Uncontrollable tail wagging after partial tail amputation


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 14, 2023
Info about my cat:
  • Age: Est 8
  • Sex/Neuter status: Neutered male
  • Breed: domestic short hair
  • Body weight: 6.7kg
  • History: was rescued in April by cats protection. FIV +
  • Clinical signs: exhibiting symptoms after having bandage removed from partial tail amputation: constant wagging of tail, hitting it on surfaces and walls causing it to bleed
As the title suggests, my cat had a partial tail amputation. The surgery removed 6cm off his tail. Today was his one week post-op checkup, the vet removed the bandage and said the stitches could be absorbed so they wouldn’t need to be removed, and that I should expect some bleeding but it’s important to remove the bandage to give the wound air. Since coming home, my cat has been constantly wagging his tail, hitting it against the wall and other surfaces which is causing it to bleed. In addition, i asked to have his cone changed to a larger one and it has been changed to a larger, but soft one. I have caught him licking his tail with it on as the cone can he flipped and flattened, allowing him to reach his tail. I have since swapped the cone back to the plastic one he was wearing before, and as he can reach his tail and hind legs, he sometimes licks his tail, to which I stop him right away. I’m concerned it might’ve been too soon to remove the bandage and that the bleeding he is experiencing may be excessive. I have considered that the tail wagging could be due to distress, or him getting used to the sensation of not having a bandage on, I'm just concerned if he continues to wag and hit it against things he will lose even more blood. After the surgery, I was instructed to give him 2 tablets of synulox every 12 hours, and 6kg of metocam once a day. I was given enough for 5 days and told to start a day after his discharge, thus, his meds finished today, and he has not been prescribed anything else. His last time taking synulox was today at 01:00 am, and the last time taking metocam was yesterday at 4pm.

Could he still be in pain? Was it to soon to stop the meds? How do I know if he's in pain?

I am apprehensive about taking him back to the vet because he is still distressed from going to the vets earlier today, and did not even go inside the carrier 3 days after the surgery when he was suppose to have his 3 day checkup.

I've attached images of his tail.



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Given that your cat has just had a major procedure done, it would seem that the vet should be willing to discuss this with you via phone call, text, or email. Send the pics if necessary. You are not asking for treatment for a brand new condition and simply don't want to bring the cat in.

He may be in pain, there may be a burning sensation on the raw skin now that the bandages have been removed, or he may be having phantom limb syndrome. I can see the vet's point that the area needs to begin to heal and that continued bandaging might not expedite that, but something is not working and the cat is in pain. Phantom limb syndrome can begin within a few days of amputation. Nerve endings at the site of the amputation are still sending signals to the brain, so the pain is real, not imagined. It can produce dramatic symptoms, so you are right to be concerned.

Synulox is an antibiotic and meloxicam is an NSAID. More usual around here, including for my dog who was an amputee, is a pain reliever like gabapentin.

Get back in touch with the vet and ask for a plan of action for helping your cat. He is in distress and this may or may not resolve itself.