Trapping kittens


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 25, 2016

My neighbor noticed a stray cat had kittens under her porch. She just noticed kittens coming out from under the porch a few days ago. We live by a very busy road. She thought it was best to try to catch them she did not have a trap but had a carrier. There are 4 kittens . I am guessing 4 weeks old. This morning she put food out and hid by the opening and when a kitten came out to eat she caught it and put it in a carrier. But the kitten was spitting and hissing my neighbor got scared and let it go. My neighbor is elderly and just wants the kittens caught and given new homes. I am willing to try to catch them again hopefully have a trap and try to foster. I have 2 cats so will have to separate. I have never taken in a stray before. Since she let one go do you think we will have success in catching them again or will mom move them? Also I know hissing is natural but do you think the kittens will in time become house cats. I plan on finding homes for them. I can not afford anymore. I can't afford to Take them to vet. so I am worried about my cats. Iplann to separate in a separate room. Thank You. We have a lot of strays here and would hate to see theses kittens also living outside.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
If you get some stinky food and place it at the back of the carrier, one or more of them should go in.

They have smaller traps, better for trapping kittens, at Tractor Supply.  They aren't too expensive and may be a better idea.

Also, if you can afford a large dog crate, you can trap in that too.  Tie a length of twine to the door, loop it through the top of the crate and walk away with the other end.  Place the food at the very back of the crate.  When the kittens go in, pull on the rope, so the door closes.  Run as fast as you can (or have a helper close by) to secure the door.

The kittens will probably be so absorbed in eating, they may not even see you approach.  They will of course spit and hiss but at 4-5 weeks, they are only copying mom.  They should tame up easily.  The added bonus of the crate is you can keep them in it for a few weeks (and separate from your other cats).

The biggest suggestion I have, though, is to trap and spay mom.  Otherwise, you;ll be repeating this all summer.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 25, 2016
Thank you. For replying. I will try tomorrow or Friday to catch them. I did get a trap and also have a carrier.Hopefully I will have success with catching and finding homes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I don't like to use a regular trap with multiple baby kittens. I always worry that one of the kittens will be standing under the door when it comes down :/. Plus they may not be heavy enough to engage the trip plate. I prefer to use a carrier, with a rope tied to the door. Put some very yummy food in the carrier and hide somewhere with the end of the rope. Then when they go in to eat, pull the rope to close the door. Baby kittens shouldn't be strong enough to force their way out before you can get it locked. I hope you can get them! They're at a good age for taming.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
 Bless ! the key to kitten trapping is preparation, preparation, preparation.... I wear gloves and keep towels handy plus keep an open carrier, vertical and open, for quickly dropping in the kitten, in case the kitten gets loose, due to trap failure, partial exit of the carrier door, etc. Also, trapping mama kitty may help but the risk of catching a kitten behind her is a big concern. A bright floodlight/flashlight can help for at-dusk catching - kittens are easily blinded, allowing you time to drop a towel on them, wrap them up and calmly drop them into the vertical carrier.  Quickly haul off baby so that mama-kitty is less distressed. Also, immediately give the rest some good canned food or KFC chicken so that they are less likely to move. Kittens that old do tame more quickly when they are alone but it takes lots of comforting, especially with food offerings, combings with soft, little strokes just like their mom grooming them and, of course, distracting them with a pulled string or yarn (warning** be EXTREMELY careful that the kitten cant eat the string/yarn).

Is your local vet amenable to receiving payments on account for you to bring the kittens in for vet check/shots? Some vets are and they even give you a discount for working with ferals.

Prayers and vibes that the entire family is caught on Friday and that mama kitty gets spayed!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
All good advice above.

A few things I'd like to add here.

One is, to catch most or all at one time, only leave food for them in whatever you are going to trap them in, if a trap then secure the door to stay open until they have become comfortable eating in it, always at the back.

After a few days they will all crowd the trap or carrier to eat, which would mean they are ready to be trapped in it.

Don't worry about catching one half way in, have you ever seen a cat jump if you surprise them with something? FAST! Reflex is instantaneous.

Besides, when sibs are safely chowing, who's gonna waste time hanging at the entrance?

If using a trap, the plate will have more than one kitten's weight and will set.

Be sure the second it does to rush to them and cover with a towel, this instantly calms them down.

