Uhhh. Ok. They can't do this can they?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 14, 2009
That is really sad!! You would think people would be welcoming people to help in shelters especially in these hard times! I agree with AddieBee, humans are the most vicious animals!! Good for you to keep walking by there, no one has the right to tell you where you can or cannot walk if they do not own the property!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 22, 2008
Roasting in AZ
Originally Posted by Pami

Because of the issues you had with "people" and the youtube situation and how ugly and mean things got right before someone else took over and before they let you go, I would definitely file a complaint against them.

More so that you are establishing a paper trail, so that if they try to say you, for instance vandalized the building or some other "crime", you will have your proof that you went to the police and filed a complaint against them. Versus them proving that they continually contacted you with no rebuttal from you.

Those comments on youtube got really ugly and it just seemed like someone was out for blood, very vindictive. I wouldnt trust any of them and certainly make sure you have all of your t's crossed when dealing with them, even walking by the building.
Exactly.. well said!!!
Filing a complaint will back you up in the long run. I'd also suggest (if someone else hasn't suggested already) documenting any activity and correspondence that occurs between yourself & them not only by calender or journal, but confiding the information in another person who can reiterate your same account. And you have board posts here already!

Otherwise.. this has left me pretty speechless too; it's disgusting. I would like to think most people who help to support them (whether it be by donations, adoptions, etc., volunteering) would withdraw their support at the revelation of such activity. But then again..
After euthanizing so many cats, they are obviously not the organization you worked so tirelessly for.. an utter shame. Was there enough/any financial difficulty when you left to possibly "justify" their choice to end the lives of these 40 cats? Or any so-called "good reason" at all? Or are they keeping relatively mum over their operation?

Ugh. Just terrible. It's great you're holding your head high and not bending to their unnecessary whim. If you ever do grin and wave, know you're grinning and waving for every person on this board too!
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  • #23


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 28, 2005
St Thomas, Ontario
With a no-kill shelter with 250 cats and 9000sqft to clean and pay for, yeah. They weren't financially 'stable' when we left. but we have NEVER been financially fit. It's a not for profit organization that runs completely off of public donations. But in 2008 we pulled in 168k, so I think thats saying something! But there's always more bills than there is money.

We owed the vets approximately $13,000 when we were kicked out. But had JUST made a payment of $6,500 that was raised over Christmas.

But we didn't have people who wanted to help with fundraising. Everyone wanted a say, but no one wanted to do the work. I HATED fundraising. But I did it when it needed to be done and there was no one else. I preferred to work in the shelter with the cats, but if there was no one else, then I did it. I remember working a BBQ weekend with one other girl for the whole thing. from 9am-9pm.

I see now on their website that they have a fundraiser every weekend. Now that they realize how much work it is to pull in over $5000 a month for just the mortgage, heat/hydro, litter and food. Not including vet bills.

Originally Posted by kittybernard

Exactly.. well said!!!
Filing a complaint will back you up in the long run. I'd also suggest (if someone else hasn't suggested already) documenting any activity and correspondence that occurs between yourself & them not only by calender or journal, but confiding the information in another person who can reiterate your same account. And you have board posts here already!

Otherwise.. this has left me pretty speechless too; it's disgusting. I would like to think most people who help to support them (whether it be by donations, adoptions, etc., volunteering) would withdraw their support at the revelation of such activity. But then again..
After euthanizing so many cats, they are obviously not the organization you worked so tirelessly for.. an utter shame. Was there enough/any financial difficulty when you left to possibly "justify" their choice to end the lives of these 40 cats? Or any so-called "good reason" at all? Or are they keeping relatively mum over their operation?

Ugh. Just terrible. It's great you're holding your head high and not bending to their unnecessary whim. If you ever do grin and wave, know you're grinning and waving for every person on this board too!


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
I'd be inclined to contact Bonnie to see why she suddenly resigned. There may be some information there to explain what is happening. It does indeed sound as though they are afraid of you for some reason. Very suspicious behaviour if you ask me.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Have you remained friends with any of the shelter workers who weren't kicked out? It was terrible what those people did to you and worse what they did to those cats...I would never contribute to an organization like that.
I wish you the best, you have risen above these people to demonstrate such class in this situation. Please don't alter your path to suit them and please keep us posted.
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  • #26


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 28, 2005
St Thomas, Ontario
No.... all my friends from the shelter were also kicked out or stopped being my friends after they filled thier heads with lies.

I was with Bonnie when she resigned, and she resigned because people were doing things illegally behind her back and if they were going to be making the descisions, she might as well step down. Well, after that happened they kicked her out and evicted her from her apartment which was on the second floor of the building.

I am still in contact with Bonnie and I still see her every so often. Will likely be going up to her sisters diner where she works on Sunday for breakfast. (An hour trip just for breakfast.

Bonnie and another lady have also got letters similar to mine, just yesterday.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 11, 2008
You know...I wonder if the police need to be encouraged to look into these people's behavior? It sounds like something very NOT legal is going on and needs to be looked at...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 18, 2007
In the middle of BC
Originally Posted by plainjane

You know...I wonder if the police need to be encouraged to look into these people's behavior? It sounds like something very NOT legal is going on and needs to be looked at...
I think it is very suspicious. I think you should final a complaint, like the others have said. You never know what they may pull next.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 11, 2008
I think everyone who has been treated in this manner by them should file a complaint and describe your suspicions very well...Ask them to look into it, and they'll likely poke around at least a little bit.