Un-diagnosed Seizures, lack of appetite, itching


TCS Member
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Dec 1, 2016
Hi - this is my first post on this forum.

My 4.5 year-old female tortie cat, Mabel, who has always been healthy, had a seizure a month ago. I immediately took her to the vet, who said it was likely idiopathic epilepsy as her physical exam and blood work were fine.

The following day I watched her closely and noticed odd behaviours in her: waking suddenly while dozing and twisting her body around to gaze at the ceiling (in the exact same motion at least once an hour), meowling loudly and looking scared. I figured these were smaller seizures, and on the advice of the vet, started Mabel on phenobarbital. 

Since starting the pheno, I haven't seen any more seizures. However, she is now exhibiting other symptoms: she seems uninterested in her food and smacks her lips frequently, especially when she smells food, suggesting she might feel nauseated, but she is still playful and cuddly. She is also frequently shaking her head and scratching at her ears. She also licks other parts of her body (tail, genitals, paws) as if itchy. 

I took her back to the vet two weeks after starting the pheno as she had vomited three times in a row. The vet said everything looked ok. Since then, however (three weeks later) she has not been vomiting. 

A week ago I had her back at the vet to check her blood for pheno levels. I mentioned the lack of appetite and head shaking and lip smacking to the vet and she is stumped. She re-did a full blood work and all is perfect, Mabel's ears and mouth look fine, and her temp is normal. Her pheno levels are normal too. The vet gave her an appetite stimulant and she was eating well for a week but is now not eating again (she'll eat treats and take a couple of bites of food but that's it.)

The vet suggested that I put her on antibiotics for a possible inner-ear infection (no outward signs though) and Revolution in case of parasites.

I'm very concerned that Mabel could have a brain tumor, even though the vet says it's unlikely given she's young. A CT scan is hours driving away from me and financially out of reach. And I am wary of dishing out thousands for a fatal diagnosis anyway.

I'm wondering if anyone has advice or thoughts?

Thank you!!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Those symptoms sound to me like either the inner ear infection the vet suggested or an allergy.  I would tend to lean towards the allergy because of her acting as though she is itchy in other parts of her body besides her ears.  I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it is a brain tumor.   I would try a food with a protein that she hasn't had before, this is what is meant by a novel protein.  I would look for a very simple food, one that has very little in it besides meat, liver and necessary supplements.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
The antibiotics wouldn't hurt-just make sure to give a cat safe probiotics. human ones sometims slip sugar substitute in it which is deadly for our pets.

the shaking of the ear sounds like ear infection. you can opt for xrays instead of cat scan-it may not be as visible as cat scan but its much cheaper-who knows- maybe something will show up or ? I would try the xray, food without corn in it and antibiotics incase of inner ear infection. they can also try a course of prednisolone but they won't be able to do that until after the antibiotics. Pred slows down the fighting off of infections but it would help the body itching until you figure out what she is allergic to.

How long have you been feeding what you are feeding?

treats-what kind? Temptations have corn in them. Consider a freeze dried meat treats instead.

do you have a tractor supply store near you? I feed 4Health dry indoor formula for cats. $8 a bag-5 lbs I think. lasts us about 6 weeks with 2 cats or maybe more..the 4Health doesn't have corn in it. my elderly Angel Floey had a very bad sensitivity to grocery store foods. even blue buffalo. Wellness is another good brand. You have to read the labels. ground up corn meal is still corn. chicken byproduct isn't protein-just the feathers/feet/other parts of the body. try to find a food with real meat as the 1st ingredient.

4Health has no corn or byproducts.

Wellness is available at petco/petsmart.

A store called pets life here in new England carries Natures instinct, Nature's variety are two brands I have had good luck.

for more cost effective try Taste Of The Wild is one we fed as well as Chicken soup for the soul. Those two we fed for years.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
also ear infections in kids makes them miserable-it's possible it's too deep inside for the vet to see when they look in the ear.

is there a foul odor noticeable from the ears or mouth?

Is your kitty indoor or outdoor?

