Took In My Neighbor’s Abandoned She Needs To Go To Vet


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
You could get a water fountain. Some cats are more attracted to moving water. Or maybe make some unseasoned chicken stock or broth (just boiled bones and/or chicken meat). You could freeze the chicken broth in ice cube trays for easy portions.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Update!!! I brought her to the vet tonight instead and it’s not a UTI. It’s Feline Idiopathic Cystitis. I got a urinalysis just Incase but the vet seemed sure this was the problem. I got two medications for her, including a painkiller and everything cost $206, which is what I figured it would cost.

FIC is usually triggered by stress. She is certainly stress proned, as you can see from her bald paws in her old pics because cats also lick themselves excessively when they are stressed are depressed. She has no bald spots now so I didn’t think about anxiety. What I’m assuming happened is she was attacked or nearly attacked that Friday afternoon, which is why she wouldn’t go out Saturday and the rest of the week (when she usually LOVES to go outside) and has been super clingy and needy since and the stress from whatever attack/altercation caused the FIC to develop, which is why the urinary symptoms only began 3 days ago. The only other stressor is that my mom is redoing the bathroom next to her playroom and blasts her music, which I yell at her for and say she’s upsetting my cat. But she usually sleeps when the music is on and doesn’t seem too bothered. The vet thinks something happened to her outside which caused the neediness and ultimately, the FIC developed.

I feel so guilty and like I failed her and I know I didn’t but it sure feels that way. I have been fighting with my family about letting her outside and they tell me I need to stop treating her like a baby and that she’ll be fine out there, which is obviously NOT the case. My mom has said she will help me build her a catio in a few weeks when it gets a little warmer, and I was doing my own research on them BEFORE this happened so I have some plans on how I want to do it. My baby has no desire to go outside anymore really anyway (she went out for a few minutes yesterday and today and that’s been it since last week) so I think she’ll be happy with the catio. I’ve noticed since last Saturday she’s been sitting in the window a lot more. I don’t know if she’s looking for whatever predator scared her or if she just misses it outside and is bored. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I’m hoping the catio is the answer to this issue long term. I put a bed in front of the window so she can look outside and nap.

My only other concern is getting my little girl to swallow these pills!!! This is going to be a challenge!! Anyone have any suggestions?
Look up how to burrito wrap your cat.
She is better off inside because THIS time she has something you can cure next time you may not be so lucky.
At some point responsibility goes to her former owners to prove she was not abandoned. That they were aware you had taken her in , taken her to the veterinarian and they did not come and collect their sick pet or ask for her back. My understanding is they are well aware she is living with you. It would seem to me and IANAL that if you texted one of the adults in the house and they texted back you have proof they KNOW you have taken over the guardianship of their cat. Some of the standard cover your backside might be harmful such as putting up fliers or having your local shelter run her as a lost pet. You are afraid because you've give your heart to this little girl and it would be horrible to have to give her up.
You seem to have put them on notice you have taken her and they have not responded by saying give our cat back ?
Does a Microchip Prove Ownership of a Cat? If you don't get hits substitute dog for cat. That is the only way I found legal information when I sued the veterinarian from hell. Cats just don't get as much attention under the law. Generally there is a statue where an unclaimed lost pet you are caring for becomes your legal property.
It's difficult because the law does not allow finders keepers as in oh cool I found this really cute cat and i'm keeping it. That's stealing and the owners can reclaim their cat no matter how much you want it or you disagree with how it's being treated. In this case they know you have the cat are caring for it and have made no protest. Keep a record of all expenses. Since you found a vet who would treat her don't obsess over the chip. That is something you can clear up when the opportunity presents itself.
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  • #83


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
Look up how to burrito wrap your cat.
She is better off inside because THIS time she has something you can cure next time you may not be so lucky.
At some point responsibility goes to her former owners to prove she was not abandoned. That they were aware you had taken her in , taken her to the veterinarian and they did not come and collect their sick pet or ask for her back. My understanding is they are well aware she is living with you. It would seem to me and IANAL that if you texted one of the adults in the house and they texted back you have proof they KNOW you have taken over the guardianship of their cat. Some of the standard cover your backside might be harmful such as putting up fliers or having your local shelter run her as a lost pet. You are afraid because you've give your heart to this little girl and it would be horrible to have to give her up.
You seem to have put them on notice you have taken her and they have not responded by saying give our cat back ?
Does a Microchip Prove Ownership of a Cat? If you don't get hits substitute dog for cat. That is the only way I found legal information when I sued the veterinarian from hell. Cats just don't get as much attention under the law. Generally there is a statue where an unclaimed lost pet you are caring for becomes your legal property.
It's difficult because the law does not allow finders keepers as in oh cool I found this really cute cat and i'm keeping it. That's stealing and the owners can reclaim their cat no matter how much you want it or you disagree with how it's being treated. In this case they know you have the cat are caring for it and have made no protest. Keep a record of all expenses. Since you found a vet who would treat her don't obsess over the chip. That is something you can clear up when the opportunity presents itself.
Great advice thank you so much!!!! Yes, they are well aware she is here and has been here and her owner has made comments such as “looks like she’s adopted you” “I can see why she loves you so much” and when Ari went over there once in the past two months, she texted me saying “look who came to visit” basically stating she no longer lives there with them. I have all texts saved, all receipted saved with copies just incase they fade like receipts do. I’ve bought her every toy in the world so the receipts from just the last two months not including the vet bill yesterday has to be around $1000. The one thing I’m curious about is her vaccinations. I don’t know when she’s last had them and I can’t exactly explain to the vet the situation because I told them it was my late sister’s cat. And trust me, I never wanted her to go outside. We lost one kitty to a car hitting her, and almost lost another to a raccoon ripping her stomach open. My mom lets her out and then let’s the dogs out so that she’s too scared to come back in and will get stuck out there for hours. I have put a stop to that, and compromised with my mom to let her out early in the morning when the raccoons and other animal predators are sleeping, drunks who may drive drunk are home sleeping it off or at work, most people are at work and not driving around, little kids aren’t outside playing they’re at school or daycare, and young teenage drivers are in school. She goes out for .5-2 hours and then comes home. Not anymore. The day before she was possibly attacked out there, our family friends cat was hit by a car. I’m not waiting to see what happens next. This neighborhood is too busy and we have a very very large backyard (we actually have an entire extra house lot) so I will be building her a large catio in the next few weeks. Because you are absolutely right, she’s fine this time but next time she may not be so lucky.
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  • #84


