Treating Mammary Tumour Naturally for 5 Months but now nearing the end today!...Please share your experiences


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 8, 2021
Update (back story below) : Oct 10 th, 21
Hello, I am interested in hearing how pet guardians delt with their cat's mammary tumours without surgery. How long before the ulceration started? If the ulceration started how long before the kitty declined? What were some of the signs of decline? Water retention? Bloating? My girl is in the video, if you look closely, you can see that her vest is covering her mammary mass that is ulcerating. When I took her to the vet on July 9th, the mass was a big as a dollar coin, and had started to ulcerate, FastForward to today and much bigger...but there are other symptoms that the vet feels are due to the mass being a carcinoma. If your cat's mass was a Carcinoma, what type of symptoms did you cat experience when she was nearing the end?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated as my girl is not doing well, and I feel I'm at the end...and may be saying Good Bye in a few hours.

My girl is throwing up what appears to be bile, since going on antibiotics again and Buprenorphine 0.2ml via the mouth a few days ago. Am I nearing the end? What else can be done for her?
thank you

(My sweet cat A, from 2019 raises her paws in the arm copying us raising our arms in the air! My cat is reaching out for us with her arm's raised! Very sweet!

UPDATE/ Oct 8th: (Day after going to see my regular vet)
Currently it's 8pm where I am and my dear cat is cold, and very weak and appears to be very bloated...there were some moments of hope this morning when she climbed onto her favorite book shelf resting spot by the window, and was okay with being outside in the kennel but things went downhill throughout the day..

Re/Vet appointment - Oct 7th:
We got a ride from my friend, but we arrived 8 minutes late and the vet ended up taking the patient whose appointment was supposed to go after us first because they came early ... This caused us to have to wait in the front office for * * 40 minutes (plus the long drive), which caused my cat more stress. Once our appointment started, there was some confusion about our intention, as it appeared the vet thought we were coming to put our cat down when we first wanted another exam and to talk about other options.
Shortly before the vet examined my cat, we grabbed some fresh wet food (tuna) from the nearby pet store. A can been seen in the video sipping and taking only a few bites of food...I needed to see this for myself as we were going to be facing a difficult decision to keep her alive or put her to sleep.
The vet said > > When we originally came this July and the mass was much smaller and slightly ulcerated, that it was the best time to operate. The vet feels like the throwing up episode from the other night and dizziness ( which brought us into the 24hr emerge vet) was due to the Carcinoma creating fluid within all pockets of my cat's body ( I didn't know that is the symptom from this type of cancer ). So, while she may not have fluid in her lungs ( it was not heard) she definitely has it building in her abdominal cavity which is making breathing, moving and going to the litter box very difficult and painful as I am now seeing.
The vet said that me using a strong supplement was not enough to stop the infection from spreading internally. I explained that externally the infection was going down so I held off with the 2nd dose of antibiotics but then the vet said that maybe it looks better from the outside but internally is a different story. It appears as if the 2nd round of antibiotics was used sooner, it would lessen the load on my cat and make things more barrable...The doctor advised me to do the anti-biotics and see if it makes her feel a bit better and continue with pain meds (burp - - - the strong stuff) basically warning me that I need to be careful syringing because I could make my cat choke and that my cat may just end up dying if I continue on the pain meds ( she said you are basically in palliative end of life care stage)...It's heart breaking because my cat was doing "well" and there was some days where she really bounced back (I have this one video) and even had a sparkle return in her eyes...
I hope this made sense as I am lacking sleep and dealing with a painful health condition myself (endo). My cat has been a fighter and has worked with me, and that is why I work with her, it's not just for me. I feel like I missed a few steps or was too late and because of that now she has lost or is close to losing this battle. I feel I shouldn't be pumping a fragile kitty with so many meds...I'm so tired and stressed I just don't know what decisions to make next...
Thank you for asking!

*A* ~ Paw reaching for my hand (Driving to the vet) - Oct 7, 21

*A* ~ My kitty at the vet exam ~ Oct 7, 21

*A* ~ Hand feeding my sick kitty after the vet - Oct 7, 21


Oct 7th: Going to see regular vet today. Since there has been a few days of less eating, I'm concerned with fatty liver issues developing. I also don't want to strain her organs with more pain meds. Is it to late to try other netural remedies ~ I just remebered Nux Vomica could help with nausea but again it may be to late now. I am limited in how I can help and am not able to do alot of testing, is testing going to be what helps her and if I can't afford then is it better to just say good bye?
Oct 6th: Resting most of the day, sipping on water. Not eating much, but still was okay and wanted to be comforted. Pain meds helps with breathing issues until they wore off, still very cold temp wise. Gernerally weaker but still came out to sit in the garden.
Oct 5th: Hello...
We ended up getting a ride from my friend and taking my dear kitty to the 24hr emerg vet. On the way to the vet my kitty was crying/vocalizing a bit...During the exam the vet didn't hear fluid on her lungs, her blood pressure was slightly low but not worry some...her gums are pale but they think it's not due to lack of oxygen but rather * anemia * possibly due to the cancer attacking the red blood cells or from prolonged pain?... The vet was busy dealing with a pour dog that was hit by two cars, so the appointment was longer and it stressed out my cat more...
The vet said it was good that there is no open mouth breathing. It appeared my kitty was stable enough to go home but suspected she will be declining as mammary cancer has a grave prognosis.
All my kitty was given was a pain injection (strong one), due to the vet being cautious about giving her anything internally due to the high amount of salivation ( the excessive salivation stopped later that evening.)