Fleas can cause itching. Sometimes those buggers cling onto our clothes and hitch a ride into said home. You can use a flea comb and brush the fur by the base of the tail-then take the fur/stuff off the comb=put it on a white papertowel and wet it-if it looks like black specks it could be fleas. revolution treats ear mites fleas and intestinal worms.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Also are you using any new cleaners or soap on your clothes? the itching and licking of feet-something is bugging her from contact. when you clean-make sure to rinse the floors well of whatever cleaner you are using-also laundry=some animals are sensitive to those newer soaps they have=like those fumy new fabric softner things that makes laundry smell fresh longer-it smells good to us=but to our babies=its very overpowering.

what about air freshners? I am just trying to help you solve the puzzle of kitty with itches.
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TCS Member
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Dec 1, 2016
Thank you @foxxycat  for all these suggestions! I think I will change her food to something higher quality and see if that helps anything. I don't use chemicals on my floors and I'm using the same laundry detergent as always. One thing that changed is I bought a used couch - it came (supposedly) from a pet-free home and seems in good condition but perhaps it was cleaned with chemicals or had fleas? I gave Mabel Revolution on Tuesday so if it's fleas hopefully that will help. I keep coming back to the fact that she had seizure(s) though - that wouldn't be connected to allergies, would it? Maybe there is more than one thing going on but that seems like an awful coincidence. Thanks again. PS- your kitty is GORGEOUS.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Dec 1, 2016
Those symptoms sound to me like either the inner ear infection the vet suggested or an allergy.  I would tend to lean towards the allergy because of her acting as though she is itchy in other parts of her body besides her ears.  I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it is a brain tumor.   I would try a food with a protein that she hasn't had before, this is what is meant by a novel protein.  I would look for a very simple food, one that has very little in it besides meat, liver and necessary supplements.
Thank you! This seems like good advice. I think I'll try a new food.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Thank you @foxxycat  for all these suggestions! I think I will change her food to something higher quality and see if that helps anything. I don't use chemicals on my floors and I'm using the same laundry detergent as always. One thing that changed is I bought a used couch - it came (supposedly) from a pet-free home and seems in good condition but perhaps it was cleaned with chemicals or had fleas? I gave Mabel Revolution on Tuesday so if it's fleas hopefully that will help. I keep coming back to the fact that she had seizure(s) though - that wouldn't be connected to allergies, would it? Maybe there is more than one thing going on but that seems like an awful coincidence. Thanks again. PS- your kitty is GORGEOUS.
I doubt It is anything from the used couch. Do you smell anything strong from it? If it had anything cleaned-I would think you could smell it. How long ago was this?

I don't know about the seizures-but an inner ear infection can affect their balance and could be her way of telling you something is wrong. you can always call the vet and ask them if they have a certified internal medicine vet. They can read the xrays and try to help you. I am finding more vets are hiring these specialized vets-they are the ones that do ultrasounds and deal with complex medical issues.

It's possible we have 2 things going on-food allergies=scratching/itching and something going on in her brain. How about shots? up to date? Sorry I can't remember if you said that she was up to date.

Also when you change food-remember slow transition otherwise they get gassy. diarrhea. and could give them a tummy upset. Try to do a slow transition over 7 days or more.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
when I say her brain-I don't mean a tumor/cancer-I am referring to the symptoms of infection-head shaking/ scratching at the ears- it COULD be ear infection OR food allergy. at this point I am wondering if it's both. you can try meat babyfood gerber/beechnut-no onion/garlic.

I worded it wrong earlier-I reread what I wrote and didn't want you to panic. Does she sneeze or have a runny nose or eyes?
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TCS Member
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Dec 1, 2016
I doubt It is anything from the used couch. Do you smell anything strong from it? If it had anything cleaned-I would think you could smell it. How long ago was this?

I don't know about the seizures-but an inner ear infection can affect their balance and could be her way of telling you something is wrong. you can always call the vet and ask them if they have a certified internal medicine vet. They can read the xrays and try to help you. I am finding more vets are hiring these specialized vets-they are the ones that do ultrasounds and deal with complex medical issues.

It's possible we have 2 things going on-food allergies=scratching/itching and something going on in her brain. How about shots? up to date? Sorry I can't remember if you said that she was up to date.

