pee for 11 hours it has pretty much worn off and if I tried to give it to him while he was peeing it wouldn't be effective fast enough. It just didn't seem to ease his pain at all.

My vet is pretty far away, although we have moved I still go to the same vet because they have been so amazing (and we have a lot of pets who seem to have more than their share of problems). Locked Rumble in the bathroom again before we left. There was ZERO pee on the floor but it looks like he may have used the litter box. It is possible it was someone else, because my daughters let him out before I got home and someone else could have gone in but he hasn't peed anywhere else since he was locked in the bathroom yesterday evening - so he must have peed by now (he is otherwise very comfortable, happy and relaxed).

And he looks proud of himself.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
He should be proud of himself. He's had a rather big week or so.