Urgent needed advice PLEASE..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016

KoKo is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you for the pictures.

And thank you so much for all you have done, you are truly terrific. KoKo is so lucky to have found you!!
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  • #46


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2016
Southern California
Thank you so much everyone for the wonderful comments..
One issue that hasn't been too tough to handle until last night, KoKo has little spats of really bad aggression..
It's always only directed at me.. KoKo can be my little love bug for weeks, then all of a sudden I will get clawed and bit pretty badly.. I dismissed this behavior from the months before as her to acclimating to her new home here..
I have watched KoKos body language and her eyes and have tamed these spats for the most part..
I do start to get a rather intense feeling when it does happen - an inner fear that is exactly on target.. I understand completely that this behavior will more than likely remain in her.. From such a brutal beginning, until today, she just is absolutely lovable to all of the family.. She follows me everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE lol :D
She is very very playful, I do interactive play time 2 times daily from warm up, tons of captures of her toys, then cool down, and a wonderful treat bowl..
Last eve - early a/m - she attacked me while in the bed which is where this behavior 5 out of 6 times, has taken place..
She sees my hand stretching towards her and she just attacks.. I do leave my hand and arm as still as possible if I can but she attacked me 3 times last eve, once this morning after our routine playtime.. My hand and arm stretched before her is not intentional.. I'm trying to AVOID this, but when I'm alseep and don't know she's there, then I have been attacked..
After playtime though, she was getting her treat bowl and swatted my hand really quite badly..

I am literally shocked, but I do understand that I am obviously doing something as I can feel the sense of fear for whatever reasons..
KoKo has not once attacked my other 2 family members (thank heavens)
I thought I would ask is it something I am instagating? After these repetitive attacks towards me, I do scold mildly.. She hides for a bit, I get down on the floor after approx 10 minis, and call for her and out she comes, just as sweet and lovable as she usually is..
She rolls allover the carpet and does headbutts, purrs, gives a sweet chirping Meow, kneeding, every affection you can think of she does...
This is the best way I can describe this, and thought to simply ask as all of you who have been the best of help in KoKos complete journey..
I have feliway plug-ins, toys, organic cat nip, kitty beds everywhere, scratching posts and her playpen is raised up above my bed.. She has really great views of the large windows, and she loves watching the Opposums and raccoons, birds and anything that might be an insect.. She's a fantastic bug monitor too!
Could her aggression be a territorial issue from seeing these other animals? Afterall, her housing was built by me and this is her primary window of choice.. She seems to really enjoy her watching outside..

Its primarily happened just on my bed - which is realistically her bed, absolutely her full domain.. :D
Any feedback is so so greatly appreciated.. I hope the post makes sense...
LinandNin & KoKo

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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Somewhere she has learned that arms/hands are toys.  Maybe from you or maybe from somewhere else.  People often think it is fun to use their hand as a toy.  Even putting a hand under a blanket and moving it around is fun.  Yet cats see this as prey. They do not see it as your arm. 

So you must be sure that you and your family members do not use your hands/arms as toys.  When she does come at you, a sharp "No".  Then you need to leave the room and ignore her.  She needs to know that this behavior will not get any attention.  If you say "No" then put her down and allow her back up in a just a few minutes, she thinks of this as a game.  You also can put her in a short time out if this behavior continues.  The key is to not give any attention to her.

Is there any chance she is seeing any other cats outside and using redirected aggression on you?  You say she sees opossums and raccoons yet could she see a stray cat?  Redirected aggression is common and hard to break.  She is being territorial of her home.  Cats want to chase and/or fight when there are intruders.  Since she cannot get outside to chase them away or give them a good swat, she could be doing this to you. 

As far as night time behavior and her doing this, you may need to keep her out of your room.  Or if she starts, she needs to be removed. 

Playing with her before bedtime might help.  Also after a long tiring play session, offer her a small meal or snack.  This may help to satisfy the "eat " portion of hunting and killing prey.

To change your Avatar, you can click on your user name on the top right hand side of the page.  Under the drop down there is a "Change your Avatar" to choose. 
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  • #48


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2016
Southern California
Thank you so so very much.. I just learned that she "YES" had seen a cat right at her window!
I had no clue since I rehomed all of my colony months ago..
My family member literally just mentioned this to me..
So now that I know - I am to still continue with these instructions correct?
Wow that was so on point!
I can't express my appreciation! Actually there's a Tom right outside as I write this, he has to be brand new to our area.. (sighhhhhh)
And he just marked the stairs.. Oh joy, what am I to do?


