Update on Nala


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 23, 2009
Farmland NY
Hiya Everyone

Nala has been here about 2 months now...she is quite the character! Her checkup at the vet went well, she's healthy and all updated on her shots now. As well as my other cats...what a bill that was!

She is still more comfortable upstairs but she is slowly coming downstairs, hiding under the couch/loveseat and playing with the dog.
She is so stinking cute lol.

She has full run of the house (except at night), loves the bed, comes at the sound of the treat bag (running full blast for them actually), sleeps in the sun on the porch when its open on warm days...all in all, I think she is fitting in quite nicely.

She is still hesitant about my 3 other cats...she plays dominant upstairs but downstairs she is low man on the pole and is fine with that. She is now sleeping in a basket of warm clothes from the dryer snoring away hehehe.

I thought you might like to know how she is doing. Tonight is the first night that we wont keep her confined to her bedroom. So we'll see how that goes.

I gotta figure out how to post some pics!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 15, 2007
I'm going through the exact same thing with Callie. We still put her in her room at night but will probably stop that soon too. Isn't it such a good feeling when you integrate a new kitty and all is going well?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 23, 2009
Farmland NY
It really is! My tortie Pudge is the dominant female...Nala and her are having little hissing fights (no actual hitting) at each other trying to determine pecking order. So far they are even.

Pudge is my bottle baby and very attached. She doesnt like any of my other cats to be around me. So this might present a problem if Nala decides I am her's also. Which it looks like she may since I spent all summer gaining her trust to bring her in the house. We will have to see how that works out.

Hey..I have enough lap and scritches for everyone! Chat with ya later.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 23, 2009
Farmland NY
Saturday night went well...she slept on the bed. All the cats came, looked and went downstairs to sleep in their favorite spots.

Sunday..oh vey! She wanted luving and woke me up 5 times in 2 hours...needless to say I didnt get much sleep that night lol!

Monday night was much better...if she tried to sleep on my head I moved her to the bottom of the bed. Hubby woke up at one point and she was sleeping between our legs.
Hubby was so funny..he said that the other kitties will just have to get used to it. She's been sleeping outside in all kinds of weather and deserves to have the bed for a little while.
Somehow I dont think the other kitties agree!

All in all...its going very well. Some growling and hissing going on but thats about it. She comes downstairs, plays with the cat toys, runs for treats when we get home and wants scritches all the time. Her purr is so loud...she chirps and calls to us when she cant see us or hear us.

Talk to you soon!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jun 23, 2009
Farmland NY
Oh my..I had to share this with you all!
Last night Nala was spooned against my tummy as I was sleeping. Something woke me up...it was a thud as she rolled off the bed lol! I looked over the edge of the bed and she was looking up at me like Why did you do that MOM!

It was so funny I started giggling. She in a huff...jumped up and laid on my head hehehe. It was so cute!