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
You could get a water fountain. Some cats are more attracted to moving water. Or maybe make some unseasoned chicken stock or broth (just boiled bones and/or chicken meat). You could freeze the chicken broth in ice cube trays for easy portions.
I was thinking chicken broth actually so maybe I’ll try that. And I have been considering the water fountain. I’ve been looking at some because I wanted to get one for the catio I’m going to start building, but maybe an indoor one would keep her interested. I’ve seen her jump up on the sink and play with dripping water before so I think she’d love that. Thanks for the suggestions !!!
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  • #85


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with your vet and your kitty?
Look up how to burrito wrap your cat.
She is better off inside because THIS time she has something you can cure next time you may not be so lucky.
At some point responsibility goes to her former owners to prove she was not abandoned. That they were aware you had taken her in , taken her to the veterinarian and they did not come and collect their sick pet or ask for her back. My understanding is they are well aware she is living with you. It would seem to me and IANAL that if you texted one of the adults in the house and they texted back you have proof they KNOW you have taken over the guardianship of their cat. Some of the standard cover your backside might be harmful such as putting up fliers or having your local shelter run her as a lost pet. You are afraid because you've give your heart to this little girl and it would be horrible to have to give her up.
You seem to have put them on notice you have taken her and they have not responded by saying give our cat back ?
Does a Microchip Prove Ownership of a Cat? If you don't get hits substitute dog for cat. That is the only way I found legal information when I sued the veterinarian from hell. Cats just don't get as much attention under the law. Generally there is a statue where an unclaimed lost pet you are caring for becomes your legal property.
It's difficult because the law does not allow finders keepers as in oh cool I found this really cute cat and i'm keeping it. That's stealing and the owners can reclaim their cat no matter how much you want it or you disagree with how it's being treated. In this case they know you have the cat are caring for it and have made no protest. Keep a record of all expenses. Since you found a vet who would treat her don't obsess over the chip. That is something you can clear up when the opportunity presents itself.
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  • #88


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
Thank you!!!! She’s doing much better today! And I know I love her so even if she was ugly I’d still think she was cute but I really feel like she’s a beautiful cat. All the girls at the vet said how gorgeous she is and how pretty her eyes are. They’re big and green it’s hard to tell in the pics but they’re so pretty and I love her little chubby cheeks lol :)
Awww! She looks like a happy kitty. Nice clear, bright eyes. She's beautiful! :dizzycat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
She sure looks better. I see you got her a lot of fun toys!
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  • #93


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
Good morning cat lovers!! So my baby is doing wonderfully. She was laying on me all day, we played a lot, and she ate and drank (I put a few pieces of kibble in a bowl of water and she ate the few pieces but drank ALL the water!!) She is not a fan of liquid medicine time :\ I had a lot of trouble giving it to her yesterday but then this morning we put her on her Mickey Mouse couch, I put a towel over her so she couldn’t swat, and my mom got the medicine in her mouth. It was quick and easy and she was rubbing against me right after. My mom said as soon as she saw the syringe at first, she ran away. I have a feeling the quicker it is, the less she’ll hate it so my moms going to help me from now on. And she’s been eating her food with her crushed up pills mixed in.

The only issue is she hasn’t pooped. I know opioids can cause constipation so I’m a bit concerned. If she doesn’t go by the morning, I’ll call the vet for some medication to help. In the meantime, is there any food I can give her to help her go?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Hairball pastes or treats can help with constipation. Also, you could try a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil in her food, but my cats won't eat it.
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  • #95


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
Hairball pastes or treats can help with constipation. Also, you could try a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil in her food, but my cats won't eat it.
I have hairball treats I can try. She’s not a fan but hurting again can’t hurt. And olive oil I will try. She has food with “extra gravy” and she loves to lick it off so I don’t think the olive oil with be a deterrent. Thanks!!! It must be a side effect of the opiod. My poor baby can’t catch a break :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
You probably wouldn't need to use much olive oil, when I tried it I used 1/4 tsp since that's how much hairball paste I use.
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  • #97


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Jersey Shore
I just called her vet. I thought they were closed on Sundays but the main office is open for few hours on Sunday. She said it’s probably from the pain meds, which I figured. The only doctor In is with a patient so she’s going to give me a call back. They’re great there I’m so glad I went there.

Her old owner still hasn’t texted or called. Not about the letter. Not to see how the baby feels or if she’s even alive. Disgusting.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Thank you for the update. Sounds like she's feeling much better!

I wouldn't worry about giving her anything today for constipation. Her poop schedule may be off from the stress of the infection and the vet visit. You'll see her straining to poop in the cat box if constipation gets bad. If she doesn't go today, give your vet a call when they open tomorrow to get advice.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
My post looks "out of order"....sorry! I left the screen open while I washed some dishes and replied before checking for the new updates. :rolleyes:

Is she straining like she really needs to poop but can't?