Totally TOTALLY ticked off at my son.

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
I really hope your son leaves the veterinary clinic feeling absolutely ashamed of himself about the way he mistreated and injuried poor Sam.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 1, 2003
New York
Abby - one good thing has come out of this - your son is honest, he may not have told the truth in the beginning but seems to have realized that it was important to confess it when he realized Sam was hurt. Some children would never admit to it, especially knowing that you would be upset with them (and rightfully so). I am glad you're taking him to the vet, I think that will help him understand how fragile animals are when dealing with big brutes like us humans. When I was that age I don't think I understood that people and animals could get hurt when you're "playing" so he has learned a valuable lesson, hopefully Sam will come out of this unscathed.

Hang in there, it sounds like you're doing all the right things, for Sam, your son and the other cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 6, 2003
Georgia USA
I am so sorry about Sam and hope everything will be ok with him.

I remember when we were in a hotel in germany waiting the last few days there to make our final move here in the usa . I was in the shower at that time when this happend and so my hubby only told me . My son at that time 4 years old were with Samy my Persian who has passed away now in the bedroom . My husband were in the small livingroom watching some TV . And all of a sudden my son come running out from the bedroom screeming and right behind him Samy chasing my son and swating at him
. My hubby was laughing his a** off . I am sure my son had picked on Samy some how , to tick my cat off . But ever since my son had a great respect of cats and I guess he sure learnt his lession too . And yeas I did check Samy after that to see if he was ok and he was . I also had a great talk with my son not to pick or harm on any cats . Of course he said he did not do anything
, yea right like I would beliefe that .


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 4, 2003
Living in the land of not enough time
I have an 8 year old nephew. When they are playing or angry, they don't think far enough ahead to realize consequences. I totally agree with making him deal with the vet and the vet bill. My nephew recently got angry, threw something at his brother, who ducked, and broke a lamp. He is doing extra chores to pay off the lamp, and I know its going to be a LONG time before he throws things again! Especially since he has a $100 bill and his chores are only worth $1-2.00!

I would also make him responsible for Sam's care.
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jan 27, 2004
Sam's leg isn't broken or dislocated, but it is sprained. Sam behaved very nicely this time and only bit the vet twice. (Last time he wrapped himself around his arm and wasn't going to let go till it thundered) They gave him a cortisone shot to help with swelling.

We got a tour of the animals that are being held after surgeries and the ones whose owners have not picked them up yet, there were two with broken legs there. The vet explained over and over how easy it is to hurt a cat because their bones are so much smaller than a humans and compared it to breaking a chicken bone. My son spent the while time there with a red face and his head down. He sat in the room with us while they checked Sam out and just watched. They gave him a book to read on "how to treat our furry critters" too. It explains alot of different ways you can unintentionally hurt an animal, what the animal feels like after its been hurt and what they have to go thru to get better. One of the vets at the clinic wrote the book and had it printed for just these occasions.
We were on the way home and he asked if we could stop for milkshakes and I told him no, I just spent $50 at the vet. Since we have been home he's been sitting next to Sam petting him. I think he is telling him he is sorry in his own way.

I told him I would make a list of things he can do around here to help pay for the vet bill and if he makes ANY inappropriate move at all towards the cats the rest of this week, he has to stay with his father while myself and my youngest go to my boyfriend's race in Kentucky this weekend. My mom says that is too harsh, but I think this should be treated as seriously as possible to prevent a recurrance and to make sure he remembers never to do it again. He knows if he so much as makes a fast move toward one of them, he's staying home this weekend. And he is not allowed to ride his bike and motorcycle till hes paid back at least $35 of the $50.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 6, 2004
Manchester UK
Oh dear me Abby. You must be feeling terrible. So glad Sam's leg is not broken, dislocated etc. I really admire the way you have dealt with this and the vet seemed to be very helpful. I can't help but feel sorry for your son too he must be feeling awful by now because the reality of what he has done must be truly embedded in him. Painful way to learn but I'm sure he will never forget this. Hope you can relax a bit now. Glad he is sitting next to Sam, fabulous sign.


