Two year old ANGRY female cat


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 24, 2013
We picked up a female spayed kitten about two years ago from the Human Society.  We were really careful of picking the kitten with a nice behavior that was playful and interactive.  That cat was a gift for our 17 year old son (loves cats).

About two months in, I began to notice that she would sort of "hunt" me.  Like grab at my feet when getting out of bed, or attack my toes while eating supper.  This didn't seem strange, it was actually fun...she seemed to be playing.

However, it has gotten much worse.  It seems as though the rest of us look at it as playful, but she looks at it as real.  For instance, if you are sitting at the desk, she will jump up and literally attack your back.  Your knee jerk reaction is the knock her off and run into the bathroom for first aide treatment. But what we have been doing is placing her on the floor and telling her no, then put her in the basement (this is where she likes to hang out - food, water and litter box), thinking that it would be a time out.  That would work until the next incident. 

Honestly, I have just given up.  Meaning that I don't go out of my way to see her and vise versa.  Well, I would see my son with scratches on his face, arms, legs hands and I would ask him "what happened?"  His response is always, "oh the cat is crabby, I rolled over to fast and scared her." or, "I got in her way", or "I bumped her leg."

My inner red flag was already risen. 

Well here is the latest.  My son had a friend over (he is here all of the time and no stranger), who was talking to my husband in the kitchen, just standing there leaning on the counter and the cat crept up and bit him in the foot....hard, like broke his skin.  I heard him say "what is wrong with you?" and then he back out of her way thinking that she wanted to get away.  Then she crouched down, stalked him and attacked his leg.  The whole time she was growling.

About an hour ago, I was sorting laundry and I could see her watching me.  I went about my business and quietly talked to her.  She moved around to the front of me and I nudged her out of the way because I didn't want to end up stepping on her tail.  Before I could even complete that action, she was wrapped around my leg biting me.  I shook her off and yelled "NO!" and she ran a few feet away and laid down. 

What is going on?  This behavior has really been ever since we brought her home.  I am not sure if she is playing and just has a hard bite or if she actually hates us.

No one in the home has been mean to her.  We always provide food, toys and treats.  I just don't get it.

I told my son that as soon as the snow is gone, she will be spending more time out side.  End of story, I have had it up to my neck with getting attacked in my own home.  AND, I certainly will not tolerate her biting any little ones.

Open for trying anything at this point.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Your son's cat is not angry.  She is playing, albeit rough.  This behavior was reinforced from the start when you thought it was cute. When you nudged her out of the way with your foot, she took it as a sign that you wanted to play. 

Do you interactively play with her?  You know, chase the string or feather teaser, throw the ball and let her chase it, laser pointer chase.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree, she thinks you WANT to play rough now. What works for me is to yell loudly, NO!, back out of the room and ignore her. When she finds out no one wants to play at all when she's rough she might quit. You've got to carry around a 'kickeroo' or a wand for a while, when she starts to 'stalk' you, throw the toy for her to grab or play with the wand. My youngest plays way too rough too, but throw out a 'kickeroo' and he always redirects to  that! It saves our feet!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 24, 2013
I should clarify a little bit.  When she was younger and would play rough, we would pause and say "easy", and she would comply.  But I do agree with you on the playing rough part.  We should have nipped it in the bud with a time out or some other technique. 

We (hubby and I) use to play with her all of the time with a laser and now that I think of it, she never had an episode.  Our son does most of the entertaining now.

You guys are giving me some ideas, keep them coming!

Thanks LOTS!
