Turn Back Time?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 6, 2018
Hi! So we recently brought home a new addition to our family. A tiny calico 8 week old kitten. We have a resident cat who is 3 yrs old and has been an only cat her whole life.

We started with the kitten in a safe room, but with a recent heat wave/regular behavior for our resident cat (she doesn’t like overly soft things/beds/blankets/towels/the couch) and will only eat food at her designated dish placement, we couldn’t do the switch blankets or food on either side of a door.

After a little over a week we started to allow the kitten out to roam with supervision and now allow her out all the time.

Our resident cat is still posturing and hissing. She doesn’t want the kitten near her. They have relaxed in the same room as long as the kitten isn’t engaging her. She isn’t hiding constantly but she is spending a lot more time in the basement where the kitten doesn’t often venture yet.

As long as our resident cat isn’t avoiding eating or changing it’s bathroom habits should we be concerned? It was honestly just too hot overall to keep either cat in one room for any longer but I’m worried that at a week and a half in the home total the posturing/hiding from the resident cat is still happening. Am I just impatient? Is this normal?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 13, 2017
she is stressed and feels invaded, that is why she spends most of the time in the basement. maybe the introduction went too quickly or unmethodical.
I've introduced kittens multiple times and I know that a kitten to cat introduction is much harder and require more time and patience. I see a month/months of constant fighting is coming.
I'd suggest you to re-introduce them properly. so they can be best friends in the future, and prevent possible destruction and maybe litterbox/food issues due to the stress,
here are some videos/article might help you:
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
How to Introduce Two Cats


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Bear in mind that really successful introductions can take several weeks, even several months! Now, that said, we have members here who routinely "let them work it out," and with good results. For now, from what you are describing, although you have perhaps jumped the gun a bit, there are no real, worrisome or dangerous issues going on. Avoidance is fine. Attacking with intent to kill is not. Monitor these guys closely. I'm betting that within the next 6 weeks (yes, SIX WEEKS) things will be considerably calmer.