Also when you change food-remember slow transition otherwise they get gassy. diarrhea. and could give them a tummy upset. Try to do a slow transition over 7 days or more.
I got the couch about 2 weeks before she had the seizure (about 1 month before I started noticing the itching). There's no smell to it at all. I am just trying to think of anything I might have changed around that time. I also stained some wood furniture around the same time. It was stained at a different location but had a bit of a smell at first - not anymore.

The vet called and spoke to an internal med specialist (suggested CT). No one has suggested x-rays yet. She is an indoor cat - she had shots when she was a kitten and again at 1 year old but not since.

I don't know if I'll be able to get her to eat anything regardless. All she seems willing to eat are treats. I still have more of the appetite stimulants the vet gave me so I may give her another this evening unless she's started eating. That will be 2.5 days of her just nibbling - I don't want her to get sicker!
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Dec 1, 2016
when I say her brain-I don't mean a tumor/cancer-I am referring to the symptoms of infection-head shaking/ scratching at the ears- it COULD be ear infection OR food allergy. at this point I am wondering if it's both. you can try meat babyfood gerber/beechnut-no onion/garlic.

I worded it wrong earlier-I reread what I wrote and didn't want you to panic. Does she sneeze or have a runny nose or eyes?
Thank you :) I'm already fearing the worst so you're not making it worse! I've noticed a little bit of gunk in her eye a couple of times but really nothing major.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
try the meat babyfood. that will buy you some time. each jar has I think 70 calories. If you can get her to eat half a jar in a sitting spread out in like every 2 hours or so in the evening-it can help. I would call and ask them for the antibiotic and grab some new foods to try.

I think 3 jars a day is what they need but at least it gives calories.

 Blue buffalo has some great freeze dried treats.


these you can get at petco/petsmart. They can help supplement her diet.

Maybe try the antibiotic. Find out which one then I can help give you tips=some are better with food=some are tricky to administer.

I have had good luck with Zithromax but some vets will give clavamox-if this is it=ask for the liquid unless you know you can pill her. at least the liquid you just have to shoot down her mouth AFTER she eats otherwise they get nauseated.

you sound like she's having nausea from the lip smacking=ask them about anti nausea pills-Cerenia is the gold standard. They can give her injection and it lasts 24 hours or send you home with pills but you will again have to figure out how to get said pill in her tummy.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
one more thing-It's possible she picked up a cold from the vets=the not eating and runny eyes could be a virus-when they have a cold=-they can't smell their food. you need to get something stinky. Tuna. sardines. friskies and fancy feast have tuna flavored canned food. you can add HOT water to it and mash it up=the hot water may help it get stinkier. If they can't smell their food-they won't eat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well I am glad you can pill her!! I wasn't that lucky with my older angel Floey. She was a BEAR. Do they want to keep her on the pheno stuff? I wonder if maybe get some kitten Chow. It's higher calories for less so maybe she will snack on that. Dont' feel bad about the wet food. none of mine like wet food either except once in a blue moon.

Thank you also for the compliments on my baby. That is Miss Honeybee or otherwise known as TROUBLE. she's a feisty girl. She has asthma and has been well controlled on inhalers since 2013. She's my monkey that chases the other cat Pumps around the house. honeybee is around 5 or 6 now. She used to get horrible URI upper resp infections. We used doxycycline or Zithromax on her. knock on wood it's been about 2 years since we have had to deal with bad kitty colds. those are the worst. Pumpkin face is 13 and is cranky. Honeybee chases her and runs up to her and plays tag then gets hissed at but Pumps won't smack her or anything. just sit and hiss and run away. Honeybee just wants to play..that's why we call her trouble. They tolerate each other.

Sometimes when I am holding pumpkin face-I stick her foot into honeybee's face-honeybee will give it a few good licks but nope Pumps still says no just because you groom me doesn't mean I like you...sigh.
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Dec 1, 2016
Update: I got her some grain-free canned chicken food - just walked away from it.

In desperation I got her dry Purina Kitten Chow... DEVOURED it. Thoughts on whether this is okay? I know it's probably not the healthiest but I want her to eat!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
it's fine. When changing diet-canned-try mixing her old type with new type-open two cans and do 1/3 of new and 2/3 of old food-mix together- if she still walks away- make it a smaller amount mixed into old food. I have had times where I only can mix 1/2 teaspoon into her old food. try that.