TCS Member
Mar 2, 2002
Lakewood (Denver suburb), Colorado
Sounds like you've got a really good vet to take the time to spend with you and your son explaining how serious this is. I'm so glad Sam's leg isn't broken or dislocated. Sounds like it sunk in with your son.

I don't think that your punishment is going overboard at all. After all, wouldn't he be punished the same if he accidentally hurt your other child by doing something he shouldn't?


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
Knowing that some parents do not even care about what their children are doing, I applaud you for caring about your son. I hope that the anger has faded, for anger will frighten him, and he certainly has learned that actions that are inappropriate do have consequences. Perhaps at the end of all of this, you can take him out for a milkshake and a hamburger so the resentment doesn't build up inside of him. I am glad that Sam's leg was not broken- I was worried that it might be.

he is lucky you are his parent.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 6, 2003
Georgia USA
Praise God Sam is ok , I am glad it was not worse then that . I am sure your son has learnt his lession with that , I also think your vet help with that in a great way . Remember your son is still young and has to learn a lot , he may remember this for the rest of his life .Like my son did . Kids are always kids and have to learn , but it take a great parent to help a child to learn . And you did great as a responsible parent


TCS Member
Jan 21, 2002
Movin' on up!
Kids have to learn to take responsibility for their actions. I always made my kids pay for thier breakage, out of their allowances and aluminum can money.

Mark put a cat in the shower, once. I gave Mark a swat on the butt and dried Bootsie off. After grooming himself, Bootsie calmly walked into the kids' bedroom and took a HUGE dump in the middle of Mark's bed. That cat had a well-honed sense of retribution! That was the only time, in his life, that Bootsie went anywhere, except the litter box. I made Mark strip the bed, change the sheets AND wash the soiled ones.

Mark has NEVER been mean to an animal. since.

gus's mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 27, 2003
Vancouver Canada
Take your son with you to the vet so he can see the end result of what he's done. Since I'm a meanie, I'd also make him share some of his allowance to help pay for the vet bill. That's just me though
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jan 27, 2004
I'm not mad at my son at all now. I'm a pretty forgiving person and I refuse to hold a grudge against my children especially. I very seldom show any anger towards my kids. Every once in awhile, right before I sit in the corner to drool and eat my own hair, I will "ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG", they always tell one another "now you done drove mom crazy, way to go". I always tell them, I am angry with what choice you just made and I go to another room to choose my words carefully so they get the message of what Im saying instead of just hearing mom's mad. Ive found it to be a good strategy because they never know what the outcome may be and they have time to think about what they did.

He offered up his birthday money to pay for his part of the vet bill. I told him it wasn't about the money, it was about learning consequences of a poor choice he made. (I don't use the word "bad")
Sam seems to be forgiving too, since he laid next to him all evening on the couch purring up a storm and loving a 2 hour belly rub. We also agreed that this whole incident stays with us (and Grandma since she was here)
I think enough was said and enough was done, and no one else needs to say anything to him about it. I hate when my kids do something then have to hear about it for 3 weeks from different people. My phliosphy is: its done, over, fixed, we've learned, lets move on. I think this will take some time, since he's got quite a debt, but he's already worked off $3 of it from taking out the bathroom trash, rinsing dishes and helping fold laundry tonite. He's a very very smart boy, he catches on fast.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Originally Posted by Talon

Your son is lucky to have you for a mother.
And how!! What could have been tragedy and poison you have turned into a fantastic learning experience. My hat's off to you.

So glad that Sam's injury was not more serious.
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  • #35


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jan 27, 2004
Thank you.

Sam is still limping pretty good. Not that I expect it to heal overnite, though it would be nice! We have developed a new game. Instead of playing fetch with the mousies--Sams favorite game in the world--I sit a few feet from him on the floor and we toss it back and forth. Its not stopped him from annoying Sally though. We went thru the morning ritual of him sitting in front of Sally's food bowls with his tail across them so she can't eat. I dont know who it bothers more, me or her. He's so darn onery