Underweight cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
May 20, 2015
My 15 yr old male neutered cat has over the last probably about a year slowly been losing weight. His appetite is good and he eats about 2 cans of Fancy Feast a day. He doesn't seem sick and is real active.

I would like to try something on my own before I spend money on the Vets. I am still paying off a bill from my other cat's urinary blockage. Of course if he keeps this way I will  take him to the Vets.

I don't have any scales so I don't know how much he weighs right now.

I would appreciate any help and advice.
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It's really difficult to tell exactly why he is losing weight. If he's to be eating the same amount as before but getting thinner it could be something like diabetes or hyperthyroidism. Does he seem to be drinking more water than usual? If so you'd need your vet to check for that.

The first thing I would do is treat him with a wormer, just in case he has picked up some parasites. If he doesn't start to put on weight after that you'll need to take him to the vet.

Make sure you don't use the cheap, over-the-counter wormers as they can cause allergic reactions. Google the product before you buy.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My 15 year old is doing the same thing. I've had him tested and he is negative for thyroid/diabetes problems, but was found to have an enlarged heart. His only symptoms were the weight loss and coughing. He was put on half a tab of lasix to help take the water from his lungs and to thicken his blood a bit to make his heart beat more normally. An enlarged heart beats faster and faster to push blood because it is less efficient, so thicker blood helps it to pump the blood more efficiently with the lessened pumping power. I give it to him in a bit of cheese and he thinks of it as a treat. I started giving him Kitten food too, (it's much higher in calories and nutrients) I leave dry out in a bowl all day because he doesn't eat much at a time. He gained a little and seems to be maintaining his weight though still thin. I would suggest giving your cat what ever he wants to eat, tuna, packaged turkey, etc, now is not the time to think of quality, but to just get him to eat. He needs quality of life now, Just hold on and love him as much as you can, give him a kiss for me. All the luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
May 20, 2015
I appreciate the replies. I heard about kitten food and usually he eats it but not much this morning. I am giving all 3 of mine canned because I had one with urinary blockage so I am worried about that.

I will probably try and take him to the Vets. Since my Vets has not 'pushed' me in getting my bill paid off when my other cat had a blockage I think he would rather me bring him in even if I was unable to pay the whole bill at the time. I think its great he doesn't mind if I just pay an amount I can  regularly. I have wondered about diabetes because even being on canned food he seems to drink more water at times than the others. 

Di and Bob, I appreciate you sending him your love. He's been a great baby to me. I had read about canned mackerel or sardines too. I will ask the vets about that. 
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