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Thank you so so very much.. I just learned that she "YES" had seen a cat right at her window!
I had no clue since I rehomed all of my colony months ago..
My family member literally just mentioned this to me..
So now that I know - I am to still continue with these instructions correct?
Wow that was so on point!
I can't express my appreciation! Actually there's a Tom right outside as I write this, he has to be brand new to our area.. (sighhhhhh)
And he just marked the stairs.. Oh joy, what am I to do?
Here is an article on redirected aggression


You can also do a google search on feline redirected aggression towards humans. 

I would do my best to keep the blinds or drapes closed for awhile.  Also do your best to clean up the tomcat spray.  There are motion activated sensors you can place outside your home too.  They spray puffs of air or make a sound if a cat comes too close. 

As for the tomcat spraying, the only way to make him stop is to get him neutered.
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  • #50


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2016
Southern California
Tysvm, I really appreciate your advise very much..
I still have my traps, it's a little sad to see another baby out there, but this is how I found KoKo..
I put some food and water out there and the food bowl has been emptied already.. It's looks like I'll have another secret project going.. I'm happy to TNR if he should be feral..
He really looks too big to be an abandoned Tom cat.. Maybe he's just in heat and perhaps belongs to a neighbor..
I'm certain to find out..
Tyvm again Shadows Rescue!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
I second ShadowsRescue's view on it either being play or redirected anger.

I also wonder if there might have been a history of being hurt by someone. That she views the hand as a threat.

Or it could be that your body language changes and since you know she is going to lash out you may give off some fear or negative energy and she picks up on this change and she then gets defensive.

It is really hard to tell without seeing it.

Personally I would buy a heated bed for her to sleep in. Hopefully she will sleep there rather than in your bed where she might attack if you are asleep. I would also try to associate my hand/arm with something good (like treats, chicken) ONLY IF there is not a threat of being bitten or hurt. It very well could be that she view a hand as a play thing as well. 

She obviously loves you and I have never seen this situation personally so I don't have the personal experience. Any additional detail about what happens before these attacks and anything else might be helpful.We know it is a common location (the bed) and a hand/arm going towards her. Are you approaching from above her? If so, try to approach from lower then her head.

Any other detail could be helpful so please think about everything that happens before these attacks. 


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I havent read the whole thread, but I want to remark. If a cat bites for real, it draws blood AND you feel it alike a hammer blow afterwards.  There is a tremendous force in a real bite.   So if it didnt draw any blood, or just a tine line, it wasnt  a real bite, whatever the situation in rest.

If it was a warning bite somewhat overdone, or a totally missed love bite.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
ps. And if the bite was deep and strong?   THEN you KNOW it was a redirected aggression.  As redirected aggression is one of the very few examples where even an otherwise friendly home cat may "suddenly" turn viciously on his cat pal.  Or even his loved owner.  But this is no bite in misshapping, usually you do see the cat is agitaed and furious...  Just to push it into a empty room to calm down during several hours....  Or throw a blaket over the cat if necessary.
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  • #54


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2016
Southern California
I truly appreciate all of your knowledge, advice and instructions...
Koko has been much much better since moving her surroundings away from seeing these new strays which I'm tending to..
Made 3 new stray males a shelter.. I have been in trouble before doing this, but my part is to TNR, and vaccintate, then then my new lil guys are taken to a wonderful farm..
LinandNin & KoKo


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I truly appreciate all of your knowledge, advice and instructions...
Koko has been much much better since moving her surroundings away from seeing these new strays which I'm tending to..
Made 3 new stray males a shelter.. I have been in trouble before doing this, but my part is to TNR, and vaccintate, then then my new lil guys are taken to a wonderful farm..
LinandNin & KoKo
I am so glad she is doing better.  Thank you so much for doing TNR on the others and having a great place to take them.  You are doing such a wonderful thing for these cats. 
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  • #56


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2016
Southern California
Tyvm, unfortunately the bites are very real..
I have had to really take inventory on KoKos surroundings & her reactive aggression towards me, mainly is the new syrays that have made our home a safe haven.. I honestly had no idea these newbies were out there.. This is my next project to shelter them here with food, water and allow them to be safe until I take them in to do their TNR & vaccinations..
Ty kindly again
LinandNin & KoKo
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  • #57


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2016
Southern California
Tyvvvvvm too and I will absolutely continue caring for all of them who pop up here! It's very much my pleasure!
Without all of your appreciatied advice, I would have lost it, I'm ever so grateful for you, TY KINDLY!
Most sincerely,
The rescue crew HA-HA =^••^=