Update: Crazy Kitten or Psycho Kitten from Hell!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 2, 2015
Harbin, China

I just wanted to update everyone who were kind enough to provide suggestions and guidance to my bad kitty behavior. I really don't know what happened but for about 4-6 weeks Baby Charlie just went nuts!! He has calmed down a lot in the last few weeks. He is not as destructive as he was and basically is once again, the sweet kitten I fell in love with. I honestly think he went through a phase more commonly known as the "terrible two's" in toddlers. I have not taken him to the vet yet, but this in the schedule for next week. Also, another teacher has been given permission to keep a cat, that was dumped on him by an American failed businessman who got deported. He was given no notice by the US Embassy and put on a plane back to Hawaii that afternoon. I guess one should not go to the US Embassy with and expired passport when you are in China illegally:) Anyway, the teacher has not abided by the schools rules for the cat as he is not neutered and is being let out at night to wonder the campus. So, I tried to get this cat but the owner would not sell him or give him to me because I was going to neuter him, evidently, responsible pet ownership is not a good thing. Well, I have a staff meeting to go to but just wanted to say hello and update Bad Baby Charlie's behavior.  Smooshie face love!