Unexpected vet diagnosis


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 6, 2018
I just took the cat to the vet... We thought it was kidney issues and a mouth ulcer from her kidney issues. But then the Dr said "I'm gonna take some blood." About 20 mins later the nurse comes back out and says "ummm have you noticed a breathing issue with her lately? We tried to draw blood and there wasn't much coming out so we went for the jugular and she stopped breathing and turned pale then urinated on me.. she's in the oxygen tank now and doing ok but yeah any breathing problems????" I said "OMG I'm so sorry!! Yes she has been breathing heavy lately. But she has a crush windpipe so I figured that's what it was."
She says "we're gonna take an x-ray free of charge we need to find out what the obstruction is. I'll be back in a moment."

15 mins later

The doctor walks out shaking his head. He says "I don't know how to tell you this so I think you should just come back here with me. It's bad really bad.. she's alive but it's still bad."

He points to the photo.

"That mass in the upper right corner of the black triangle is a cancerous tumor. Every breath she takes it's growing a little more and more. Taki has terminal lung cancer. There's absolutely nothing I can do. She's 18 years old. I can't stop it. I can't fix it. She has been living with it for quite sometime. But every breath she takes is like being submerged with less air intake before each submersion. She knows it, she can feel it. And eventually she will not be able to breathe at all and suffocate herself. I urge you not to let it go THAT far. Make her comfortable and perhaps in a week you can bring her back and we can put an end to it. But this is what will be her demise in the end. I'm truly sorry. I'm not going to charge you for any of this. I was seriously hoping it was just kidney disease. At least that I could help. But this.... This just isn't right. I'm truly sorry."

So there it is.... Soon the crazy 8 cat lady will be the crazy 7. 😢😢 I'll keep y'all posted on what happens. I still haven't told my little sister her cat has terminal lung cancer. I'll tell her later tonight after work.


verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I'm so sorry you have had this terrible news, it must be such a shock, we want them to live forever. Enjoy the time you have together and you know you will do the right thing for her when the time comes. Keep us updated please.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am also sorry for the terrible news that you received. At the very least, it sounds as if you have an honest and sympathetic vet to help you face this.