Video of her morning after 24 hr emerg vet :

Back story/natural remedies mentioned :
I've managed to keep my cat relatively comfortable (or at least it appears that way) while implementing new supplements along the way. I'm interested in some more feedback from people in a similar situation as mine because a lot has changed since my original post.
Sadly, my cat's mass has gotten bigger in size as you can see from the July 9th to Aug 20th "comparison picture". There are puss stains on her sheets which currently are emitting a stinky odour ~ prior to this the puss stains didn't really smell that noticeable. I have noticed an increase in the amount of puss stains since Aug 20th (*on Aug 20th, A had her 2nd significant episode of bleeding from her mass but it has never happened to that extent before! *) Besides these two major bleeding episodes overall, there are just the a few drops of blood here and there throughout the week visible on her sheets. (*During that one bad bleeding episode, I suspect the cause was due to me not watering down the iodine enough and maybe some of the solution seeping into the delicate area inside the mass when I was aiming to apply it on the outer parts of the mass.*)
Getting back to the odour issue, not since these past few days have, I ever noticed such a noticeable stinky odour from her mass and the areas she is laying on ( it does *not* smell like rotting meat, just more on the stinky side, with a slight cheesy undertone).
Despite A's current state, she isn't trying to lick her mass obsessively, instead she's mainly just trying to groom herself and that area from time to time, just a couple licks here and there. I have put a bandana around her neck to help limit her ability to reach the mass.
Her energy levels are a bit lower, especially on humid days the temperature really has a lot more of a negative effect on her. Our game time is limited too but at least she is receptive to cuddling and wanting to spend time together, still very "talkative" ( I still get "sharked" by her when it's meal time)! On the subject of appetite, she has been steadily becoming pickier.
I've noticed some changes in her weight, and a decline in muscle mass. From a bird's eye view she appears more bloated and burps more after eating these days - ( please note: when she was rescued they performed an abortion on her, leaving her with a very invasive scare ~ since then she always had a slightly bloated appearance, *very * sensitive to new foods ) - I don't know if it's related to the mass, or possibly an issue developing with her kidneys...however her July 9th (basic blood work didn't show anything alarming about her kidneys but then again it was basic ).
I am using a urine strip and noticed high levels of protein, leukocytes, S.G (Specific Gravity).
Thank you kindly for reading this. A is my best bud, she was pure feral when I rescued her and her son back in 2010, never would I have thought I could tame such a wild cat into one so loving! Sadly, I had to pts her son in May of this year due to internal masses on his colon and kidney which blocked his ability to absorb nutrients ~ I kept him going + he fought to live 6 extra months after his initial exam back in Nov 2020 where a mass was felt in his abdominal area. Based on the first July 9th appointment, the doctor thinks this is carcinoma and that it's only a matter of time before it spread...
When a mass keeps growing/ulcerating, what are some helpful maintenance suggestions that can be used on this open wound.

Q: If your cat has gotten better without surgery, how long did it take before the mass started to close?

Q: If your cat has gotten worst, how big did the mass get before things went downhill? What majour signs indicated that things weren't going to turn around for the better.

Supplements (currently using):

~Hepar Sulf (off and on)
~Allimax (starting using this on Aug 27th)
~Lick's Muilit vitamin
~Pet Wellbeing Life Gold
~Iodine 12mg 1 tab internal and external
~Lycine + Tuarine
~Silver internal + external
~Collodial Magnesium
~THC (Rubbed on ears) + CBD (sometimes but she doesn't like the taste)
~Calendula tea (external)

Areas of concern
~ Mass increasing in size / puss / blood and odor
~ Weight and muscle lose
~ Is she in a lot of pain? Is it cruel to let her continue to live with this type of mass?
~ Keeping the infection under control so I don't have to put her on antibiotics for a 2nd time
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 8, 2021
I want to draw more light to the breathing issues, as there isn't fluid in her lungs but it is present - how long can they live with this and cancer?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am very sorry that you are facing this. The cat discussed here is female, so therefore not Sunny who you wrote about several months ago?

I believe that your cat needs extreme palliative care at this point. It sounds as if she is in pain and distress, certainly at a precarious point, and you have to be careful what you give her. Having said that though, she needs some peace and comfort at this point. Can you ask one of the vets what would be best to give her?

I cannot tell you decision to make; only you can do that on behalf of you and your cat. What you are giving her is mostly homeopathic and is probably not making any condition better and is not relieving pain. Nothing seems to be under control as the blood, and pus, and odor, all of which are very serious signs. Remember how strongly cats disguise pain for as long as they can because that instinct is hardwired in them; she may feel worse than you think that she does.