That hissing and spitting is harmless, it is what they've learned instinctually due to lack of human exposure. Threats is all it is, they can't harm you at this age.

Just make alot of noise! 

Taming must be done right away for complete success.

Hate to say this part, but it also requires them to be separated if they are at least 6 weeks or more.

There is only a 2 week window to work that feral streak out of them, they will tame down very easily, but will still be shy, hide from strangers, etc.

If several people will each take one, and commit to spending the time it takes to completely tame, that is your best bet.

If together, one sib will have time spent with you, and be very calm and really make progress, then put him back with his sibs and within 5 minutes he has lost the progress you just make, as they feed off of each other's fear.

One person CAN tame them all, but it's literally a full time job and no guarantees.

You want that kitten to only have you for comfort/food, etc and not it's frightened sibs.

BTW, when grabbing a feral kitten, grab by the scruff and if needed, depending on age, push down to render helpless.

You will know immediately because a very young kitten being grabbed by it's scruff will take it fine, an older kitten, say at 7+ weeks will not, you will scruff it and be able to feel it tense up and want to squirm away from you, that is the one who will be scruffed then pushed down towards the ground to remove any chance of squirming away, or scratching/biting.

Taming means taking the kitten, again depending on age, younger you will just hold and touch all over, talk to, hand feed goodies/tuna, kiss and hold, watch tv with you, etc.

The older/harder ones need to be burrito'd. Using a small towel, drape over your hand and scruff, then wrap the kitten entirely, very snug so the front legs are not out, only the head.

A loose wrap, kitten WILL squirm until it gets away, so the tight towel burrito wrap does not allow them a choice, it makes them accept it, and they quickly learn that nothing you do is hurting them, in fact it even feels kinda good :)

Pass it around! ANY and all people there, it needs to tame to people, not just you, and will if not exposed to several people.

PLEASE be sure to TNR mama cat or taking her kids will throw her right in to heat again and prego again.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 25, 2016
Thank you for all the advice.Unfortunately the mama cat moved the kittens yesterday. Luckily we noticed them across the street. I went over to inform the other neighbor and she showed me where there is a window loose that is a crawl space under the house. They were there. I can not fit under her house so she will let me set food out for them. I will put my carrier near there and try to bait them with food a few days near the carrier so hey get used to it then put food in. I decided the trap was too big. I hope to get at least one if not all.I am the only one who can take them in . I called all the shelters all full and will not help with vet checkup.I am only working pt so I will not be able to keep them plus . I already have two.I hope if Mama gets used to carrier then kittens will all go in to feed. They have moved next to a yard with a large dog. Neighbor is not friendly and does not keep the dog on a leash. So hoping kittens will not be hurt. Will do my best and hope they will become tame. I will update as soon as I catch them.Wish me luck. If I had money I would trap Mama to to spay her I do not have extra right now and no help from anyone else. Thanks.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Do your best.  Vibes you catch them all.  Keep calling around to see if some organization can help you spay mother.  Otherwise, you'll be doing this again in a few weeks.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Thank you for all the advice.Unfortunately the mama cat moved the kittens yesterday. Luckily we noticed them across the street. I went over to inform the other neighbor and she showed me where there is a window loose that is a crawl space under the house. They were there. I can not fit under her house so she will let me set food out for them. I will put my carrier near there and try to bait them with food a few days near the carrier so hey get used to it then put food in. I decided the trap was too big. I hope to get at least one if not all.I am the only one who can take them in . I called all the shelters all full and will not help with vet checkup.I am only working pt so I will not be able to keep them plus . I already have two.I hope if Mama gets used to carrier then kittens will all go in to feed. They have moved next to a yard with a large dog. Neighbor is not friendly and does not keep the dog on a leash. So hoping kittens will not be hurt. Will do my best and hope they will become tame. I will update as soon as I catch them.Wish me luck. If I had money I would trap Mama to to spay her I do not have extra right now and no help from anyone else. Thanks.
There are always rescue groups who will help, usually now all fosters are full, however if you tell them you will self-foster they will help you.

This means getting mom TNR'd and kittens all fixed and up for adoption at no cost to you, you keep them in your care and take them to adoptions until they are all in new homes.

Just google cat rescue groups in your area to find them.

Also, I wouldn't count on trapping mama in the carrier, this will require the trap.